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December 15, 1914. <br /> <br />Ayes--.~arkham, Langhorne, Flournoy, Barlow, Ca=r, Wilson, Browne~ <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Hon. Board of <br /> <br />Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Finance Oommittee <br /> <br />respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Committee November 10-17, <br /> <br />1914: <br /> Referred by Common Council November 10th. <br /> <br /> Authorized to submit to the Judge of the Hustings Court a list of not less than six nor <br />more than ten names, and respectfully request that he consider the names so submitted in appoint- <br />ing the appraisers for the 1915 assessment of real estate. <br /> We report that we have selected such list of ten names and have submitted it to the <br />Judge of the ~stings Court. <br /> <br /> ~ A~ appropriation of $90.00, our-of approprlatzon to the .Street Depsm-t~ment," to lay a val- <br />ley gu~ter across Armstrong street bt Ann. <br /> It is recommended that such an appropriation be allowed, out of any availabe funds in <br />the Street Department. <br /> <br /> To m~ke available the appropriation allowed in the Budget for paving the south side of Ann <br />street, between Armstrong and Owens. <br /> It is recommended that such appropriation of $175~00 be made available. <br /> <br /> To transfer SEO0.O0 from .Repairs to Asphalt" to "Incinerator," to meet expenses of the <br />Incinetator for the balance of the year. <br /> It is recommended that said transfer be made (Allowedby the Board of Aldermen Novem- <br />ber l?th). <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $90. to pay a bill of ~. S. Wright for painting and papering offices <br />of the City Treasurer and Oity Collector. <br /> It is recommended ~hat said amount~be allowed, out of amy unexpended balances in the <br />Public Property Department. <br /> <br /> An appropriation for a light at the corner of Dinwiddie and King streets. <br /> We report that this matter will be considered for the Budget of 1915. <br /> <br />An appropriation of $300. to purchase a testing machine for lights. <br /> We report that such an appropriation will'be considered for the Budget of 1915. <br /> <br />Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards foz October, 19i4. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> Report of the Auditor of following bills held up by him, beck, se of lack o~ appropriation <br />~r beck, se they e~ceeded the approp~iatio~ allowed ~or ~ame: Public Propert~ $85.6~ Fire, <br />$1B1.~3, Police, $3.00; Elections~ $90.15~ Sixth Ward, $i95~08. <br />to the Fire Department, out of any unexpended balances due these Departments; $~.O0 ~°1 Police' <br />Deoartment. out of any anexoended balances due this Department; and $195.08 ~o the Szxth Ward, <br />ou~ of Sixth Ward fun~s'~ TRe amount of $90.15 for EleCtions h~s ~already beenp=ovided for by <br />the Councils. (See records ~. C. NOv. loth, P. $18, and B. Of A. Nov. l?th, P. 84). <br /> A request of the Commissioner of Revenue that the Sixth Ward be credited with $$O?.EB and <br />the ~eventh Ward with $14§.41, now credited to the City'Proper. <br /> It is recommended that warrants be drawn in favor of the Sixth and ~eventh Wards to <br />amounts named. <br /> <br /> A report of the Commissioner of Revenue of taxable values for the yea~ 1914. <br /> It is recommended that the Auditor be instructed to charge the C~ty Cellecto~ with <br />such amounts found on the books of the Commissioner of Revenue. <br /> <br /> A petition of the Salvation Army fo~ financial assistance to enlarge its usefulness in the <br />City. Progress. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that the following named parties be refunded the several amounts <br />stated~ paid in error for night soil tax: <br /> Frank .L. Smith, $B.40, in Seventh Ward. <br /> L. W. Friebert, $9.00, years 191E, 191~, and 1914~ in the Seventh Ward. <br /> J. E. King, executor of Jno. T. King estate, $i.80~ <br /> Jas. N. Land, admmnistrator of John W. Land, $?~EO, years 19tB and 1~14. <br /> <br /> H. L. Alexander, $~.40, year 1914. <br /> Lemuel Privett., $18~00, years 191~ and 1914.. <br /> Lawrence Will~ame, $~.60, year 1914. <br /> Jesse Swinton Jones, $~.60, year 1914. <br /> Mary Fletcher Bassett, $5.40, year 1913. <br /> R. L. Parker, $3.80~ years 1913 and 1914. <br /> W. K. Hodge~, $1.80, year 1914. <br /> <br /> And it is recommended that Geo. R. Ward be <br />for the year 1914. <br /> <br /> A bill of F. L. Grooker, attorney, to amount ef <br />Wool and A. J. Phillips vs. the City of Portsmouth. <br /> It <br /> <br />refunded $6.1~, <br /> <br />SRO0.00, for se rvices i~nt~he <br /> <br />paid in error for City taxes <br /> case o~ T. J. <br /> <br />is recommended that said bill be paid, out of the "Contingent" fund. <br /> <br />A bill of W. A. Fiske to amount of $S1.00, for balance due for printing the City ordinances. <br /> <br /> <br />