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October 9, 19lA. <br /> <br />before the Council shall take final action thereon. <br /> Eighth. A Committee on Almshouse, consisting of five members, tkree from the Common Coun- <br />cil and two from theBoard of Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all matters the <br />Almshouse, and who shall make a monthly report of their proceedings to the Council. <br /> Ninth. A Committee on Cemeteries, consisting of five members, three from the Common Coun- <br />cil and two from the Board of Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the <br />burial grounds. <br /> Tenth. A Committee on Lights, consisting of five members, three from the Common Council <br />and two from the Board of Aldermen~to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the light- <br />ing and management of the public~lghts on the streets or in the public buildings ~of the city. <br /> Eleventh. A Committee on Water and Sewerage, consisting of five members,'three from the <br />Common Council and two from the Board of Aldermen, who shall have the direction and charge of <br />laying all mains, lateral and ot?~r pipes in the streets, lanes and public alleys of the City, <br />the location of fire plugs and public h~drants, and, in general, to supervise all matters per- <br />raining to the water supply provided for by the Council, and general supervision of all matters <br />relating to the sewerage o~ the City, and to them shall be referred all matters relating to the <br />introduction off and supplying the City with water and all matters relating to sewerage. <br /> Twelfth. A Committee on Ferries and Public Docks~ consisting of five members, three from <br /> the Coma~on Council and two from the Board of Aldermen, who shall have charge of all public docks <br /> and shall act in conjunction with a similar committee appointed by the Circuit Court of Norfolk <br /> County, and they shall Jointly have the full management and control Of the Ferry, and shall make <br /> a quarterly report of their proceedings to the Council. <br /> Thirteenth. A Committee on Police, consisting of five members, three from the Common Coun- <br /> cil and two from the Board of Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all matters within the Juris- <br /> diction of the Council relating to the city poll.ce. <br /> <br /> Sec. BO. A quorum of any committee shall consist of a majority of the members of the com- <br /> mittee, provided, the committee of the whole Council shall require a majority of the members of <br /> each branch to constitute a quorum. <br /> <br /> Sec. Bt. When any member of a committee fails to attend three consecutive meetings of such <br /> committee, such member shall thereupon cease to be a member thereof and shall be ineligible for <br /> re-appomntment as a member of such committee during the life ~f.zthe then existing Council. It <br /> shall be the duty of one of the remaining members of the committee to notify the President of <br /> either branch of the existing vacancy. <br /> <br /> Eec. BB. That when it becomes necessary to appoint joint special commit~ee~, the .propor- <br /> tions of such between the two branches shall be, as nea~ as practicable, the same as for joint <br /> Standing Committees; but the cha:irmanshipe of all special committees shall lie with ~he body in <br /> which the cause for said committee originated. <br /> <br /> Sec. B3. The rules of the Council may be suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members <br />present. The ~les of parliamentary practice comprised on Jefferson's Manual shall govern the <br />Council in all cases lo which they are applicable and in which they a~e not incOnsi-st~mt~'~!th <br />the ~uies of the Council. <br /> (Signed) S. Cleburne Brow~e, B. of ~. <br /> (Signed~ Joe. S. Moore~ Comm~on Council. <br /> (Signed) C.H.~ Herbert, " " <br /> (Signed) W.D. Morgan, " " <br /> <br />The report having been read, Sections 1 and B were adopted without objection. <br /> <br /> As concerned section Z, )Er. White moved to amend that after the words "No business shall be <br />transacted at a special meeting" the phrase~ "except by unanimous eonsen~ be inserted. <br /> M~v. Markham moved to amend that the section be adopted as presented. The amendment was <br />adopted. <br /> <br /> Section 4 was adopted as presented; section B was adopted withou~ objection; section 6 was <br />adopted as presented; sections 7, 8, ~, i0, !I~ and lB were adopted w~thout objection; section <br />l~ was adopted as presented; and sections 1~, lB, 15, l?, 18, and 19 were adopted without cb~eo- <br />t~on. <br /> <br /> With regard to. section BO, M~. ~oore move~ha~ after the <br />"there shall be~ue member fro~each/braneh at such meet <br /> Mr. Langhorne moved to <br />vided" the followin-~"ea~h.braneh shall be ~ep~esented <br /> The amendment by Mr. Langhorne was ~opted. <br /> <br />word <br /> <br />"provided," there be inserted <br /> '~ after the word "pro- <br /> <br />the <br />oil <br /> <br /> M~. MarkD~m then offered the following amendment to section gO: that immediately following <br />words of the amen~lme~t just adopted a sentence should read~~ The Committee of the whole Court- <br />shall require a majority of the members of each branch to ~onetitute a quorUm." <br /> The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br />Then section EO was adopted as amended. <br /> <br /> As regards Section El, Mr. Moore moved to insert after the <br />ings of ~uch oommittee~ the words "without a reasonable excuse <br /> The motion was adOpted and then the section as amen8 <br /> <br />~ae ac <br /> <br />"three consecutive meet- <br /> <br /> )Er. Markham next moved to adopt the following two sections without reference to their num- <br />bers, expl$ining that he desired as previou~sly stated, to offer an amendmen~ to the majority re- <br />po~% numbering said amendment as section B~. <br /> The motion by N~. Markham was adopted. <br /> <br /> He then moved that section B~ be imserted to <br />Oommittee shall be eligible to serve on any other <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />read as follows: <br />s~anding committee <br /> <br />"No member of the~Finance <br />of the Cotu~cil~~ <br /> <br /> <br />