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$4 <br /> <br />November I?: 1914. <br /> <br />made legal for over mwo years on personal property and; therefore~ we urge that the City Coliec- <br />tot use special effort to collect delinquent personal taxes. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) Matter of collecting a bill ~g~inst the Dalby~ Nottingbem Co. for <br />removal of dead horses from-its premises. <br /> It is recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to bring suit at once for col- <br />lection of this bill. <br /> <br />To mak~ <br /> It <br /> <br />available $150. allowed in the Budget for "Catching Dogs." <br />is recommended that said amount of $150. be made available. <br /> <br /> An additional, appropriation for the Police Department in connection with the "State-wide" <br />election. <br /> We report that no appropriation is necessary to pay expenses cf the Police Department <br />in said election; but it is recommended that an additional appropriation of $90.1~ under "elec-~ <br />tions," be made to pay judges, clerks and registrars. <br /> <br /> (With Fire Committee) A bill of J. C. Miller & Co. to amount <br />for the Fire Department. <br /> It is recommended that~said bill be, out of balance <br />get for "Horses." <br /> <br />$9oo. <br /> <br />for a horse purchased <br />allowed in the Bad- <br /> <br /> (With ~ity Attorney) A communication from the State Treasurer to the City Treasurer in <br />regardto holding up the payment to the Employers' Indemmity Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. <br /> We report that the City Attorney advises that the State Treasurer had anthorityunder <br />the law to instruct the City Treasurer to hold up the payment of any money in ha~d for said Em- <br />ployers' Indemnity Co. <br /> <br /> Payment for the Police Telephone System. <br /> It is recommended that the-$E~990, allowed fez said system in the ~Budget" be ~aid <br />The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company~ provided the bill for same is approved by the Police <br />Committee; attention of said Committea~be~ng called to condition of the. system, and also in <br />strutted to see that same is in good order before approving the bill. <br /> <br /> A communication f~om The Merchant~ & Farmers Bank in regard to $B5. EB paid by said bank <br />for interest on City coupons dnring Attgust and September. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be paid said ba~k and that it be paid also $14.40 <br />for interest since paid for the City on coupons. <br /> <br /> To make available the second half of the $500. allowed in the Budget for the "O~phan Asy- <br />ltum," amd to have same payable to the Treasurer of said institution. <br /> It is recommended that the second half of the $~00. be made available andthat it be <br />paid as requested. <br /> <br /> Advisability of advertising thedelinquent personal tax at the same time that the delinquent <br />real estate tax is advertised, cost of said advertising to. be paid by the. delinG~ent. <br /> We report that this matter is covered by recommendation in section above. <br /> <br />To submit a list of names, not less than six or more than of the Hustings <br />Court, requesting that he select the appraisers from said list ~sment of real <br />estate~. ~ · <br /> <br /> We have discussed this matter and it is recommended ~hat the City supplement the a- <br />mount allowed by the State~fo~ the re-assessment of property ($~.00 per day), the _~a~m~ount of Four <br />Dollars per diem ~f six hours' work, for a period not to.exceed fou~ and that the Fi- <br />nance Committee be authorized to submit to the Judge~a lmst ~f not than <br />t~n names, and respectfully request that he consider the names so ~ appe the <br />said assessors. <br /> <br /> Matter of curtailing notes now held Against the Oity by the seTe~al banks. <br /> We have discussed this matter~smd have imstrmcted the Auditor amd the Treasurer to pay <br />the City notes held by the banks, as far as the cash collected will permit, paymen~ to each bank <br />to be in proportion ~o their several loans. <br /> <br />Matter of assessment of real estate and personal property, rate or.lev <br />We repo~t that this matter willbe taken up with the "License <br /> <br /> tax. <br />1915-16. <br /> <br /> (With Street Committee) A bill of F. J. McGuire against the City to .amount of <br />for wox~ on upper F~igh street. Progress. <br /> <br /> To make available mo the Fire Department balance of the $900. <br />"~o~ses.# <br /> It is recommended that said balance be made available. <br /> <br />allowed in the Budget <br />(See section above). <br /> <br />for_ <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $15. for repair of a hose cart am the Sewer Power House~. <br /> It is recommended that said appropriation be allowed~ ou~ of "~e~eral ~xpe~ses" apt <br />propriatiom in the Sewerage budget. <br /> <br />the <br /> <br /> To trampler $~4.50 left from appropriation for "Repairs ~o Market," <br />06Urt room. <br /> It is recommended that said transfer be made. <br /> <br /> ~ t <br />to compAe e repairs to <br /> <br />year <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen October ~Oth. <br /> <br />A petition of J. T. Hanv. sy to be Te~unded $1.80 paid in erro~ for night soil <br />1914. <br /> It is recommended that said petition be g~anted. <br /> <br />~ax fez the <br /> <br />A petition of ~. J, Morecock to be refunded $41.40 paid in error for night soil tax for~ <br /> <br /> <br />