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November i?, 1914. <br /> <br /> The Board concurred with the Common Council in adopting said amendment adopted by the <br />Common Council November 10th. <br /> <br /> Second. Matters adopted by the Common Council November 10th and referred to the Board of <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $EE9,003.50, falling due in Decem- <br />ber, 1914. <br /> <br /> To instruct the City Collector to submit to the Finance Committee a list of delinquent per- <br />sonal property taxes due for the years 19t~, 1915, and 1914, at the earliest possible date. <br /> <br /> On motion, the above were concurred in and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Davis, <br /> Markham, Langhorne, Flournoy, Barlow, Cart, Pr ivett,. Markham, Wilson, Browne, <br /> Bagwell, Pile, 1E. <br /> <br />Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> A communication was read from the Mayo~, enclosing a report from the Ci~Y Engi~n~eer, in <br />gard to the question of wast?~, ter .from the factory of the ~ortsmouth'Coal and Ic~ <br /> On motion, said m~tter was referred to the Street Committee. <br /> <br /> The Mayor returned his approval of the following matters adopted~by ~the two branches of <br />City Council October' 13~2Oth, 1914:~ <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer~to make notes to amounm of ~EO, O00. to meet Current Expenses <br />for October, 1914. <br /> To appropriate $15,000. to defray expenses of the Public Schools for the balance of the <br />fiscal year. <br /> To pay a bill of H~lton, Rawlings Co. to amount of-$1450.00, fo~ auditing the City books. <br /> To make avazlable $E50. of the $500. allowed mn the Budget for the "Orphan Asylum," and to <br />make same payable to the ~reasurer of said institution. <br /> To make available $315. allowed in the Budget for Board of Quarantine ~ommissioners." <br /> To pay Sixth Ward bills held up by the Auditor to amOUnt of $2EO.O0, out of funds bf said <br />Ward. <br /> To appropriate $1~5. for publishing the "Mayor's Annual~Message for 191~." <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $64,000.00 falling dme~i~-N~ovember, <br />1914. <br /> <br />Fourth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The reEular reports of Officers for the month of October, 1914, were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> The following ordinance ordered to lie on the table by this body October ~Oth was taken up <br />and read: <br /> Sn Ordinance to ~em~te~'~he Public Health and to Regulate the Sanitary Construction, <br />House Draining, an~ Plumbing; Registration of. Plumbers; Board of Examination of Plumbers; Their <br />Powers and Duties~ Compensation; Penalties. <br /> <br />The following amendments thereto adopted by-the Common Council November 10th, were read: <br /> <br /> ist, <br />dents~" <br /> <br />I, 1915. <br /> <br /> 4th <br /> 5th, <br /> 6th, <br />nor the <br /> <br />reguta~ <br /> <br />In See. 1, line 4, the words "and quali£i~e.~voter~" inserted after the word "re,i- <br />In Sec. l, line 5, the words "first Tuesday in 'January, 1906," changed to "January <br /> <br /> In ~ec. ~, line ?, ~h~ word~"plumbers" substituted fo~ the word "pers~s." <br /> In Eec. 4, line 4, the word "plumbers" substituted for the word "persons." <br /> In ~ec. 5, line i, ~the word "plumber" subsiituted for the word "person.~ <br /> in Sec. !E, the f~llowing substituted for said Section: "Neither the master plumber <br />journeym~n plumber shall be allowed any compensation for his services ~ the City." <br /> <br /> Mm. Markham moved that the ordinance be adopted, as amended by the Common Council. <br /> The matter was discussed by ~essrs. Narkb~, Langh~r~.e, Oa~r <br /> ~hereupon, Mr. Langhorne moved that action on the Ordinance ~edefer~ed until the next <br />meeting of the body. The motion was adopted. · <br /> <br /> The following ordinance ordered to lie on the table by this body October 2~th was taken up <br />and read also: <br /> An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordain Sections i, 18, EO, El, E4, E9, ~?, 40, 48, <br />51, and 5~ of Chapter lV of the'Ordinance Entitled, "Ordinance Fixing Duties of City Surveyor <br />and Inspector of Plumbing and Establishing Plumbing Regulations for the City of Portsmouth," A- <br />dopted by the Council June 9, 1896. <br /> <br />name ly, <br /> <br /> Mr. Langhorne then repeated his motion for this ordinance as fo= previous <br />that action on same be deferred ~ntil the next regular meeting cf the body. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />or dinano e, <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham moved that consideration of these two ordinances be made special order for the <br />next meeting of the body. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />(Messrs. Langhorne and Privett excused from further atten- <br /> dance). <br /> <br /> The following opinion was read from the City Attorney as to wh~the~ the Sixth and Seventh <br />Wards~ ~at the expiration of five years from date of the-City, have to pay their <br />own fire, police, water and school expenses out of their own revenues; and as to the right of <br /> <br /> <br />