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FL C. p, <br /> <br />April 9, 1918 <br /> <br /> (With City At%orney) Notice from H. B. Lacy, 2220 King street, that if he doesn't hear <br /> as to the claim of his wife for injuries received ~y the 25th of ~Nareh, he will turn same over <br /> to his attorney. <br /> We ~I1 report, on this matter later. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $150. for a deluge set for the Fire Department. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation to said amount be allowed for said purpose. <br /> <br /> Referred March t2th <br /> Recon~endation.~l of the City Manager that the pay of the Chief Eno~neer,~ Sewerage Dep~a~tment~ <br /> be increased to ~ 25. per month plus the $10. per month for work in connection with the mnciue- <br /> <br /> It is reco~iended that Mr. ~itehurst:s salary be increased by $15. per month. <br /> <br /> Referred January 1Sth <br /> A bill of A. W. Beacham to amount of ~ <br /> ~2.85, for City taxes paid in error on an au%omobile, <br /> Sixth Ward. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be refunded Mr. Beecham, out of Sixth Wa~d funds. <br /> Referred December llth. <br /> <br /> A petition of R. Moffatt, 2012 King street, to be refunded soil tax paid in error for the <br /> year 191V. <br /> It is recommended that said ~uount be reihmded, out o£ Sixth Ware funds. <br /> <br /> (Signed) C.H. H~rbert, <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Department was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Bunting, Olaud, culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, V~ight~ <br /> Special Water Committee-- <br /> Referred Mareh l~th <br /> A communic~ationf~om Eo R. Harris, Prest. Board of Control, WarConstruction . c,iwities, <br /> D ' <br />Hampton Roads istrmct, with regard to proposed comD?ination or merger a view to forming <br />a metropolitan water district. <br /> ~ .We report that you~Oity Manager has been in constant touch with the BOard of Control~ <br />War~Ac~ivmties, Hampton Roads, in regard to the~$ro~olitan water district t~h~o?agh Major Ben- <br />scl, who has been assigned by Admiral Ha~rls to this specific work. <br /> Visits have been made to Nansemond la~es including Lake Eilby~ Lake. Calhoun a~d the <br />plant adjacent thereto; also a visit has been made to Lake Dr~mmnond and this committee feels <br />that the City of Portsmouth is doing all that is possible to be 'done to ca~ry out the works <br />the Gove~n~ent as suggested in the communication from Admiral Harris. <br /> <br /> (Signed) ~._H. Herbert, 6"hat,man. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report was received. <br /> <br /> The followir4~ co.%munications were read l¥om the City Manager: <br /> · First. A~sing that on <br />April 5th he turned over to the King Daughters Hospital the ~whmskey on hand at the Police Station, <br />consisting of 94 half pints, 23 quarts, and three 5 gal. kegs, with the distLuct~uderstanding <br />that the whiskey was to be used for medical purposes. <br /> On motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> S~cond. Ecuclosing a petition from the Clerk of the Market for an increase in salary. Said petition was referred to the Finance Departmen%~ <br /> <br /> ~nird. Racommendation that the petition of Dr. J. C. Fnillips, Pkysic~an to the Poor, <br />for an i~ase in pay be refer~ed to the Health Department ~nd the Finance Department for re- <br />port, was md~pt~d~ <br /> <br /> Fourth. Submitti~ re'co.~mendation from the Health Dep~tment that the salary of. the City <br />..~Bacteriotogist be ~creased to $?5. per month. <br /> - Sai~ ree'~e~atien was referred to the Finance and Public Welfare Departments for <br /> consideration. <br /> <br /> Fifth. -Advisingthat,'in pursuance with the City 0rdinances~ ~ud authority invested in the <br />City Manager, upon recommendation of the Civil ~ Police Justice~ ~e has appointed Mr. W. H. <br />Edmonds as Clerk to the samd Justice and the Chief of Police; the~appointment to begin according <br />to subsequent resotuttonor ordinance ninety days after January'~l; 191S. <br /> 0n mOtion, said eommunication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> Sixth. Communication from C. W. Alexander saying that, in consideration of the property <br />desired by the City for extending sidewalk to improve conditions on,the street, corner of <br />Court, he wtl~ give in exchange the piece: of~rm3nd in'front olD_is ho,m~ <br /> <br /> Said proposition was referred to t~e Public Service Department and City 5~mager. <br /> <br /> Seventh. Pres~nt~ug a c!aLm of J. T. St--?ford fo~ damages~against the City for injury to <br />his property at the northeast corner of South and Pearl streets, on account o~ d~ainage con- <br />ditions. <br /> On motion, the claim was referred to the Finance Department; City Manager, and City <br />Attorney~ <br /> <br />Eighth. Enclosing a communication from Robt. A..Walker as to increase ~n ~e ~*m~ n* *~ <br /> <br /> <br />