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R, C. P. <br /> <br />249 <br /> <br />April 30, igc§.. <br /> ?il ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: <br /> 149;17 <br /> <br />April <br />April <br />April <br />A~il <br /> <br />APril <br />April <br />April <br />April <br /> <br /> 19o7;11 .... <br />3o; 19o8. 111:1111::::::::::1 175 9 o.47 <br /> 19o9;.. ....................... <br /> <br /> 1912;.... .... 66~493~20 <br /> <br /> 30~ 1914~... ...................... 63,420.26 <br /> 30, 1915, after deduction of the <br /> muount secured from sale <br /> of property... ......... . 3~15J00 <br /> April 30, 1917... ...................... . 52,694.02 <br /> D~C. 31, ~917. .......................... 4~695.66 <br /> Total Additions sin~e date of Purchase .............. 1,384,194.09 <br />Makes ~otal Cost of P~operty at December 3!,. 1917 .................. $2,942,306.04 <br /> <br /> "To the matter of the appointment of a disinterested arbitrator, asrequested in said re- <br /> solution adopted by you~ Honorable ~ody February 4, 19t8, the Portsmouth, Berkley and Su~fotk <br /> Water Company hereby appoints ~. Leonard Metca!f, of the engineering firm of Metca!f and Eddy; <br /> 14 Beaco~ street, Boston, massachusetts, as its arbitrator to determine~ in accordance?with <br /> ~the ~rovisions .of Articl~ XV. of said contract dated September 13, 1887~ between the-~ts.mouth <br /> & SuffotkWater 9o?an ann the City of Portsmouth, the value of the works, property, Franchises <br />.and contracts which the City of Portsmouth has exercised its option to purchase by notice dated <br /> 2~ch ll, ~915, served upon this Compan~ pursuant to resolution adopted by Co~on Court_el! of <br /> the City o~ Portsmouth January 14~ 1916~ and by the board of Aldermen January 18~ 1916. <br /> <br /> "Kindly advise ~._~. Metcalf and this Company of the name of the disinterested arbitrator <br /> selected by the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> "yours very trUly~ <br /> <br /> "PORTSMOUTH, BE~L~V-~ & SUFFOLK WATER CO., <br /> <br /> "G. E. Hofm~master~ President." <br /> The following co_~munication was read from C. H. Martdmm, Regional Director of Railroads: <br /> <br /> "Atlanta, Ga., January 30th, 1918.' <br /> <br /> "Use of Seaboard Passenger Station, Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> "M~. L. C. Brinson~ <br /> <br /> "City Clerk & A~ditor; <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> "D~ar Sir.-- <br /> The Director General has referred me your letter of J~uuary 18th, together <br />with the eno!osed copy o£ resolutions of tt~ Cotmcil of your city, and, in ~swer thereto, I <br />s~m obliged to advise you that,' after investigation, I am unable to find that the use by the <br />Atlantic Coast Line and t'he Southern Railway of the Seab0ard's Portsmouth 'passenger station will <br />result in either ~eater efficiency or greater economies. The ~se of the Seaboa~d's Portsmouth <br />passenger station by these other two roads would reeutre an expenditure of money, materi~ls and <br />labo~ which should be devoted to more useful purpos~s~ It would also add to congestion of the <br />Seaboard'~ tracks through its yards, with the result of materially mnter~ering with its freight <br />movements. You will, ± am sure, appreciate the very g~eat import~ce of keeping Freight yards <br />clear~ of any congestion. <br /> <br />"Yours tr4Aiy ~ <br /> <br />"C. H. M~kham~ ReEi0nal Director." <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert moved to maim available the hAtance due the ~mericanLs~Wrance Fire Engine Com- <br />pan~ on its contract with the City for new fire apparatus, and the motion was adopted by the <br />fo!lowiz~gvote: <br /> Ayes--Bunting, Claud,' Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wrmoht,'~ 7. <br /> <br /> ~. Herbert called attention to condition of ~o~th street, from Pine street to the City <br />lintits, and same was referred to Public Service Department and the City Manager. <br /> <br /> He called attention also to the fact that there is no appropriation in the ~udget for "Re- <br />lief for Soldiers," and the same was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> ~. Herbertmoved that the City ~zaager and Department of Public SenCety consider the advi¢- <br />ability of purchasing the old apparatus From. the ~meric~u LaFrs~ce Fire Engine Company. <br /> The motion was adopted, <br /> <br /> 9n motion of ky. Herbert, the Citv Manage~ and city Attorney were instructed to advise-the <br />tweenC°unCmlcourt.andas to theFou~th;"nrogress" bein~made__ in movzng the. street railway tracks on Wythe street, <br /> bad condition of Gosoort BridFe Causeway was referred to the <br /> On motion of ~r. Herbert, the <br /> <br /> <br />