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R. C, P. <br /> <br />March 19, 1918 <br /> <br /> "The ordinance for the issue of $!~0,000 School bonds is in the hands of the City Clerk. <br /> "Respectfo. lly Submitted, <br /> <br /> "Jno. W. Happer, City Attorney. <br /> Whereupon, the City N~ager' was requested to furnish the City Attorney with the neces- <br /> sar~ informatigD_for transferring the night soil contract from Mr. Dunn to ~. Mooney. <br /> <br /> The following ordinariness,Wb_ich' were ordered to lie on the table by the body until+Hhis~' <br />meeting,read, andandadopted:referred to the Department. of Law and City Attorney for approval, were taken up, <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE SOLICITING, AIDING OR PERMITTING PROSTITUTION <br />OR ILLICIT S~AL INTERCOURSE. (See Ordinance Book) <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TBE ~uAR;~MTINING~ DETENTION. CARE A5~D CURE OF PERSONS INFECTED <br />WITH CONTAGIOTjS VA/,~REAL DISEASES-. (See Ordi~ance Book)' <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ~-~ QU~R~WTI~ OF PERSONS CO~-FINED IN TP~ CITY JAIL OF PORTS- <br />MOUTH, ~0 NAY BE INFECTED WI~q ANY CONTAGIOUS OR I}UFECTIOUS DISEASE D~NGEROUS TO T~ PUBLIC <br />HEALT~H. (See Ordinance Book) <br /> <br /> ~d by the following~vote, the vote being the same for each: <br /> Ayes-- Bttutlng, Claud, <br /> Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wrig3nt, V. <br /> <br /> The followLug ordina~ce, ordered to lie on the table by this body until t~his meeting, <br />and referred to th~ Department of Law and City Attorney for aporoval, was read, discussed, <br />and ordered to remain on the table until March 20th, 1918: - <br /> An Ordir~noe Regulating the ~nu- <br />facture, Handling, Care and Sale of Food Stuffs Within_ the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> A - <br /> The following.ordinance for the issue of ~Io0,000. of School Bonds was read and was order- <br />ed to lie on the table until the special meeting of the Council March 26th: <br /> <br />~uthorize the Issue of One Hundred and F~ft~ ~ ..... ~ ~ Ordinance to <br /> ..... -- ~ ......... Doilies of Bonds, tc be Knewl~ ~ "Ports- <br />moutn, Virgznia, School Bdnds," Pursuant to an_ Act of the General Asse~blyof Virginza, Approv~ <br />ed .January ~t, 1915, ~ Order to Buzld ~ SChool House or~o~hoo!houses and for Other School Pu~ <br />poses~ <br /> <br />h~W BUSI~SS <br /> <br /> A petition was read f~o~ H. B. G. Gait, attorney for S~m~el W. ~n~mistead, to be relieved <br />from the assessment fdr the improvements to the two double tenements at .~the corner of Fifth <br />and Harrison streets for the year ~glV, and the $400. improvements to the single house at said <br />corner, which was renovated. <br /> On motion, said petition was referred to the Department of Pinance~ <br /> <br /> A petition of the Clerk to the Civil & Police Justice for his salary to be increased from <br />$1~000. to $1,200. per annttm, was referred to the Finance s~d Public Safety Dep~rtments. <br /> <br /> A communication was read from'F. H. Harris, President, Board of Control ~ar Construction <br />Activities, Hampton Roads District, relative to proposed 0om]5~nation' or merger with a view of <br />forming a metropolitan water district; and sa~e was referred to the Special Water Committee. <br /> <br /> A notice from H. B; L.acy, 2220 King street, tt~t if he doesn't hear as to the clai~_ of <br />kis wife~ for injuries received at the corner of Seventh avenue and Kmno' ~ street, by the 2~th <br />of ~4s~ch, he will turn same over to his attorney~ was referred to the City Attorney and Finance <br />Depmrtment. <br /> <br /> A notice was read fram the City Manager of appointment of Messrs. C. W. Sei£ and. A. A. <br />Stell as Patrolmen, whose duties~Dr~sen% will be Guards in charge of the Chain G~g, and <br />same was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> A comwr~ication was read from Chas. F. Na~per, ~rbitrator for the City of Portsmouth, say- <br />lng that he does not deem~ it advisable to furnish the P. B. & S. Water Co. with a copy of the <br />Scofield report. <br /> On motion, the con~uunication was ordered to be Filed. <br /> <br /> A request from D. O. Nibbard, Probation Officer, that better a~ran~ements be made to care <br />for children who are held for the J~Venile Co~_~t, was referred to the Department of Law. <br /> <br /> The followin~ resolution was read from the City Manager: <br /> "Be it Resolved, That the City[ <br />of Portsmouth, jointly ~ith Norfolk County, make an offer-for the ~Page Property' in Norfolk, <br />Va., for increasing the fer~y facilities at a sum of $118,000.00, as recommended by the Jozut <br />Ferry Committees. <br /> <br /> "Also, That the City Attorney be instructed to petition the Judges of the Circuit Court <br />of Norfolk Cortuty and the Corporation Court o£ the Ctty~ of Portsmouth, Va., in behalf of the <br />City, as provided by special enactment regarding~purchase of property for ferry terminals~ and <br />t~ke Such other procedure as may be necessary for the acquire <br /> <br /> "Be It Fttrthe~ Resolved, That th~-s resolution be forwarded to the <br />County with request that they concttr in this ~esolution and co-operate <br />procedure as may be necessary to acquire said property." : <br /> <br /> On motion, said resolution was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Supervisors of Norfolk <br />with the City in such <br /> <br />Ayes-- Bunting, Claud, <br /> <br />c <br /> <br /> <br />