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Fl, C. p, <br /> <br />Qctober 9, 1914. <br /> <br /> shall be final. <br /> <br /> Sec. 8o. After the Council shall have finally rejected an ordinance or resoluti~on, another <br /> of substantially the same import shall not be placed on the docket by the Clerk or entertained <br /> by the Council, or either branch thereof, before the expiration of three months, after which <br /> time such rejection shall have no effect thereon. <br /> <br />Sec. 9. The President shall preserve order and decide all quest~ione of orde~r; bdt any <br />.member may appeal to hie branch of the Council from the decision of the President on any ques- <br />ti.on of order. <br /> <br /> Sec. 10. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, <br />minutes at one time, without leave of his branch of the Council. <br /> <br /> Sec. 11. No proposition to relinquish any claim due the City, or to alter or repeal any <br />Ordinance or any ~ule of the Council, or to enact any new ordinance, or to establish any new <br />rule, sha~ll be ac~ed on at the same meeting at which it is made. No such proposition shall be <br />made or decided at any other than a regular meeting, unless a special or adjoum~sd meeting be <br />appointed for that purpose. <br /> <br /> Sec. 1E. No rule of the Council shall be suspended by either bra~h without the concur- <br /> rence of two-thirds of its members present. <br /> <br /> Sec. lB. No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceeding the sum of one hundred <br />dolla~s shall be passed except by a recorded affirmative vote of a majority of all the members <br />elected to each branch of the Council, nor shall any ordinance or resolution appropriating <br />money exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing <br />of money be passed by the two branches on the same day; neither shall the branch in which any <br />such 0~dinance or resolution is proposed pass the same on the day of i~s introduction. <br /> <br /> Sec. lA. When a member rises to speak he shall respectfully address~"Mr. President~ stand- <br />ing in his place; he shall ¢o~ine himself strictly to the question before the Council, and when <br />he has finished he shall sit down. <br />When two or more members rise at the same time, the President shall name the person to <br />speak, ~b~t~Z~ all cases the member who shall first rise an~d address the chair shall speak first. <br /> <br /> Sec. 1~. After a member has been entered on the minutes as present at any mee. ting, he <br />shall.not, without leave of the body, absent himself from such meeting for a longer period than <br />ten minutes, until adjournment. <br /> <br /> Sec. 16. At the request of any member present, the ayes and noes on any question shall be <br />recorded. <br /> <br /> Sec. 17. <br /> Sergeant a~-Arms. <br /> He shall ~ttend upon the Council during its sittings, and shall execute its commands, to- <br />gether with all such process issued by their authority, as shall be directed to him by the Pres- <br />ident of either branch~of, ihe~Oou~Sil. Ne shall~under the direction of the President of either <br />branch 6f the Councit~have charge of the CouncilChamber and shallprevent any interruption of <br />the business of the Council by disorder within or without. <br /> <br /> Sec. 18. All joint standing and special committees shall be appointed by the Presidents <br />of the two branches in the proportion of three from the Common Council and' two from the Board <br />of Atderme~where a committee consists of five, and of two from the Common Council and one from <br />the Board of Alderme~.,where a committee consists of three. <br /> <br /> Sec. 19. The Presidents of the two branches of the Council shall, at their first regular <br />meetings after election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, appoint the following standing <br />committees: <br /> <br /> First. Com~ittee on Rules to consist of five members, three of whom shall be appointed <br /> E~om the Common Council and two from the Board of Aldermen. <br /> Second. A Committee on Auditing and Claims, consisting of five members, three from the <br /> Common Council and two from the Board of Aldermen, who shall have general supervision of ac- <br /> counts audited, and shall audit all bills against the City not otherwise provided by. ordinance <br /> for auditing. To this Committee shall be referred also all claims against the City. <br /> Third. A Committee on Finance, consisting of five members, three from the Common Council <br /> and two from the Board of Aldermen~ to whom shall be referred all matters relating to finance, <br /> and. whose duty it shall be to report at the regular meetings of those bodies in January in each <br /> year an estimate of the debts and expenditures of the City fo~ the ensuing year, with an esti- <br /> mate of the probable income of the City from taxes, lsvies, rents, &c., each source to be spe- <br /> cified. They ~hall also make a quarterly examination of the Treasurer's accounts, and render <br /> a report thereof to the two bodies at their regular meetings in July, October, January and April <br /> in each year. <br /> Fourth. A Committee on ~treets, consisting of five members, three from the Common Council <br /> and two from the Board ~f Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all. matters relating to streets, <br />'foot-ways, bridges, &c. . <br /> .~ _Fifth.~ A Committee on Public P~opertyand Schools, consisting of five members, three from <br /> mae ~ommon ~ouncil and two from the Board of Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all matters <br /> relating to the Market House, public free schools, City Hall, City tots and other public.proper- <br /> t~except such as may be otherwise specially provided for in this or other ordinances. <br /> Sixth. A Committee on the Fire Department, consisting, of five members, three from the.Com- <br /> mon Council ~nd t~o f~om t~? Board of A~dermen, $o whom shall be referred all matters relatin~ <br /> to the Fire ~par~menm_or ~re epg~ne? mn the City, and who shall require from the ChSef EngtZ <br /> neet of the ~mre oepar~men~ a ~ua-r~er~y report, which shall be submitted to the Council with <br /> any remarks or comments deemed pertinent by ~he Committee. <br /> Seventh~ A Committee on Ordinances, consisting of five members, three from the Common Coun- <br /> cil ~nd two from the Board of Aldermen, to whom shall be referred all proposed ordinances and <br /> <br /> <br />