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R. C. P. <br /> <br />235 <br /> <br />January 15, 1918 <br /> <br /> Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia~ That section 32-a of the C~arter of the <br />City of Portsmouth, approved Na~ch 13, 1912, in reference to the issue of bonds, be amended snd <br />re-e~acte~i~eO~as to read as follows: <br /> <br /> See. 32-a. The City Council of the City of Portsmouth shall have power, and authority is <br />hereby given to it, to issue from time to time, bonds or other interest bearing obligations fo~ <br />the p-~pose ef borro.wing 'money to carry'into effect the purposes and objects authorized by the <br />Charter of ~id City, to Build and equip schoolhouses and for other-school-purposes; provided, <br />however, that no such bonds or other interest bearing obligations shall be issued except upon <br />an ordins~ce, passed by a recorded affirmative ,vote of twO-thirds mol all the members elected to <br />the said co~ucil, setting fortk'the purpose for which the said bo~ds or interest bearLug obli- <br />gations are to be issued, the length of time for which they are to be issued, which time shall <br />not exceed thirty years, and the rate.of interest, which Shall not exceed six per cen~m per <br /> <br />As instructed tod'~o December 2?th, the City Attorney g~e the following opinion eonce~- <br />the matter of purchasing the Parker Farm for cemetery 'purposes: <br /> <br />~Portsmouth, Va., January 14, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~Hon.. City Council, <br /> <br /> ~Portsmouth, Va. <br /> ~Gent iemem: -- <br /> Replying to your request the% I render r~ opinion as to you~ duty in regard <br /> t~ the acceptance by F. Nash Bilisoly of the offer of $~2,~00. for the land known as the Par- <br /> ker Farm, I beg to say: <br /> <br /> ~That a short time since I rendered to you my written opinion with reference to your right <br /> to purchase t.his property, (see opinion on file in the office of City Clerk), which opinion I <br /> still adhere to, b~ving seen no reason to change my then expressed views; you should, therefore, <br />~not make the_said purchase ~nl~ss directed by a court of competent jurisdiction so to do. <br /> <br /> ~I beg further to say, in reference to this matter, that M~. Bilisoly -has instituted suit, <br /> in the Circuit Co.urt of the City.of Portsmouth, against the City of Portsmouth, to require the <br /> City to accept a ~eed for the .said proper~y ~ud %o.~-pay therefor the said sum of <br /> <br /> ~Until the court has determined this question you should take no action in the p~emis,s. <br /> <br />- ~Respe ct f~ly~ <br /> <br /> ~Jno. ~. Happer, City .Attorney.~ <br /> <br /> V~hereupon, on motion of Mr. Herbert, the City Attorney was instructed to use his best ef- <br />forts to have decided as early as possible the suit of F. Nash Bilisoly against the City in <br />connection with p~chase by the City of the ~Parker Farm.~ <br /> <br /> A report of the City Clerk & Auditor that the City Collector has collected more than 90% <br />of 1918 taxes and that both he and hi~ Deputy are entitled to $200. each, under the ordLuances~ <br />-was r~ad, and e~me was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br />~ BUS i~rESS <br /> <br /> A bill of A. W. Beache_~ to amount of $2.65, for City taxes paid in error on a~ automobile~ <br />Sixth ~Vard, was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> A petition was ~ead from the following firemen that they-be re-imbureed to a~ount of $~5.00, <br />for services rendered in fighting the fire in Nerfoik Jauuary let to Jenue~y 5rd, 1918, and in <br />getting hose in condition to be brought back to POrtsmouth: E. R. Stmhlen, W. B. Sykes, L. C. <br />Creecy, I. C., and C. R. Hedges. <br /> 0n motmon~ the petition .was granted and a special appropriation made to re-imburse <br />the firemen. <br /> <br /> The City Manager presented a request from the Portsmouth, Berk!ey & Suffolk ~ter Co. <br />a revision of the ordinance in relation to water waste. <br /> On motion, the matter was refe~ed to the Department of I~w. <br /> <br />for <br /> <br /> 0n motion of Mr. Nright, the pe~ment of bills of the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water <br />Company for the last quarter.of 191~, was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion as to <br />the payment of same, in conszderatio~ of our action against said Comp~ for the fulfillment <br />of its contract with the City. <br /> <br /> Resolutions were ~ead from the Norfolk City Council. and the Mayor of Norfolk, ex~z~essing <br />appreciation for the val~ab!e assistance rez~red by the Portsmouth Fire Department in ~ainta~_u- <br />lng order and fightin~ the fire ~-u Norfolk on January let and following. <br /> On me, ion, the resolutions were ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> A resolution was read alee f~om the Board of Supervisors of'Norfolk County expressing the <br />appreciatio~ ~of the people of Norfolk County for the services which the Po~tmmouth Fire Depart- <br />ment gave at the recast fi~e in Port Norfolk, which destroyed Firemen's Hall, ~hd promising sm <br />equally ~DmomDt ~esponse f~mn the County., should occasion arise; and said resolution was o~de~ed <br />to be fi~ed. <br /> <br /> The following ~resotution was presented, a~opted unanimously, and the Clerk 'instructed to <br />forward a copy of same to the Director General of Railroads, Washington, D. C.: <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, the National Government has ass~ed control of all railroads fo~ ~th.e pu~pgse <br />of more~efficient and economical administ, etlon of lus affairs and for the saving of labo~ and <br />fue~ for the period of the V~ar. and <br /> <br /> <br />