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R. C. P. <br /> <br />~ec~mber 15, 1914. <br /> <br /> The City's~portion of salaries of Judges of the Circuit and Corporation courts to amounts <br />$695.~8 and $1,~50.00, respectively, for the year beginning February l, 1915. <br /> It is recommended that said salaries be paid. <br /> <br />To.make ~vaiiabie the appropriation al~w~d in the Budget for "Park Commission." <br /> It ms recommended that $100. of s~d amount be made available. <br /> <br /> Advisability of supplying the City Clerk's office with a copying machine. <br /> It is recommended that $46.50 be allowed for a "Neostyle" copying machine for said of- <br />lice and paid for out of "Contingent" fund for 1914. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen November 17th. <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Committee) A request of the School Board to be provided with' suit- <br />able offices for the Superintendent of Schools~and the Clerk of said Board in either the Munici- <br />~pal Building or the frame building mn the rea~ of same. Progress. <br /> <br /> A petition of B. S. See to be refunded $5.40.paid in error for night soil tax for the years <br />191E, 191S. a~d 1914. <br /> _ _ ~t ms recommended that said petition be granted. <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Oommittee) Resolutions of the "Colored Civic League, and "Colored <br />Home and School Improvement League~ . that an appropriation for a modern school building for col- <br />ored children be included in the Budget for 1915. Progress. <br /> <br />tSigned) E.S. Burgess, $cting Chairman. <br />Signed) E.L. Barlow, Vzce-Ohairman. <br /> <br />t ~he report having been read, Mr. Langhorne objected to sections with regard to appropria- <br /> lng $~0. out of any available fund~ i~ the Street Department fo= a valley gutter across Arms7 <br />trong street at Ann, and an approprzatzon of $90. out of any unexpended balances for the Pubhc <br />Property Department, topay ~ bill of J. S. Wright for painting and papering offices of the City <br />Treasurer and City Collector,~and he moved that these sections be struck out. <br /> Mr. Langhorne's objection to the first of these sections was that the amount asked for was <br />equivalent to a new appropriation, although Tt would come out of money for the Street Department <br />and to the other section, that the body had never truly agreed to be responsible for this bill. <br /> <br /> M~. Cart objected to the section with regard to making a~ail&ble the appropriation of <br />allowed in the Budget for paving the south Side of Ann street, between Armstrong and Owens, be- <br />cause, he said, the Committee would be using money tc pay for paving a street with a d~ad end, <br />when there were other streets ih Park View more deserving of attention than Ann street, and he <br />moved that this section be struck out. <br /> <br />Then Mr. Ca~r's amendment was taken up and was lost by lhe~fol!owing vote: <br /> Ayes--Cart, <br /> Elo..u~noy~ <br /> Nays--Langhorne, Barlow, Markham, Wilson, Browne, <br /> <br />Next, Mr. Langhorne's amendment <br /> <br /> Ayes--Langhorne, Flournoy, <br /> Nays--Markham, Browne, ~. <br /> <br />was taken up and was lost <br />Barlow, Cart, Wilson, 5. <br /> <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Mr. Barlow next moved an adoption of the report and the motion was lost <br />v~te: <br /> Ayes--Langhorne, Flournoy, Barlow, Cart, Markham, Wilson, 6. <br /> Nays--Browne, 1. <br /> (? ~Y~s beSng %ne'cessslry~fo~-:adop~on). <br /> <br />by the following <br /> <br /> Streets-- Hon. Boa~d of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Street Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee November I0-i?, <br /> <br />and October l~, 1914: <br /> Referred by Common Council November 10th. <br /> <br /> Authorized to advertise for bids to pave the south side of Ann street, between ArmstronE <br />and Owens. <br /> We report that we have so advertised and have received the following bid therefor: <br /> <br />From A. F. Flynn to construct concrete sidewalk on said street, at $1.BE per sq. yd. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that contract be awarded to Mr. Ftynn to do the work and that the <br />extra amount needed to pay for same (about $25.00) be appropriated out of unexpended funds in <br />the Budget for "Friends Church Drain." <br /> <br /> A communication from the Mayor in regard to the question of waste water from the factory <br />of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice <br /> It is recommended that the City Attorney ascertain if the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. <br />can not be compelled to put down pipes for carrying o~f its waste water, instead of being as <br />now, left to ~ over private property. <br /> <br /> (With Street Inspector) Instructed to enforce the ordinance <br />company or other corporations having iron gratings over crossings, <br />ed out. <br /> <br />against the street railway <br />to keep said crossings clean- <br /> <br /> <br />