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R, C. P. <br /> <br />0~ ~ <br /> e~ober 9 1914. <br /> <br />tee shall be allowed to die in the hands of the Committee, <br />taken up as near as possible in <br />the <br /> <br />but al~l matters so <br /> <br />terpretation of the <br />folk Water <br /> <br /> referred shall be <br /> order, considering dates referred, and shall be reported on to <br />Council within a reasonable time, either favorably or unfavorably.. <br /> The motion_ by Mr. Whitehurst was ~iscussed, but failed of ~doption. <br /> <br /> Finally, the tales wer~ adopted as amended,, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes--Langhorne, Flournoy, Cart, Markham, Wilson, Davis, Browne, Bag~ell, Pile, <br /> White, ~rgees, Corbitt, Cain, Hanvey, He, bert, Moore, Hutchins, Whitehurst <br /> Shellings, Flemming, Laylor, Nontague, Wrzght, Morgan, Wright (~rover C. ' <br /> F. P. Baldwin, Robt. L. ~oo~e, See, <br /> <br /> (The rules as adopted were referred to t~he two branches of Council for concurrence). <br /> Second. Advisability of referring to the Joint Water & Sewerage Committee for proper in- <br /> contract between the City of Portsmouth and the Portgmouth, Berkle.y & Sknf- <br /> <br />Mr. White moved that the matter be. so referred. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />October ZO, 1914. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen <br /> <br />Messrs--L. H. <br /> M.B. <br /> J.H. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the <br />Join~ <br /> <br />October BOth there were present:. <br /> <br />Davis, President, C. N. Markham, Vice-President, <br />Langhorne, E. L. Barlow, Lorenzo Carr~ L. Privett, <br />Wilson,~S. Cleburne Browne, W. G. Baggell, Henry Pile, <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br /> regular meeting September 15th, special meeting September SOth,'and <br />Session October 9th were read and were approve~. <br /> <br />A~dit lng-- <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF CONMITTEESl <br /> <br />The Auditor reported having examined bills against <br /> <br />the City for the month of <br /> $5, 177.82 <br /> <br />September, 1914, and he recommended the payment of same to the.following amounts: <br /> <br />for the City Proper; $110.O0'for the Sixth Ward; and $~3.98 for the Seventh Ward. <br /> <br /> On motion, the bills were allowed and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Davis, Markham, <br /> ~anghorne, Barlow, ~arr, privett, Wilson~ Browne, Bagwell, Pile, 10.- <br /> Finance-- Hon. Boa=&~.of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:~- ~o~r Finance .Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Committee September <br /> <br />1914: <br /> Referred by Common Council September ~th. <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for August, 1914. <br /> Progress as to same~ <br /> <br /> A request of the Treasurer to make notes to amount of $20,000.00, to meet Current Expenses <br />for October, 1914. <br /> It is recommended that said request be granted and that the following resolution be <br />adopted therefor: <br /> Resolved, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to make notes <br />in The Merchants & Farmers Bank, The Bank o~ Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidwwater, and The First <br />National Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($EO, O00,O0), to meet Current <br />EXpenses'for October, 1914; said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the current <br />year. <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Committee) A request of the Oity Sergeant for a new heater for th6 <br />City Jail. <br /> We report that Se'have conferred with the Public Property Committee concerning this <br />heater, have agreed that an expenditure not to exceed $75. will put it in condition for use dur- <br />ing the coming winter, and recommend that said amount be appropriated therefor. <br /> <br /> A bill of the League of Virginia Municipalities to amount of $S4.00, for dues to said Leag- <br />u~ for the year 1914~ <br /> <br /> <br />