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R. C. P. <br /> <br />February <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br />At a regul~_~ meeting of the City Council February !2th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--T. A. B~n~ ting, M. P. C!aud~ W. H. Culpepper~ <br /> C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, C. ii. Herbert, <br /> E. H. Wright, <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the regular meeting January !Sth a~d special meetings January 22nd, Febru- <br />ary 1st, and February 4th, were read and were approved. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF .DEp~RT~NTS <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br /> Public Service-- <br /> Refer~ed January 22nd <br /> <br /> (With Finance Department) Recommendation ~f the City Manager <br />lowed to pay one-half of the cost of a gr~uolithic sidewalk around <br />ing on Court street. <br /> It is recommended <br />walk be not gra~ted. <br /> <br /> appropriation be al- <br /> the 90mmercial Buitdi~g front- <br /> <br />that the petition for the City to pay half of the cost of such side- <br /> <br /> (With Finance Department) Reconmnendation of the City Manager that an appropriation be al- <br /> lowed for the purpose of purchasing an asphalt Plant, concrete mixer, road roller, and such <br /> other necessary.equmpment needed Eo repair the present paved' streets and to construct new streets <br />'from time to time as funds may be available. ~ <br /> It is reco~.~ended that the following resolution be adopted to cover s~T~e: <br /> <br /> "V~AS, The condition of the improved streets of the City are badly in need of repairs <br /> and in such condition as to require irm~ediate attention, and <br /> <br /> "WB~REAS, Th~ City has no equipment to repair the same satisfactorily or economically aud <br /> delay will increase the cost of repair at an increased expense, and probable damage caused by <br /> the City neglecting to make such repairs, and <br /> <br /> "WHE~S, The comfort, easement, and appearance of our City justifies immediate purchase <br /> of the equipment, material and labor for immediate use on said repair work and Such other im- <br /> provements hereafter to ~e designated, <br /> <br /> "TPiEREFOR~E, BE IT RESOLVED, That theC'mty Manager is hereby authorized to purchase an as- <br /> phalt plant, road roller, concrete mixer, and such other ~quip~ent necess~ary to repair and con- <br /> strict asphalt and concrete streets, at a cost not to exceed the s?mm of $10,000.00. <br /> <br /> "ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Nanager is'authorized to employ such labor and pur- <br />cha. se such material necessary_to repair~and construct th~~ street ~eeding same.whenever the <br />Council of the City of Portsmouth provides such funds necessary for said repair and construction <br />work." <br /> <br /> (Signed) W.H. C~ulpepper, Chairman. <br /> On motion, the recommendation with regard to ~'eti%ibn for the City to pay ha!£of the <br />cost a sidewalk around the Commercial Buildir~ was adopted. <br /> The resolution with regard to p~ch~sing equipment, ~teriai and labor for ~treet reoair <br />and constructio~ work was referred to the Finance Department. - <br /> <br /> Public Property-- <br /> ~o report. <br /> <br />P~b!ic'Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Welfare-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Ne report. <br /> <br /> The following conmmunications were received from the City M~nager: <br /> <br /> let. (P~esenbed by 2~. Herbert) Attaching a letter from the President and General ~a- <br />get of The Ferries Company, calling attention to the probable sale of the water front property <br />adjacent to our ferry property on the e~st side of docks on the Norfolk front <br /> The City ~ager recommended that the appropriate committee, in conjunction with the <br />City N~ger, be authorized to investigate and report to the Council. <br /> ~hereupon, on motion, ~t~e matter was referrod to the Department of Public P~operty. <br /> <br /> 2nd. Recom~ending that, as it had become necessary~fbr ~_i~ to authorize the e~penditure <br />of cer~ain'fLLuds nOt already provided in the year's budget the fo!lowin~ S~mo-~+~ ~ ........ ~- <br />ted. ~200. to ~eplace a hmghw%y brmGge over the Portsmouth Water Canal to accommodate the <br />perry of Er. Culpepper for 1 1/2 miles Above ~adkin; $~0. to construct t~.~ d~ ~ich has wa~- <br />ed out at t~e end of the present concret~ d~n just above Fi~ Nile R~tu on the Portsmouth city <br />Water canal.; and $250, to defray the exoenses of audit~n~ the po~,.~+.~ ~ ~,~ <br />f~or .~he.~ose of~securmng ~.information and to verm~ the statements before the Corporation <br />uo~iss~on in regard to %he increased rate of ~as. (Prese~ted ky ~h~. Herbert,. <br /> On motion~ the recommended approprmations were allowed by the following vote: ' <br /> <br /> Ayes--BLu~ting, ClaUd, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, He, bert, V~rmght, <br /> <br /> <br />