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November BO, 1914. <br /> <br /> For--Flournoy, Barlow, Cart, Adams, Privett, Markham, Wilson, Browne, <br /> Bagwell, Pile, Branch, White, Burgess, Corbitt, Cain, Hanvey, <br /> Herbert, Jos. S. ~oore, Hutchins, Whitehurst, Snellings, Flemming, <br /> Laylor, Montague~ Reynolds, Earl H. Wright, .~organ, Grover C. ~ight~ <br /> Houghton, Baldwin, Robt. L. Moore, See, SE. <br />Against--Lan ghorne, 1. <br /> <br />Third. 'A~membe~ ~f the School Board. <br /> <br />Chas. H. Savage. And he was elected by the following vote: <br /> <br /> · F or--Fiournoy. Langhorne, <br /> Barlow, Cart, Adams, Privett, Markham, Wilson, Bro'~ne, Bagwell, Pile, ~ranch, <br /> White, Burgess, Cor$itt, Cai.n, Hanvey, Herbert, Jos. S. Moore, Hutchins: <br /> Whitehurst, Snellings, Flem~lng, Laylor, Montague, Reynolds, Earl H. V~mght, <br /> Morgan, Grover C. Wright, Houghton, Baldwin, Robt. L. Moore, See, 3~. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />At a <br /> <br /> ~ecember 15, 1914. <br /> <br />regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen December 15th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--C. N. Markham, Vice-President M. B. L~nghorne, W. E. Fl~rnoy, S. G~ Browne <br /> E. L. Barlow, Lorenzo Cart, J~ H. Wilson, Henry Pile, ~ <br /> <br /> The minutes of the regular meeting November 17th and of Joint Session November 30th were <br />read and were approved. <br /> <br /> The ordinances with regard to creating a Plumbing Board and making certain changes in the <br />Plumbing Regulations, made a special order &t the meeting of the body on November 17th, were <br />taken up for consideration and read. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, ~n motion of Mr. <br />order to have a free discussion <br />ordinances. <br /> <br />Langhorne, the body resolved into a Committee of the whole, in <br />with a number of plumbers and other citizens in regard to the <br /> <br /> The President and Clerk then vacated their semis. <br /> Mr. S. Sleburne Browne was made temporary Chairman and Mr. ~. E. Fiournoy, temporary Olerk, <br />Of the Committee. <br /> Mr. Ryan and several other plumbers spoke for the ordinance creating a Plumbing Bsard and <br />N~. Cart, of ~he Board, and Mr. Irving, a citizen, ~gainet. <br /> After a long discussion of the matter, the ordmnan¢~ ~reat~mE the Plumbing Board was ad, pt- <br />ed by a~majority vote, but the other ordinance was not voted on. <br /> <br />The Committee arose and r~oorted to the body the result of its action. <br /> <br /> On motion, the following ordinanc~ with regard to O~eating the Plumbing Board was then a- <br />dopted: <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE THE~PLrBLIO HEA~TH AND TO REGULATE T~E SANITARY CONSTRUCTION, <br /> <br />HOUSE DRAINING, AND PLU~BING; R~GISTRATION 07 PLU~BERS; BOARD O1~ EXA~IN~TION OF PLUNBERS~ THEIR <br /> <br />PO~ERS AND DUTIES; CO~ENSATION; PENALTIES. <br /> <br />And by the following v6te: <br /> <br />Ayes--Markham, Langhorne, FXo~z~noy, Barlow, Wilson, <br /> Browne, Pile, <br />Nays--Cart, 1. <br /> <br /> The ordinance with regard to certain changes in the Plumbing Regulations, after some dis- <br />cussion, was, on motion of Mr. Browne, passed by. <br /> <br />(Mr.. Pile excused from further attendance). <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br /> Auditing-- <br /> The Auditor respectfully reports having examined bills against the City.~or <br /> <br />the month of November, 1914, and recommends payment of same to the following amounts: <br /> <br />for the City Proper; $1~.00 for the Sixth Wamd; and $109.~7 fo~ the Seventh Ward. <br /> <br />~ _ In'this Connection, the Clerk stated that there were Public Property bills to amount of <br />$109.b~, Almshouse, $368.80, and Police, $7.10, which were not in the Auditor's report but were <br />allowed by the ~ommon Council, subject to subsequent approval by the Chairmen of said Committees.. <br /> <br />Whereupon, the Board concurred with the Common Council in allowing said bills together <br /> <br /> <br />