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Januar~y 8, 1918 <br /> <br /> Section. 31-a. No action shall be brought again_st the city of Portsmouth for ds~ages for <br />an injury to any person or property alleged to have been sustained by reason.of the negligence <br />of the city, or of any officer, agent, or employee thereof,unless a written statement, verified <br />by the oath of the claimant, his agent or attorney, of the nature of the claim and o£ the time <br />and place at which the in jiffy is alleged to bsve occurred, or been received, shall have been <br />filed with the city ma~uager of said city within thirty days after the injury occ.~rred~ the said <br />statement ma~y be verified ~nd filed either by the person injured, the ov~er of the property <br />damaged, the personal representative, agent, or attorney of said person or owner. And in any <br />action against the city to recover damages against it for any negligence, where any person is <br />liable with the city for such negligence every such person shall be joined as defendant-with <br />the city in any action brought to recover dsm~ages for such negligence, and when there is a ver- <br />dict and' judgment against the city, as well as the other defendant, it shall be ascertained by <br />either the court or the jury wh_~ch of the defendants is primarily liable for the d_~a~ages assess- <br />ed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. D~eans, the p~op0se~t~amendment to the Charter of the City was approved <br />and the Clerk was instructed to forward same to ou~ repre=entatmves in the Legislature, request- <br />ing them to urge favorable action by the Legislatttre. <br /> <br /> The City Attorney made a statement in regard to a section in the proposed Charter of Norfolk, <br />!Va., allowing said City to sell water anywhere. <br /> He said he would tr~, through the City A~torney of No~folk, to have said proposed Charter <br /> amended to protect this City; but if he could not do so, he would draft a bill asking the Legis- <br /> lature to prohibit Norfolk from selling ~ater in Portsmouth or ~within three miles of its present <br /> or future bo~adary. <br /> On motion, the City Attorney was instructed to protect the City's interest in the matter <br /> and, if necessary, to prepare such a bill and send it to our representatives in the Legislature <br /> for passage, with the approval of the City Council. <br /> <br />The City Manager made the following reports and statements: <br /> <br /> First. Requested that the offices of plUmbing I~.specter and ~treet Inspector be.abo~ish- <br />ed and~that the offices of BuildingInspecter ~nd Supermntendent of Street Cteani~gand Garoage <br />Removal be created. <br /> On motion~ of Mr. Herbert, the City M~ager's request was agreed to and the Department <br />of Law was instructed to prepare an ordinance ~ carry into effect the proposed changes. <br /> <br /> Second. He stated that, owing to zanne~ous com~laints~i~om cmt~zens, the Navy Yard autho- <br /> rities, rail?cads, and other industries in this vici~mty, of the !e~ Waterlpressume3, he and the <br /> Mayor had had several conferences with Officials of the Portsmouth, Berkley & S~ffolk ~ater Co. <br /> with regard to s~me. <br /> He stated that the N~ter Compar4y~s claim that it could not maintain pressure because <br />~residents would leave the water r~ing, was not satisfactory, because pressure was not maintain- <br /> ed at SuffoLk. <br /> Whereupon~ on motion of ~. ~right, the C instructed to bring action <br />!with Norfolk Co%fury, and Norfolk City if possible, ~mmi~sion to compel <br />the Mater Company to live up to its contract. <br /> <br /> Third. Stated that he is interested in a good road to Pig Point; that the United States <br />G~ernment, Nor~otk County of~ and asked <br />that consideration of the ~1 <br />mont. On moti°n, it was so referred. <br /> Also, theCityNanager was instructed to appear before the National Highway Cermmissien <br />in the interest of said road. <br /> <br /> Fourth. Reported ~hat a woman was injured by fal!ingth~ough a bridge in upper King <br />stroet. <br /> 0n motion, the City A~torney was instructed to protect the City~s interest in the <br />matter. <br /> <br /> The reports of the City Collector and City T?easurer for the .month of December, 19i~, were <br />~presentedand were referred to the Finance Department~ <br /> <br /> A ~eply was read from the President of the City Council of Suffolk, Va., in regard %0 a- <br />resolution of this body December 18th, asking the City COuncil of Suff0~k not ~0 enter into a <br />contract with the P. B. & S. Water Co~p~ ~_~til the experts employed by the City of Portsmouth <br />shall have reported on the water situation. <br /> The communication from the B%tffolk Coun~it stated that ~ would ~ttempt no negotiations <br />until the report is received from the experts. <br /> 0n motion, the communication was referred to the Special ~ater Comzuittee. <br /> <br />.t~EW .BUSi~-ESS <br /> <br /> A bill wasread from H. L. Hudgins, City Treasurer, to amount 0~ .$313.61, as cormmission <br /> on taxes collected, and same was referred to the Finance- D@~a~%ment. <br /> <br /> A bill of R~ J. Davis, to amount of $~$0.00, as substitute Civil & Police Justice from <br /> ~thto September ~th, l~t~, was referred~$o ~the Fin~_uce Depar~ent. <br /> <br /> Bonds of the City Clerk and the City T~easttrer for four y~ears, beo~_n3-r~ J~u~ 1st, 1918, <br />~e. ~ ~ referred to the Finance Departm~ent and City A~torney~ <br />~ ?~-A no~ic~ from the City Clerk& Audi~or of his appointment of Miss E. E. Bunting as his <br />~si~tant was received and ordered t© be filed. <br /> <br />~The following resolution was offered by Mr. Herbert and was adopted: <br /> <br /> <br />