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Ooto~r 9, 1914. <br /> <br />At a Joint Session <br /> <br />of the two branches of City Council October ~th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--M. B. Langhorne, W. E. Flou~noy, Lorenzo Cart, C. Nm Markham, <br /> J. H. Wilson, L. R. Davis, S. Cleburne Browne, W. G. Bagweil, <br /> Henry Pile, <br /> T. F. White, E. S. Burgess, W. C. Corbitt~ J. T. N~nvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, Joe. S. Moore, J~ ~m Whltehurst, J. E. Snellings, <br /> H. L. Flemming, S. B. Laylor, S. T. ~ontague, Jr., Earl H. Wright, <br /> W. D. Morgan~ Grover C. Wright. F.~P. Baldwin, Robt'. L. Moore, <br /> B. S. See, C~ $. Hutchins, M, T. Cain, 28. <br /> <br />The following directions for the Joint <br /> <br />.~r. L. P. Blater, <br /> City Clerk, City. <br /> <br />Session were read: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., October 8, 1914. <br /> <br /> "DeAr Sir:- "You will please call a Joint Session of t'he two branches of CitF Coun0il for <br />Friday, 0cto~er 9th, at 8 o'clock P. M., to consider: <br /> "First. Rules for government of the City Council, recommended by the Joiut ~ommittee on <br />Rules for adoption. <br /> "Second. Advisability cf referring to the Joint ~ater and Sewerage Committee <br />interpretation of the contract between the City of Portsmouth and the Portsmouth, Berkley - <br />folk Water Company. "Very truly, <br /> <br /> "L. R. <br /> <br />"W. C. Corbitt, Prest. Common Council." <br /> <br />Davis, <br /> Prest. B. of A. <br /> <br />The "call" having been read, the ~report of the Committee on Rules was presented. <br /> <br />Whereupon, Mr. Moore moved tb~t the report be read as a whole and then by sections. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham ~ave ~otice that he proposed to offer a mino. rity report as concerned section <br />of the report.- <br /> <br /> Mr. Browne moved that the report of the Committee, after having been discusse~ be printed <br />or typewrittem and acted on at a subequent meeting. <br /> Mr. Markhammovedto amend that the proposedruiee be taken up and acted on at this meet- <br />ing. The amendment was adopYed. <br /> <br />Then the report of the 0ommittee was read. <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> ~- Gentlemen.-- Your ~ommittee on Rules,~appointed <br /> <br />September S-15th, 1914, "to formulate and recommend rules for the government of the two branches <br /> <br />of the City Council," respectfully presents the following rules for adOptiOn: <br /> <br /> Bec. 1. There shall be a regular meeting of the Common Council on the second Tuesday, and <br />of the Board o~ Aldermen on the third Tuesdayin every month at such hours as may be-determined <br />by resolution of each branch. <br /> The President or any three members of a branch of the Council ma~ call a special meeting. <br /> <br /> Sec~ S~ The City Clerk shall cause a notice in writing of all meetings of the Council, or <br />either branch thereof, to be delivered at'least twenty-four hours prior to the time appointed <br />for such~meetings, to each member thereof, or of suo~ bra~ch, or delivered or mailed tc su~ ad- <br />dress in the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> Sec. ~. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting which is not distinctly and <br />specifically set.forth in the noti6e of such meeting. <br /> <br /> Sec. %. If a quorum be not present at the time appointed for any meeting of the Council, <br />or either branch thereof, a majority of thcs? p~esent may immediately adjourn; but no member in <br />attendance shall retire before adjournmeht without the consent of a maJ09ity of th~se present. <br /> <br /> Sec. 5. The order of business at all regular meetings shall be as follows: ] <br />correction and approval of minutes of previous meeting er meetings. The reading <br />shall consist of calling the various items, by reference only in their order on the pro- <br />w. ded, t~hat all or an~ part of the m~nutes sha~i be read a~ the request of any-~ omb , <br />Reports of commmttees, Third U~f~nmshed~bus~ness (i~clude un~ez thms head reports .of offmcers <br />and matters referred by the other branch); Fourth~ New busmness. B~t if the body d&rect any~mat- <br />ter to be the specia2 business of any future meeting, the same shall be announced by ~he Presi- <br />dent at such future meeting immediately after the proceedings are read, and shall have priority <br />over all other business. <br /> <br /> Sec. 6. 'Every motion or proposition shall be'-reduced to writing if desired~-by <br /> of either brmnsh of the'Council or of any member, and shall be delivered in at <br /> to be there read; and the question shall be stated by the chair before the same ehati <br />iA~y motion o~ proposition may be withdrawn by ~hemoverat ar~y time before .a decisi0n~ amendment, <br /> or other action of the body upon it,"except.a motion to recomsider,.which shalt hot be With~Lwawn <br /> withou~ leave of the branch of the Council ~n which it is introduced. <br /> <br /> Sec. 7. When a question has been decided, it may be reconsidered on the motion of any mem- <br />~ber who voted with the prevailing side. When a motion is made to reconsider any action it shall <br /> be finally disposed Of on the same day unless then formally postponed to a definite time, and if <br /> <br /> <br />