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~-ch 19, 1915 <br /> <br /> A petition of the Police Relief Associatmo to be allowed to give a Society Circus in the <br />Baseball Park without payment of a license tax therefor. <br /> ~e report that the ordinances Lmpose.a license tax for these affairs and we do not <br />deem it wise to suspend the same. <br /> <br />( Signed ) <br /> <br />C. H. ~erbe~ t, Chalr~ua~u. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Department was ad~p~ed, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Bunting, Claud, Culpepper, De~s, H~uvey, Herbert, <br /> <br /> The following co~mmznications and recommendations were read from the City Manager: <br /> First. Recommending that the request of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Comp~ for the time <br />to be extended twelve months for re-~laying the track across High st~eet and ~llel with the <br />old track rurauing into London street, b6 granted. <br /> On motion~ the tLme was extended for twelve months ~-om the time of the original agree- <br />ment, on the same conditions as formerly applied. <br /> Second. S~omitting a co~mmunicat~on ~om the City Electricia~ suggesti_~g_that an additional <br />clause be added to the Ordinance governing Electrical afEai~ in the City of ~ort"s~outhmaking <br />it eormpulsoryfor the power ~ud lighting co~a~- operatmng in the City to file an application <br />with the .Electrical Inspector for all installations to be cor~uected with service, such applica- <br />tion to be approved by the City Inspector before service is <br /> On motion~ the ~tter was referred to the DeD~ tme~,~ of Law. <br /> 'At this ~oint the Special Committee appointed to consider the ~unexation to the City of <br />Port Norfolk,~Pinn~rs Point, ~ud adjacent territory, p~es'e~%ed with recon~endation that same be <br />adopted, the following ordinance: <br /> An Ordinance for the Extension of the Corporate Limits of the <br />~i~ of Portsmouth, Pursuit to AnAct of the General Assembly of Virginia, Approved ~roh lC, <br />190~. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, on motion, the privilege of the floor was e~tended to parties present who <br />~ight wish to Speak concernLug the proposed annexation. <br /> Ohas. F. Harper, S. Heath Tyler, and ~. Zeigler spoke urging anuexation of the terri- <br /> tory descrzb~d~in the ord!n~uce. <br /> Ffu~!ly, on motion, the ordinance was ordered to-Iie on the table ur~il a special meet- <br /> lng of the body Tuesday, ~arch ~6th, 7:~O o'clock P. N., and was referred to the Department <br /> of Law and City Attorney for approval by said meeting. <br /> <br />The following communications <br />"Hon. City Co~n~i!, <br /> <br />were read fromm the City Attorney: <br /> <br /> "Per t smouth, <br /> <br />Va., Narch 19th, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~Port~mouth, Va. <br /> <br />l "Gent temen: -- <br /> . Replying to. the claLmmade by M~ W. S. OulPepper that he is e~titled to <br /> ceive~t~e~additional salary of $200. for the cotlectmon of 90 per cent. of the taxes for the <br />I year~!91~, ~_having entered upon the duties o~ ~D~o fmcs of Deputy City Collector on Oct. ~th, <br />I 191~, and being in office at the close of the fiscal ysar-- <br /> <br /> -"~. ~. E. Calvert~ filled tha't office from ~e beginning of the fiscal ~ear to 9ct._ !st~ <br />191~, and in my opinion, is entitled to Such portion of the $~00.O0 as the time of his ser¥ice <br />bears to the whole. <br /> <br />"Therefore, <br /> <br />it is my opini-on that <br /> <br />the claim of Mr. Culpepper should not be allowed. <br /> <br /> "Respectfully submitted~ <br /> <br /> ~Jno. W. Happer, C~ty Attorney." <br /> <br />On motion, the opinion of the City Attorney was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br />~Portsmouth, Va., March 19, 1918. <br /> <br />"Hon.. City Council, <br /> <br />~' Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> Mr. Brinson, City Clerk, has laid before me seve~a~ ordinances, four in <br />bet, pres~nt~ by t~le Department of Health,~for my opinion with reference to the same. <br /> <br /> "In rep~y, Z beg to say:- Tha~ these ordinances seem bo be in proper form~ and there are <br />no legal objections/to their adoptmonby th~ Counczl; ~lthough they, mn many respects, embrace <br />m~.tters which are covered by other o~di~nees of the city and the general laws of the State. <br /> <br /> "In reference to the transfer of the 'Night Soil Contract' from E. O. Duma to J. <br />also referred to me~ it will be necessary for ~. Mooney to ~mrnishms with the name~of the <br />.surety for his bond. <br /> <br /> "i a~.not ~t advised of a~4Y purchase mad~ by the City and County of the Page property <br />and cannot get approval of the court ~til ~ offer is made and accepted ~or the property. <br /> <br /> <br />