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~ebruary !2~ 1918 <br /> <br /> ~rd. Attaching correspondence regarding grade crossLug High street, near or at the inter- <br />sec%i~ of Pes~l. The Seaboard Air Line Railway Company requested that the t~e for relaying <br />the track parallel to the former track be extended twelve months, on accou~ut of existing war <br />and business conditions. <br /> The City ~ger recon~ended trot the appropriate conm~ttee be authorized to investigate <br />the matter and report to the Council. . <br /> On motion, the matter was referred to the Public Service Department for ~nvest~oa~on <br />and report. <br /> <br /> 4th. Stating that he is in receipt of a letter from the ~avy ~ard authorities calling <br />his attention to the thousands of entzsted en roe-~zug the streets of Port~mouth and ~orfolk <br />each night for lack of ~uy place to stay. Said authori~es 'muggested tbm pu_wcb~sing of c~ts <br />and converting the armory over the Market House into lodgzno or sleeping quarters for these men. <br /> T~_e City Nanager recommmended that he be authorized to secure estimates and compile a <br />statement showing the estimated receipts, and report back to the Oo-,acil at its next meeting for <br />consideration. <br /> On motion, the recommendation of the ~anager was adopted. <br /> 8th. Stating that his attention h~s been called, through one of the local organ~zat_ons, <br /> to the overcrowded condition of the ferries and the serious results therefrom~ <br /> The ~anager recommended that some action be taken~ in behalf Of the City in regard to <br /> sar.~ and the matter was refer?ed to~ the Public Property Department. <br /> ~ ' ' -~ ~' Portsmouth Volunteer <br /> 6th. Submitting for consideration comm~_cations ~ ecezve~ ~rom ~ne <br /> Firemen~s Association in regard to ~rehasing new equipment and other articles which they deem <br /> necessary for fire fighting purposes. <br /> At this point, the Department of ~ublzc sar ty recommended that ~. appropriation of.~l, 000. <br /> be made for the purpose~ and same was referred to theDepar~ent of Finance. <br /> Vth. Attaching a request from J. N. Broughton, Chief of Police~ for a reasonable increase <br /> in pay. o <br /> On motion, the request was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> 8th: Attaching petition and recomm~endation of City Elec'trician G. P. ~'~,fat~hews tinct an <br /> propriation of $65~ be~ .allowed to purchase and instal! motor generators for. charging batteries <br /> at the various fire engine houses and for a testing instrument~ <br /> On motion, maid petLtion was referred to the Departments of Finance and Public Safety <br /> for consideration. <br /> 9th. Attaching petition from the Portsmouth Police Relief Association ~o? permzss_on to <br /> be allowed to give, with.out any tax, a Society Circus mn t_~e enclos~mre of the Baseball Park <br /> some tLme d~ing the comzng spa ~ng. <br /> Said petition was referred to the Departs. usnr of Law, <br /> <br /> 10th. Advising that the chain gang for the City of Portsmouth has been at work since the <br /> first of Februe~Y ara tha.t the fol~owing~ ~work has Been ac. cgm~Pliahe~ to date: c0nstr~ctiOn of <br /> a walk across~ Swinm~ing Point; grading or the ~treet and digging a .ditch .on ~he ~sottth and m~st <br /> side of the Cedar Grove Cemetery on WilsOn avenue and Glasgow street.~ <br /> On motion, the communication was ordered to file. <br /> llth. Attaching petitions from the Portsmouth ¥oltrateer Fzremen s Assocza~zon as follows: <br />-~ + ........ ~-~-~ ~ ~eas~ thirt~ ~on~s in the~homes of the volunteer forces, .the Associ- <br /> ation agreeing to approprzate $I00. towards the expense of sazd..ZnStallatzon; that .the Govern- <br /> ment be requested to pre,tide ~d~maint&i~ a fire boat for the ~harbor of Portsmouth and Eorfolko <br /> On motion, said petitions were referred to the Department of Public Safety. <br /> 12th. Presenting reportsm~d~ various Officers under his control, for the month of <br /> 1918, and s~me were ordered to take the usual cotr~se. <br /> l~th. Submitting bill from the Scofield EngLueering Compan~ to am.oUn~o~ $_6:0.00.00~, for <br /> time and exoenses zn eonnectzon wzth the water question, as per con~ac~ ~ameG oo~ooer <br /> On motion, the bill wa.~ ordered to be paid and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Bunting, Claud, Ctulpepper, Deans, P~nvey, herb?rt, '~right, V. <br /> <br /> 14th. Recommendzng the adoption of the following resolu~zon whzch had been adopted by <br /> the Dep~rtment of Health: <br /> <br /> zation; and .... <br /> '~S. the ordinances to be submitted prgv~de fqr~ t_he ~a~t_e.~ ?z the .p.r?se~t~ 0xty <br />~ealth ~g~i~ation which 'is. t~e ~nt~nt of the ~r~iso ~u ~ ~e~~a~ <br /> "T~H~0~. ~ iT P~SOL~v~ ~t the resolution ~s~e~.Feb~ ~ ~z~, <br /> ~ . - · Or ~zzation be e~ed ~ strz~ ~ff the las~ <br /> 1~00. for the Dmst~met He~lbh g .... ~ .... Y ~ g.~, ~...~ <br /> ~eads as f011ows~ '~ the present Health '~~t re~ <br /> On motif, the resolution was defeabed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> For reso!u$i~ Claud, De~s~ ~ri~t, .. ~. <br /> Herbert, <br /> <br /> 15th. Notice to S~el Olif~ Nilli~ t~t~ ~on r~co~nda~ion of .the C~ef of ~o!ice, <br /> he has be~ appo~ted a re~ poiice~=~ on ~batfon fo~ sixty ~s; '~ s~e was ordered <br /> to be filed. <br /> <br /> 16~. Reco:~end~g adoption of the foltowi~ rd~.z~gm the .D~p~t of Health~ <br /> <br /> <br />