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February 19, 1918 <br /> <br />At a regUlar meeting of the City Council Pebruary 19th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- ~. A. Bunting, M. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, <br /> Carroll D. Deans, ~. T. Hanvey, Co H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. Wright, ?. <br /> A~so the City Manager. <br /> <br />The minutes of the reg~L~lar meeting February 12th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) <br />the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF DEPAR~E~w~S <br /> <br /> Referred February 12th <br /> <br />~.0rdinance to Amend and Re-ordain Chapter 19 <br /> <br />of the Ordinances of <br /> <br /> It is recommended that the follov~ngordinance, approved by~ the City Attorney, be <br />adopted to cover saree: <br /> AN ORDINanCE TO A~DANDRE-ORDAIN C~PTER 19 0P TRE ORDINANCES OF T~{E <br />CIT~ OF PORTSMOUTH. (See Ordinance Book). <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) An Ordinance to Prevent the Spread of Co~mnunicable Diseases. <br /> It is recommended that the following ordinance, which has been approved by the City <br />Attorney, be adopted for same: <br /> AN ORDINanCE TO PP~T~ SPRE~ OF CON~G]IV!CABLEDISEASES. <br /> (See Ordinance Book). <br /> <br /> (Signed) C.D. Deans~ Chairman. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, a co~mmlnication was read from the Portsmouth Housewives' <br />League in relation to the re-organizationof the Health Department, and said commn~nication was <br />referred to the City Nanager and D~. G. M. Converse. <br /> <br /> Then the r~norm~ended ordinances were'adopted and by <br />the same for each:~' <br /> Ayes--B~nting, Claud, Cutpepl~r, Deans, <br /> <br /> Public Service-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />the following Vote~ the vote being <br />Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, ~. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />P~blic Safety-- <br /> No report~ <br /> <br />Public Welfare-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> Finance-- <br /> Re£erTed Pebruary 12th <br /> <br /> Resolution from' the Public Service De~art~nt concernin~ ~chasing equipment, material <br />and labor for street ~epair and construction work. - <br /> It is rec0~m~nded that an appropriation of $t0,000.00 be made to carry out said re- <br />solution. <br /> <br /> Recommendation of the P~blie Safety Dep~rtment that $t;000. <br />new equipment.and other articles for fire fighting purposes. <br /> I~ is reoo~uended that said appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br />be appropriated to purchase <br /> <br /> A oetiti?n Of the Chief of Police for a reasor~ble increase in pay. <br /> -- ~it is recommended that tdae salary of the Chief of Police be ~a~e $150.00 per month, <br />begir~~ch 1st, 1918. <br /> <br /> (With Public Safety Deoartment) A petition o£ the City Electrician for an appropriation <br />of $684. to p~Bchase and in~tall motor generators for chargir~ batteries at the various fire <br />engine houses an~ atesting instrument. <br /> It is ~ece~m~nded that an~pp~oPriati~,~of $354~ be allowed for this purpose. <br /> Reports of M~a~m~$OUS Officers for ~he month of January, 1918. <br /> Ne rep~%~that .we ha~e~ examined these reports and it is recommended th~.t they be filed. <br /> ~ A petit~on~F.the'Sehoot Board for the Council to make available $11~0. for the'session <br />?f 1918, ending ~une~iS0, 1918; ~ud $18,100. for the session o£ 1918-19, endmng ~une 30, 1919.; . <br />zn order to provi~ei~ war b~nus for sc~ol teachers. <br /> P~ogre~s Als to s~e. <br /> <br /> A requisitio~ ef the Board Of Q~arantine Co~m~issioners on the City for $300~ to defray the <br />necessary expenses of said Board for the year 1918. <br /> ProgresS. <br /> <br /> A petition f~om the ~ep~ty Oity Collector ~s to an apparent error relative to compensation <br />due bNm~ as a bonu~ for the collection o£ taxes~du~ing 19!~. <br /> <br /> (Si~ed) C~ H. Herbert~ C~r~ <br /> (Si~ed~) T.A. ~g, Vice-C~irm~ <br /> 0n motion~ the ~port of the Department was adopted, ~d by the follow~g vote: <br /> ~yes.~t~. Claud. <br /> <br /> <br />