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26O <br /> <br />M~rch 19, <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br /> The following resolution was adopted, u3pon reco~uendation of the City Manager: <br /> ~nereas. In verbal conversation with our City Attorney, he advises that under the exist- <br />ing conditions,'it is a question_as to the city maintaining its claim-as to all of the liqui- <br />dated damages ir~the A~er~can ~a~ance Fire Engine Company's contract, and <br /> "V~nereas, As the City will have immediate needs for the old fire equipment now on band <br />for the s~nexed territory, and <br /> "Nhereas, As the City could~not get necessary equipment in the near m~uture ~t a cost for <br />less than the ~mount in contention, <br /> "Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the amount due the American LaFrance Fire ~ine Company, <br />less the B% mentioned 'in contract, be paid, provided the~old e~uipment now in Portsmouth be <br />given to the City of Portsmouth~ee of all encumbrances, by deed, waiver or otherwise;and <br />provided further that by making said offer it does not in sr~v way prejudice the rights of the <br />City of Portsmouth in the contract between the said city and the f~eriean LaFrance Fire Engine <br />Compare. ~. B. Bates, City ~an~ger.~ <br /> <br /> And by the following vote: <br /> Eyes-- B%uuting~ C!aud,-Cu!pepper~ Deans, Hanvey, <br /> Herbert, Wri~t, 7. <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert moved that an appropriation of $!80o be made for the purchase of a deluge set <br /> for the Fire Department. <br /> On motion, the appropriation was referred to the Fir~nce Dep~rtment. <br /> The Special ~ater Co~ittee reported "Progress" on matters referred to said Co~uittee. <br /> <br /> The ~inance Department made the following special repo~t: <br /> "Eon. City Council--The Finance <br />Co~ittee of the CiR~ Council have ~ooked~into the~matt~ of bonus for the teachers of the Pub- <br />~lic Schools of the Cmty of Portsmouth, Va. Severam m~e~mnge of the Committee have been held <br />on the increase am~.asked for, and very thoroughly explained by 2Ais~ Smmth, one of the teachers, <br />and also by Messrs. Hunt, Briggs, and McGeb~e, and there'has never been any doubt .in the minds <br />of the Finance Com~.ittee as to the justice of this claim. <br /> <br /> "It has been clearly shown and demonstrated that we have probably one of the most capable <br /> amd efficient corps of principals and teachers as t~ere ~s in the State of Virginia, as past <br /> records will bear this out. <br /> "The euesti~n a~ises, ~a~we allo~ our schools and our children to take a baokward~ steD <br /> and'not receive the proper education. As.cit~an~ tax~p~yers of thel City of Port~m0uth~ <br /> we s~y that with everytJ~nmg else progressing '~he Cmty, w§ want ~he~sehoels to progress.along <br /> with ~ther things. ~ As members of the Counci~ k~d also of the Fine, ce Cormmittee, we are con- <br /> strained to say that we do not favor bacL~s~d steps in~r~thing. <br /> <br /> ~T~e~stio~, therefore, is, without doubt, that we should grant the increase of approxi- <br /> mately $1~00.00. <br /> <br /> "At a meetiug of the Finance C0'.mmittee held F~id~v& March 14th, there were present about <br /> ~5 teachers andseve~al of theprincmpals and members or the School Bo~d and the Super~ntendent. <br /> Suggestions were made as to how the.increase should be h~udled. After discussion of same, the <br /> President of the School Board 6alled a meetingof the Boaz~d for Eonday night, and said Board <br /> adoptedre~olutions,which are enclosed. <br /> <br /> "?nerefore, with the bon~.s as asked for being imperative and with the School Board willing <br />to co-operate with ~he Council in any way, your Finance Committee reco~ends that said increase <br />as asked~ for be granted, and respect~3_tly.~ques%~ the members of the City Co~ucil to stand ~y <br />this re co~z~endation o <br /> <br />"Respectfully submitted, <br /> "C. H. Herbert, Ctzmn. <br /> <br /> "T. A. Bunting, V~ce-Cha~u~9-u." <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Department was adop~ed, and by~he following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Bumting, Claud, Culpepper, Dca_us, Hanvey, Herbert, %%~ight~ 7. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cu!pepper offered th$ following resolution, which was referred to the Department of Law: <br /> <br /> ~ · "Resolved, That the City Manager be instructed to-detail one of the Justices of the Peace <br />f~r the purpose of issuing bail bonds ~d other papers, one of each of the Jusumees te be on <br />duoy at the Station House each night.~ <br /> <br /> Mr. De~u~s presented the na~e of Jas. F~ Pablo to be sent to the Com.~nissioner of G~ue & <br />Inland Fisheries, to be co.usidered for the position of C~u~e Warden for the C~ty of ortsmouth, <br />and the Clerk was instructed to for~ard the name of Mr. Pablo to said Cormuiss~one~ <br /> <br /> ~r. Deans called attention to the looation~of t~affio boxes o~ tho streets, and s~e was <br />referred to the City M~nager. <br /> <br /> ~. Deans called attention to the condition of sidewalk at the southeast corner <br />and Crawford streets° <br /> On.motion, said matter was referred to the City ~anager for attention. <br /> <br />of London <br /> <br /> <br />