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Apr.! 9~ t918 <br /> <br />and also as to requirLug ice <br /> On motion, the matter was referred to the <br /> Ninth. Notice of appointment of Richard C. <br />doted to be filed. <br /> <br />companies to weigh ice at the time of delivery to customers at the ~ <br /> Department of Public Welfare ~.d the City Manager~ <br /> J6~rnee as patrolman~ and said notice was or- ~ <br /> <br /> Tenth. Notice of appointment of Miss Catharine Hook as patroLman for the City ~f Porte- <br />mouth, according ~o the Acts of the Assembly, 1916, Chapter 281, her compensation to be ,paid <br />by the Government; and said notice was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> ~-FINISH~ BUSIneSS <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of March, 1918, were presented and were or- <br />dered to take the usual course. <br /> The following ordinance, ordered to lie on the table March 19th and continued on the table <br />~aroh ~6th, was taken up, read, and adopted: <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING ~EE!tAh-GFAGTURE, Y1AArDLING, <br />CARE A~D SALE OF FOOD S*~J!eFS WITHIN THE CITY O~ PORTSMOU~E. (See Ordinance Book), <br /> <br />And by the following vote: <br /> &yes--Claud, Culpepper~ Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, 6. <br /> <br />NEW BUSi~-E~SS <br /> <br /> A petition of R,-F. Sebrell and .J. ~J BaehfOrd, firemen who have been inducted into Mili- <br />tary Service, to be compensated for the three last days in M~rch when at camp Lee, was refe~ed <br />to t~he Finance Department and the City Manager. <br /> A petition of M.' E. Nichols, for the J. T. Nic~ls Estate, to be refunded $10.80~ paid in <br />error for soil tax on No.'1~28 High street, for ti~ years 1912~13-14-!5-16-1~, was referred <br />to the F~uance Department. <br /> ~A-petition-was read from the Merchants National Bank of Hictzmond to be paid for three <br />pons~, $10;~ach~ on Portsmouth Rede.wrption Bonds' Nos. 29, 50,~ and 31, ~ue Jal~ry~ 1,' 19~0, said <br />coupons having been lost. <br /> On motion,~ the petition was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> A letter of thanks was received from the t~achers ,of ~he Portsmouth Public Schools express- <br />lng their appreciation for th~ recognition of theiP claim for the "war bon~s"~ which was allowed <br />by the Council; and same was ordered to be filed. <br /> A petition from sttUdry~oarties to h~ve installed two ~eet iig~hts., one at t~e~ southeast <br /> corner of Queen street and ~ourth avenue and the other~at southwest cor~r o~ Third avenue <br /> and Queen street~ was referred to the Depa~.~en% of Public Safe~y. <br /> Ale~ter w~s read from the Schooi Boar~ and the Superintendent of Schools, expressing <br /> thei~ appreciation and thanks to the Co~ucit for their ,m~tiOn in reference to the appropriatA6n <br /> asked for as a war bonus for the teachers of the Public School System; s~d s~me was .ordered to <br /> be filed. <br /> A commtm~cation was read f~omE. ~. Bemis, consulting engineer; as to a third appraiser <br /> in conneetio~ with the water l~op~i~,ton .for the City of Portsmouth, and same was referred to <br /> the' Special %rater Cormaittee. <br /> <br /> ' ' A bill of R. E. Glover, to amount of ~159.19, for blankets f.~n~sh~d the City Jail sad tin <br /> wareto be used fo~ the c~in gang,~f0r whzch there is no at~opriation, was referred to the <br /> Finance Department and City Manager, <br /> <br /> A, bill of F. P,-Baldwin to '~mount of ~1o.80, for soil t~x paid in error ~o. 2016 Queen <br /> stneet, forthe year 191V, was re~erred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> ~ ~,~.~+~^~ ~ J. F~an~ Eod~eso to De refundea ~3V~80, pa~a mcr sozl tax on Nos. 162a-!626 <br /> High st_eot,; for the. yeses 1912£13-14-!5-16,!~ ~ was re~erred to the Pinanc~ Department, <br /> A petition of the City Clerk & Auditor for his salary to be increased to $175. per r~onth~ <br /> was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Th~ ~s!~lent presented rules and regulations and tarri~ of r~tes,~g~ve~n~g..m.unic~pal us~s <br /> ~in the, c!tYo2PertsE?uth, Ma.,ir~?eived from th? P0rtsmout~!.Berkley a Suffolk ~a~er <br /> and- same wer~.referrea to 'the Special .~ater Co~ttee!~ ?i~y M'ap.a~er ~and C~}y Attorney <br /> take such actmon as may be necessary to protect the Cz0y ms ~n~eres~ zn ~ne <br /> On motion of Mr. Oulpepper; the advisability of a light being placed at the corner of Foot, th <br /> avenue ~ud Holladay street was re2erred to the P~blic Safety, Depart~n~ and the City Eanage~.£c <br /> <br /> The following resolution was presented and adopted: <br /> "Be it Regolved~ Tha~ the City__~ager <br /> be auth~or{zed to allow a public booth %0 be b~iit at the southea~t~cern~r of the Court~ouse <br /> law~; said booth to be used for, the co~velntenee and use oE;~he Li~rty I~, Red C~ose, <br /> ~ving Stamps, and other public Functions? <br /> <br /> The following was presented bythe City Manager:' <br /> ~In regard to the final settle~,ent with <br /> the ~m~rican LaFrance Fire Engine Compar~- for the new fire equipment, <br /> '~hereas in ~suance with a resolutio~passed by,the COuncil March 19; 1918, that t~he bal- <br /> <br /> <br />