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R. O. P, <br /> <br />ganuaz'y 8, 1918 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the.City Council January 8th there were present: <br /> <br />Eessrs-- T. A. Bunting, ~.. P.'.01aud, Earl H. Wr~ght~ J. T. Harvey,_ Q.~H. Herbert, Ca,roll D. Deans, <br /> W. H. Culpepper, 7. <br /> <br />The minutes of the .adjourned regular meeting December 2?th were read <br /> <br /> REPORTS 0P DEPART~NTS <br />Law-- <br /> Referred December 18th <br /> <br />and.were approved. <br /> <br />(With City }aanager, City Attorney, Clerk & Auditor) The matter of revising the City Code. <br /> Progress. <br /> Carroll D. Deans, Chairman. <br /> <br />Public Service-? <br /> No report <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No report <br /> <br />Public Wel£are-- <br /> No report <br /> <br />Finance - - <br /> <br />Referred December llth <br /> <br /> A p'etition~of the Board of Harbor Cormnissioners to have <br />increased from $1§00. to ~S000. per year. <br /> P~ogress as to same. <br /> <br />its appropriation <br /> <br />from this City <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) A bill of .J. ~. Nright to ~mount of $t00.00, as expert on the Pearl <br />street dock. <br /> It is reconm~ended that Nr. Wright be paid $50. ~ud that a special appropriation be <br />made for s~e. <br /> (Signed) C.H. Herbert, Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion~ the report of the Department was adopted. <br /> <br /> At this point, the City Attorney presented the following bill for the issue of $150,000. <br />City o~ Portsmouth School B.$nds, as instructed to do by the Council D$cember 1Sth: <br /> <br /> A BILL TO AUTHORIZE T~ COUNCIL 0P THE CI~ 0P PORTSMOUTH TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD SCHOOL- <br />HOUSES AND FOR 0~ SCHOOL PURPOSES. <br /> <br /> Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the Council of the City of Ports- 1 <br />mouth, in order to build a schoolhouse or schoolhouses and for other school purposes, is autho- <br />rized and empowered to issue coupons or registered bonds, in such denominations and at such rate <br />of interest as may be ~determined by said council; the said rate of interest, however, not to ex- <br />ceed six per centUm per ann~ paya~!e semi-annually; provided~ however, the whole amount of <br />bonds issued under this act/sh~ll not exceed one hundred and fzfty thousand dollars; and provided <br />~trther tha~the whole amount of bonds issued nnder th~s act, together with the other outstand- <br />ing bonds of said city, shall not exceed eighteen per centum of the assessed value of the real <br />~state of the said city. <br /> <br /> ~. The said bonds shall be issued in the name of the city of Portsmouth; they s?~ll 9e <br />si~ned by the president of the council and the city treasurer, with the seal of the city thereto <br />affixed, attested by the city clerk. The proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds shall be <br />used for no other purpose than that herein specified. The said bonds shall be subject to no <br />take, ion whatever by.the city of Ports~cutho T~ey shall be made payable in thirty years after <br />their date, and the znterest thereon shall be provided for by a special levy or out of the gen- <br />eral le-~y. ~The council may dispose o£ the said bonds in such m~nner as it may deem expedient. <br /> <br /> 3. The public schools being affected, and it being necessary to build a schoolhouse before <br />the next session begin~ so as to~a~ainthe efficiency of the public school system, an emergency! <br />is declared to exist and this ~¢t shall be in force from its passage. <br /> <br /> 0~ motion of N~. Hsrbert, the bill was approved and the Clerk was instructed to <br />send s~me to our representatives in the Legislature~ requesting them to use their best efforts <br />to have it adopted as early as possible. <br /> <br /> He presented also the following bill to amend the Charter of the City of PortsmoUth, which <br />he thought ~h0uld be adol~ted to protect the interest of the City: <br /> <br /> A BiLL TO A~D THE CHARTER 0F ~ CITY OF PORTS~QB~H, APPROVED ~ARCH 10, 1908, BY ADDING <br />THERETO A N~ SECTION TO BE KN0~N AS SECTION Gl-a PRESCRIBING RIPLES ~ND REGULATIONS FOR ~ <br />BRINGING OF ACTIONS AGAINST T~ CITT OF PORTSMOUTH FOR D~GES P0E iNJ~iES TO PERSONS 0E PROZ <br />PERTYALI~GED TO HAVE BEEN SUSTAINED BT REASON OF NEGLIGENCE. <br /> <br />Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the charter of the City of Ports- <br />mouth, approved March 10th, 1908, be ~ended by addi~.g thereto a new section to be known as sec- <br />tion 31-a preScribir48 ~u~es and regulations for the bri~n~ging 62 actions against the city o~ Po~ts-i <br />mouth for damages for insuries to persons or propert~alleged to have been sustained by teaso~ i.i~Li <br />of negligence~ ~? ~ ~ !?i~ <br /> <br /> <br />