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'January 18, 19t8 <br /> <br />Bonds of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer for. four y~are, beginning J~uuary ~st, <br /> We have referred these bonds +~-~the City Attorn~yfor his approval. <br /> <br />(Signed) C.H. Herbert, Chairman. <br /> <br />1918. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />the report was <br /> <br />adopted and by. the fo!lowingvote: <br /> Ayes--Bunting, Wright, <br /> C~aud, H~n~vey, Herbert, Culpepper, De~ns, <br /> <br />The following report was read from the SPecial Water Committee, and same ~as adopted: <br /> <br /> =Hon. City Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- The special Water Cormr~ttee have received quite a volumi- <br />nous report, through the City M~ger~ f~om the ScofieldEngineering Company concerning the water <br />situation in Portsmouth~Va., and this reporthaving been received today it is the intention of <br />the W~ter Committee and t~ CityM~nager to go into every part of the reports of the Seofield <br /> <br />Engineering Company at once. <br /> =A copy of the report concern*nE Lake Ir~ummond has been forwarded to Professor Earl Phelps, <br />Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C., with a request that he <br />e~i~l¢tze and report his findings on ~eLake Drummond report and his personal investigation. <br /> =As quickly as possible we will call a meeting of the ~ater Con~ittee, Special Citizens' <br />Committee, and the ~ater Commission, afte~ which the reports with~any and all reconunendations <br />will be submitted to the Council, and the public will be invited to the ~eetings concerning said <br /> <br />report. <br /> <br />~Respectf~l!y submitted, <br /> <br />~N. H. C~lpepper~ <br /> <br /> ~'Spectal Water Committee.~' <br /> <br /> The following reports were made by the City Manager: <br /> <br /> First. He ~bmitted reports from various Officers ~uder his control for the month of Decem- <br />ber, 1917, and same were ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> Second. He submitted a report £rom the Hesper of the Cemeteries of lots and graves sold- <br />in Oak Grove_ Ce~etery durir~ themonth of December, l~lT: <br /> <br />December 3rd,. to ~. L. <br /> 4th, <br /> Sth, <br /> 21st, <br /> 27 th, <br /> 27th, <br /> <br /> Wickers, S.~ H. No. 37a, Ave. J. <br />Nettle Henderson, S. H. No. 78a, Ave. I. <br />L~ttaRensh~.N~H. No~ 75a, Ave. I. <br />N. ~. Powell, child's grave, No. 924, Ave. J. <br />Joseph E~ight, adult's.grave, No. 922, Ave. J. <br />Chas. F. C~apman, S..H. NoJO1, ~e. A. <br /> <br /> 0n~tio~, the C~tyAttorn~y was <br />Officers were instructed to sign same, <br /> <br />instructed to prepare deeds for the lots and the'proper <br /> <br /> Third. Submit%ed petitions f~om laborers employed by the various City Departments for an <br />increase of pay. <br /> In connection with same, N~. Herbert submitted a petition also. <br /> On metion~ the petitions were referred to the Finance Department. for a report at the <br />next meeting. <br /> <br /> Fourth: He reported ~Progress~ en the constr~ction o£ a go~od road to Pi~ Point: stating <br />that the United Sta~es Government w~ted Nansemond~County, No~folk C0unty~ and. the City of Ports- <br />mouth to pay their porticos of the cost ~or the co~_u~truction~ of the_ roa~l but his~ clamm before <br />Va. as it would be used by the GSvernment a~os~ entirely. <br />the Department at Washington was that the Go.vern~.ent. ~sho~.ld construct this road from Churchland, <br /> <br /> Fifth. He submitted ~!se a petition from the V@lunteer Fire~e~'s Association~ asking the <br />City to purchase 150 badges for volunteer firemen of~ the City. <br /> 0~ motion, the petition was referred to the Department of Public Safety. . <br /> <br />U~UFINISP~.B BUB~SS <br /> <br /> T~e ~ity A~terney off,ed the folio _ ~mend~.ent to the Cit~. 9~h~t~, ~h'~ze~ w?sla~.opte~,- <br />~ ~ ~he City Clerk w~ ~t~cted to fo~w~ s~e to o~ ~ep~en~a~ive~ ~ ~e ~gisia%~ asn- <br />~m~ ~to present it ~d~ge f~vorabte a~ti~: <br /> <br /> ~ACT TO A~ ~ ~-~!ACT SECTION 3~-a OF T~ C~R OF ~ C!~f 0F PORTSMOUTH, AP- <br /> PROV~ ~CH 1~, 1912, ~P~CE T0 T~ iSS~ OF B0~S. <br /> <br /> <br />