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~ebrua~y 12, 1918 <br /> <br />245 <br /> <br /> An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 19 ofthe Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> Au Ordinance to P~ev6nt the Spread of Com~r~uieab!e Diseases. <br /> <br /> On motion, the ordinances were ordered to lie on the table until the next meeting of the <br />body, ~ud were referred to the Department of Law and City Attorney to report on the s~me at <br />the next meeting. <br /> <br /> UNF!~TIS~B BUSIhUESS <br /> Ttme~el~Or~s-of the City Clerk & Auditor, City ~ea~er,.~d City'Collector for~the month- <br /> of~J~ ~19~8, were ~esented and were ordered to ~e the usual co, se. <br /> <br /> ~e Keeper of C~meteries ~de t~ follow~g report of lots ~d ~aves sold ~ Oak Grove <br /> Cemete~ d~i~ the ~nth of J~, 1918: <br /> <br /> J~ 3,~to He~bert R. Polled, No. 64a, Ave. I. <br /> ~, R.H. H~c,~, NO. 23a, Ave.~H. <br /> · ~ H. ~. ~oo~s~ S. E. No. 29a,. Ave. H. <br /> ~ J. L~.Wa~en, S~ H, No. ~0a, A~e. !. <br /> 1~; Tho~s ~. ~i~, N. H. No. 29a, Ave. H. <br /> 18> Wm. Taylor, child,s ~ave, No. 924, Ave. J. <br /> 0fficers0n~st~ctedm°ti°n' thetoCitYsi~Atto~neYs~e, was ~st~ct~d to p~epa~e deeds fo~ the lots ~d the orope~ <br /> ~e follow~g co~ication was ~ead ~om the City AttoEey, enclos~g a certified <br /> of ~he co~t's dec~ee ~ the suit of F. Nash Bilisoly vs. the City: <br /> <br /> ~Po~t~mouth, Va., F~b. 5,~ 1918. <br /> "To the Honorab!e City~ C~cil, <br /> ~ Po~t~outh, <br /> ~G~tlemen:~- <br /> Ze~ hono~ab!e body ~v~ declined ~o cons~te the p~c~se of the ~P~- <br />ke~ Farm,E as a site fo~ a city cemete~; ~e~i~upon the op~on of the City Attorney h~e- <br />fe~ence to ~t ~ch~se, ~.~. Nas~ Bi~so~, who holds ~ opti~ on t~t f~ ~d cla~s to <br />be the o~er of the s~e, Es~ztuted ~s ~it ~ ~e Circuit Co~t of the City of Portsm~th <br />aga~st the City o~ Po~t~outh to e~o~ce the said sale ~d to ~equ~e the said city to ~eceive <br />~d pay 'fo~ the sa~d ~d. ~ j~ent of ~ said co~t w~s favorable to ~. Bitisoly:s con- <br />tention, as will be seen ~om a certified eo~ of the co~t~s decree w~ch is ~e~ attached. <br /> <br /> "~is dec~ee ~s ~ll force ~d is b~di~ upon the City ~less the s~e Shalt'he~eve~sed <br />~ o~ S~eme Co~t o~ Appeals u~on an appeal, which y~ hobo~abte bo~y o~ ~y ~t autho- <br /> <br /> "I desire fu~the~ to call ~our attention to the fact that t~e Supreme Cou~t of Appeals has <br />declined to award to the City ~an injunction to restrain the P. B. &S. ~Water Company From making <br />sa~e~to the Ci~ of No~fo~kof lakes Phillip and Burnt Mills. This settles the matte~ of said <br />sate, as the. r~gh%~o~ the parties were fully before t~he Co~t. <br /> <br />"Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> ~Jno. <br /> <br />~. Happer, City Attorney." <br /> <br />~Virginia: <br /> <br /> Zu the Clerk s OffiOe of the Cmrcu_t Co~t of the City of Portsmouth on the 8th day <br />of February, t918; the following order was received, in.vacation, and entered of record. <br /> <br />~Virginia~ <br /> In the Circuit Cottrt of the City of Portsmouth: In Vacation, on the 8th day of Febru- <br />ar~y, 1918.. <br /> <br />~F. Nash Bilisoly, Complainant, ) <br /> VSo ) Decree. <br />~City of' Portsmouth~ Defendant ) <br /> <br />~. aus~ ¢~me op ~is Ga>- ~o be heard, havmng heretofore been made a vacation cause, <br />and on mormon ol co~uusel ~rthe cmty of PortSmouth, the demurrer Z~d answer of ~ City of <br />Portsmouth~ . is.+ordered.... to'be filed,1$ and the same .is acoordLngly_ done.. And. on mo%ion of counsel <br />for bhe pla~mff ~d de,end,t, mt is ordered t~ this c~e be he~m e~n~ ~= ~ <br />~d ~sw~, ~d t~eupon t~e cause o~e on to be he~d nn~ +.~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~-- <br />~ ~d.was ~ed ~ cq~el. ~d the c~t being of option t~t the de~e~ ~ ~ <br />~a~en, ~oth. 0ve~ru!e ~he~ s~e, ~d the Oo~t bei~ f~ther of o~ion ~n~_~ ~+:~ ~+~ ~+ ~.~ <br />n ~e.samd Bzll of compt~nt ~G a~tted to be t~e by ~e ~swe~. t~t t~ saf8 C~.v ~ <br />mourn zs le ~ to p~c~se ~om F. Nash B~iso!y the l~ds ~ the~b&~l mentioned <br />pay the~efo~ ~n~d Fi~e H~ed Doll,s ($52,~00.00), ~oth so adjudge, <br />~d ~on moti~ of ~ fgr.t~? plaEtiff ~ ~this c~se, it is adjQdged, o~dered ~d dec~e~ <br /> p~nt~fF sba!l fo~th~tende~ to ~e sai~ City of Po~ts~u~a <br /> <br />by the court:that <br />deed with th8 usual <br />upon the <br /> <br />the~deed <br />~ade <br />Cou~t for modif <br />shall fail to <br />this cause is <br /> <br /> of title Conveying the lands in said bill menti6~ed, and that <br />deed the said City of PortsEouth shall pay unto the maid plaintiff <br /> ~iveE~undred Dollars' ($52,~00.00) within thirty~ (30) days a~ter <br /> · ~aid deed to be delivered and pa~ent of said money to be <br /> samd City of Portsmout~ is hereby g~anted leaMe to a 1 to th~s <br /> PP Y - <br />n ~e o~.thls or,er, provm~ed the deed tendered as above directed, <br />and suf~mcientl tmt!e to said~lands, free. from all encumbrances. And <br />orders znd directions. All of which is certified to the Ol~k <br /> <br /> <br />