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Febr%~y 19, 1918 <br /> <br /> At this point, the privilege of. the floor ~s g~uted the Civil &Poliee J~stice, who pre- <br />sented a~ ~uendment to the City Charter relative to the appointment of Substitute Civil & Police <br />Justice. <br /> The proposed amendment was adopted, ~ud copies ordered to be sent to our representatives <br />in the Legislature for presentation to that body. <br /> <br /> The following matters were presented by the City Manager: <br /> First. A bid of J. N.~ Dews to <br />f~sh the City-_with drugs for the year 1918. <br /> On motion, the bid was referred to the City M~uager and Department of Health for conside- <br />ration. <br /> <br /> Second. Stating that he was in possession of a request f~om the Portsmouth, Berkley & Su~- <br />folk Water Company for a copy of the Scofield E~gineering Cormpa~%v's report on the water situation <br />in the City; and said request was referred to the arbitrator~ in the matter, M~. Hmrper. <br /> <br /> Third. He presented bids for fum~nishing oils, gasoline, &o., to the City for the year <br />1918. <br /> On motion, the_ City Manager was authorized to make a con~ract for same at the lowest <br />price, and report back on same to the Council. <br /> <br /> Fourth. He presented a petition from street pavers for thei~ pay to be increased to $3.50 <br />per day, and the ~N~m~ger reco_~uended that the pay be so increased.. <br /> On motion, the petition was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Fifth. He presented a Building Code for t~e City of Portsmouth; and same was referred to <br />the Department of Law and City Attorney for consideration and approval. <br /> <br /> D~fFiNISHED BUSIneSS <br /> <br /> A report of the City' Clerk & Auditor of bills in his .hands to ~meunt of $26~.90, for which <br />there is no appropriation, ~was refer~ed to tlie City Manager. <br /> <br /> A report of the Civil & Police Justice as to fines not collected by him was referred to <br />the City Auditor. <br /> <br />BUSINESS <br /> <br /> A communication was read from Chas. F. Harper, arbitm~ator recently elected ~h~ the Council <br />in tb~ matter of purchasing holdings.of the P. B. & S. Water CO., ~expressing his .appreoia.tion <br />for the compliment ~id him and stat~ug tl~t he accepts the positio~ and t~usts his decismons <br />will do credit not only to the e~ty as a whole but will b~ gratify~ to .the Council. <br /> On motion, the commmumuication was ordered to be fi!e~. <br /> <br /> The following telegr~u and communication were read from <br />Water Co., and were ordered to be filed: <br /> ~NevJ York, Feb~ <br /> <br />Portsmouth,~ Berkley and S~ffolk <br />13. !918o <br /> <br /> "Hon. L. C. B~inson~ <br /> City Clerk, Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> "Pursuant to.resolutiOn of Council of eity~ ?f Portsmo. uth adopted~Feby, fourth nineteen <br />eighteen and prevmous no%ice of ~eh eleventh ~.~eteen. sLxteen the Portsmouth, Berkley and. <br />Suffolk Water CO., hereby advises y6~ of the appointment of $. Leo~n?d. ~letcalf of Engineering <br />firm of Metca!f and Eddy, fourteen Be~acon St. ,. Boston, Mass,, as a dmsir~teres%ed ~bitratcr <br />to act in accordance with and under the provisions of clause fifteen of contract of Sept. thir- <br /> ~ ' ~e~ ~er a~so <br />t~enth ezghteen eighty seven. ~_~ conf~ above by ~ * exp._amno_~g~ ' ' that off~ is i~- <br />adequate and can not be considered a~ it does not approach the cost of the property or its face <br /> <br /> "50 Broad St~eet~ New Y*~k, <br />"The ~nor~le <br /> The Counczt of th~ City ~of Portmmoutk~ <br /> Portsmouth, Virginia. <br /> <br />Feb~ary 13, 1918. <br /> <br />~Gent!emen:'- <br /> <br />and. if the two Lakes. Phillips and' Burnt 5~ills. can not be inc!uded~ then offering~ $1~3!3,540 <br /> <br />abilities, and providzng that, S~ .the O~a~ fazl to accept the o~er wmtb~n ben ~s, ~nen <br />requ~rz~ ~the Portsmouth, BePkleym ~d Suffolk ~ater Co~o~ to ~opo~nt a dmsmnteres~ ~bit~ator <br />to meet ~d co, er ~th a dis~terested ~bitrator to be chosen ~ the Oo~oil of ~ Ci~ of <br />Port~uth, ~ acc~d~ce ~h.~d ~der t~ ~ovisi0ns of Clause ~, o~ the Contr~ between <br />the Czty of POrt~onth and the Port~uth, ~kl~ and ~folk Water Oo~, dated ~epte~r <br />1~, !8~, we respectfully reply: <br /> <br /> -~ed ~es, or $1,.3!3~5~0.exelud~ ~d ~es~ <br /> ~eh Off~ is gross~ .~deq~~ ~d does <br /> 5he cost of ~e proper~ or~ its f~ value. <br /> <br /> "tr~e~oective of its cresset val~e, the property cost the Portsmouth, ~Berk%ey & Suffolk <br />Water Compal~ at ~alllm:~ gl, 1905oo.... ....... .... .... ..o... ....... .o...~ 1,§58,111.9fi <br /> <br />"~ith addition, s made since, costing the following sums: <br /> <br /> <br />