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December 15, 1914. <br /> <br />Referred by <br /> <br />Common Council November <br /> <br /> A petition of Charles Bunting to be paid for forty-three days <br />driver, on account of injuries received. <br /> It is recommended that said petition be granted and that <br /> <br />~ Signed) <br /> Signed) <br /> <br />10th. <br /> <br /> lost from service as engine <br /> the appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br /> On motion, the_ report of the Committee <br />referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />C. H. Herbert, Chairman. <br />S. C. Browne, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br />was adopted, the recommended appropriation being <br /> <br /> Almshouse-- <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- As authorized to do by the Board of Alder- <br />men OctOber gOth and by the Common CouncilNovember 10th, 1914, your Joint Almshouse Committee <br />have advertised for bids to furnish the Almshouse with supplies and the poo~ of the City with <br />medicines for the year 1915, and have received bids therefor from the following named pariies: <br />Fo~ Dry Goods, &c., from Phillips-Adams & Co., Inc., and. The Friedlin Co.; Suits, Hat~, &c., <br />from B~eslauer ~ Anthony; Men's Underwear, from Breslauer & Anthony; Shoes, J. M. Bennett and <br />The ~t~iedIin CO.; Rations, from I. C. Brinkley; Wood, from L. W. Silvester and the Portsmouth <br />Coal & Ice Co.; Blankets, J. ~. Crawford Co., Inc., Phillips-Adams & Co Inc. and The Friedlin <br />Co.; and M~dicines, from J. W. Booth & Bro. and N. G. Gayle. " <br /> It is recommended that award be made to I. C. Brinkley to supply rations for <br />he ~eing the onl~ bidder for same; and that awards he made to The Friedlin Co. to supply Dry <br />~oo~s, go., for $~.09~ to Bresl~uer & supply Suits, Hats, &c., for $S92.~V; to Bres- <br />zauer & Anthony tosupply Men? Underwear for ;BO~A~; to J. M. Bennett' to supply Shoes, for <br />to L. W. Silvester to ~u~ply ~5 cords of ~ood at $~.00 per cord; to The Friedlin Co. to supply <br />Blankets for $S$.75; and to J. W. Booth & Bro. to supply Medicines @ $.05 per prescription. They <br />being the lowest bidders for same, the quality of the goods being considered. <br /> <br /> (Signed) J.E. ~nelling$, Chairman. <br /> (Signed) C.N. Markham~ Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br />Ayes--Markham, LanEh~rne, Flournoy, Barlow, ~arr, Wilson, Browne,. 7. <br /> <br /> U~FINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the Board of Aldermen November l?th.and referred to the Common <br />Council for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To transfer $~00. from "Repairs to Asphalt" to "Incinerator," to meet expenses of the In- <br />cinerator for the balance of the year, <br /> <br /> To transfer fr6m "~undries" account of Cemetery Department to "Labor" account such amount <br />of "S~ndries" as is unexpended. <br /> <br /> To request the Sanitary Inspector to compel the owners of lots where the stables of the <br />Dalby, N~ttingham Co. were clean said lots and put them in a sightly condition. <br /> <br />The above were.oonou~rred ~n. <br /> <br /> Second. Matters adopted by the Common Council December 8th and referred to the Board of <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To allow an emergency appropriation of $~00. to put the fire alarm telegraph system in safe <br />condition. <br /> <br /> To refer the following matters to Finance Committee, with power ~o act: <br /> (a) To pay bills <br />f;r all unsettled accounts out of any available funds on hand. <br /> (b) To provide~for the December pay roll, pending adoption of the Budget for 1915. <br /> (-c) garter of ~losing up accounts on the Treasurer's books. <br /> (d) To tranefer from "Contingent" fund to "Court Expenses" a sufficient amount to cover <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Oommittee) Matter of complaint of th~ Water Company about the <br />waste of water at the City Jail and in the public school buildings. <br /> <br /> M~. Langho~ne moved that the Board concur with the Common Council in the adoption of <br />the above m~tters. <br /> N~. Cart moved to amend that the recommended appropriation of ;gO0. to put the fire~a- <br />larm telegraph system in safe condition be struck cut. <br /> The amendment <br /> was lost,and then the matters referred for concurrence were concurred <br />in and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Markham, Langhorne, Flournoy, Barlow, Cart, <br /> Wilson, Browne, 7. <br /> <br />Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br />The following commun{cation was r~ad from the <br /> <br />"To The City Oouncil. <br /> <br />to me the following: <br />of <br /> <br />Mayor: <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., Dsc. 15th, 1914. <br /> <br />"Gentlemen:-~ <br /> "At ~ <br /> your meeting on November l?th, 19~, you referred <br /> <br /> 1. A nuisance caused by the ha~linE~o~saw ~dust in wagons ~nd seatterinE <br />the sa~e ~b~n% ~ ~-~ <br /> <br /> <br />