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R, O. P. <br /> <br />333 <br /> <br />January8, 1918 <br /> <br /> ~*It being under~tood that Richmond, Roanoke and other cities of. Virginia sme anxious to <br />revise the present tax law, <br /> <br /> qbe IZ Resolved, That the representatives in the Legislature ih~?m Portsmouth be umgently <br />requested to use thei~ best efforts to amend the tax taw so as to eliminate the ~esent 10~ tax <br />on Real Estate and Person~_~p~oDePty by the State.~ <br /> <br /> On motion of N~. Herbert, it was ordered that $28,000, be paid the American LaY~ance Fire <br />Engine Company on its contract to furnish the City with motor fime apparatus, ~ud the City N~na- <br />get was instr~cted to approve the payment of same; and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes~-Bunting, Claud, %~igh%, H~nvey, Herbert, Dsans, Culpepper~ ?. <br /> <br /> N~. Claud called attention to the condition of the ~est Psmk View B~idge, and s~me was <br />fe~u~ed to the Department of Public Service. <br /> <br /> Mm. Wright moved that the City Manager call attention Sf The Ferries Company to the law <br />prohibiting sm~kiug, and to the unsanitamy condition of the ferr~y waiting room and cabins. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adJoumned. <br /> <br />Janna~y 15, 1918 <br /> <br />At a re~tls~ meeting of the Cmt~ Council January lSth there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- T. A. Btmting, N. P. Claud, Esml H. Wright, <br /> J- T. Harvey,-C% H. Herbert, Camroll D. Deans, <br /> W. H. Oulpeppe~, ~. <br /> A~se the City Manager. <br /> <br />The minutes of the regu!sm meeting Jazmary Sth were read and were approved. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS <br /> <br /> RelenTed Januamy 8th <br /> <br /> To prepsme an ordinance abolishing the offices of Plumbing Inspector ~ Street Inspector <br />and creating the offices of Building Inspector and Superintendent of Street Cleaning. <br /> We report that duties of the Building Inspector and Superintendent of Street G~eaning <br />will be defined by an ordinance, ~nich will be submitted at an early date. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that the following ordinance, be adopted: <br /> -An0~dinance teA mend e~E1 <br />Re-ordefn an O~din~ce Adopted April 24, 19tV, in Reference to the Salary of the Clerk to the <br />Civil and Police Justice and to the Chief of Police. <br /> <br /> (Signed) Camrol! D. Dgans, Chairman. <br /> <br /> On. motion, the report of the Depsmtment was adopted, the recommended ordinance being or- <br />dered to lie on the table until the next meeting of the body, under the rules. <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> No ~eport. <br /> <br />Public P~opertyr- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public SafetyL- <br /> 1~0 report~ <br /> <br />Public Welfa~e-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Referr~dDeeember,~ltth. <br /> <br />Reports of Offic.ems for the month of November, 191~. <br /> We report that ~samehavebeen examined and it is recommended that they be filed. <br /> <br /> Referre~ ~anua~y 8th <br /> <br /> A bill of R. J. D~vis for ~).00, for actLug as ~bstitute Civil & Police Justice from <br />August ~th to. September Vth, 191~. ~ · <br /> It ms recon~elE~ed ti/au said bill be Daldan~ that a .sPecial <br /> <br /> <br />