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150 <br /> <br />Febi~us~y 19, 1918 <br /> <br />CITY CLEI!K AND <br /> <br /> -~ebruar~ 28, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council Feb~uar~j 28th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- ~. A. Bunting, M. P. Claud, W-. It. C~lpepper~ <br /> C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, C, H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. ~Jright~ <br /> Also the City ~nager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special ~iee%ing: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., <br />"Mr. L. C. B~o~, <br /> <br />February 2?, 1918. <br /> <br />"City Clerk & Auditor, City. <br /> <br /> "Dsar Sir :-- <br /> You will please call a special meeting of the City Council for Thursday, <br /> <br />February 28th, at V:30 o'clock P. M., to consider such matters as may properly come before the <br /> <br />Very truly, <br /> <br />'J. T. Hanvey, President." <br /> <br />The "call" having been read~ Mr. Herbert moved that a conm~ittee of three be appointed to <br />cons'ider the advisability of annexi~ Port N~r.f~Ik~ Pinners Point, and other ~btu~b~~ ~e the <br />City of. Port.s?~o~th to confer with representatives of said territory as to terms, &c., and to <br />report its fi~ngs to the Coune~_l. ~ . . ' ' <br /> The. motmon'was adooted,_ ~ud the Cha~. appomnted Messrs. Herbert, ~,~ght' , and Bunting <br />as said committee. <br /> <br /> · d' ' ' ' V ' <br /> At thzs point, a telegram was rea from Geo. S. Cren~haw, Secty. Tax, Cor~aittee, irginia <br />4~m_icipal League, statin~ that the "West Billm divid~ tax On intangibles fifty for localities <br />and fifty for. State, would ~0me up for passage in the House of Delegates o~ FebrUarY 26th. <br /> On motion, the body e~dorsed the "West Tax Bill," and the City Clerk was instructed to <br />write o~representative in the House O£ Delegates and request ~ to support said bill. <br /> The City Clerk and Auditor was instructed to ~go to RicD~ond in behalf of said bill. <br /> <br /> The City Manager requested the Council to allow ~treet pavers an increase of pay to $3.50 <br />per day, pending report from the .F?~.e Dep~tment 0~ the ~su~ject. <br /> On motion of N~. Herbert, the Cmty Managei~'s request was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert presented the following resoiution, which was adopted: <br /> "ResOlved, That the <br />City Tre.asu~er he a~d he is hereby authorifed by the Pre.sident of the Council o£ the City of <br />Portsmouth, Va.~ and the Chai~ of .the Depahtment of ~i~ce, to make notes with sueh~ b~a~ks- <br />or persons as are wilting~ to dis'terror the same to amount of Thirty-five ~Thou~a~d Dolls~s (~35,000)~ <br />for ninety days, to meet payment on land purchased for a cemetery. <br /> "This instruction~ is given in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Council of the <br />City of .Portsmouth, Va., February 28, 1918,' and pu~_s~ant to an ordinance adopted by the Co~ci! <br />of the Cit~y of Portsmouth, Va., Septemtber~ l, 1916." <br /> <br />And by the fo~Iowir~ vote: <br /> <br />Ayes--Bunting~ <br /> Herber~ <br /> <br />~--~laud' Gulpepper~ Deans, W~nvey~ <br /> (~. V~ight rating present). <br /> <br />0nmotion, adjotwned. <br /> <br /> <br />