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April <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br /> ~ t <br />At a regular meeting of bheCi y Council April 9th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- T. A. Bunting, ~. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, <br /> C. D. Deans,-J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. Wright, V. <br /> Also the City Mar~ger. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting ~areh 19th and special meeting ~ch 26th were read and <br /> <br />were approved. <br /> <br />Law - - <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEPAR?~i'~S <br /> <br /> Referred ~rch 19th <br /> <br /> ~aggestion by the City Electrician that an additional clause be added to the ordinance <br />governLugelectrical affairs of the Citym~king it compulsory for the power snd lighting com- <br />pany operating in~ this Ci~ to fi%e a~ application with the Electrical Inspector for all instal- <br /> ations to be corrected wmth service. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A request of D. 0. Hibb~rd, Probation Officer, <br />Eot ~htldren who are held for the juvenile Court. <br /> Progress. C. <br /> <br />that better arrangements be made to oa~e <br />D. Deans, 0hairmSno <br /> <br />Onmotion, the report of the Department was ~eceived. <br /> <br />Public'Ser~ice-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No ~eport. <br /> <br /> Public Safety-- <br /> Referred Ma~¢h.19%h <br /> <br /> (Nith Finance Department)~ A petition of the Clerk to the Civil & Rolice ~ustice for his <br /> salary to. be increased fr~om $1~000. per ann~u to -$t,200, per ~. <br /> Werespectf~ty report on this ~tter as foll~s: <br /> ~ "~e~eas~ on Aoril ~th, 1917, an <br /> or~n~ce was passed entitled. ~ 0rdi~ce Providing for the Appo~tment-~f a Clerk to.the <br /> CiVil ~d Police Justice~ ~d te t~ ~ef of Potice,~ which provides that he shall r~cemve for <br /> hi~ services tk~ s~e per month as a patrol~~ o~er consideration whatsoever, ~t all <br /> fees ~e to be co!lected by h~ ~d paid ~to the Cmty ~ea~y, ~d <br /> <br /> 'V~ereas, this ord~nce wo~d~mncrease the pay of ~e samd Clerk ~f bhe Civz_ ~d Police <br /> {~,~ice, more~ t~ the ~s~ of $1,000 ~but owi~ to ~e fact that h~ office ho~s ~e not speci- <br /> fmcS, ~ for t~t reason the ~Pose ~d intent of~the ~ord~nce is not c~ried out, therefore; <br /> <br /> ~e res ect~ltyreco~a the fo!low,g. ~ 0r~ce ~end~ ~ 0rdi~ce ~t~e~ <br />~ Ordin~cePfor Aono~t~ a Clerk to ~e Civil ~d P01iceJustice. ~d the Chief of Pollce~ <br />~Be it or~ed ~ the City Co~ciz o_ ~e Cmty of Por~smouth~ Va~ ~at = clau~e ce added to~ <br /> ~nd the s~d ordin~ce as follows: ~e offioe~ho~s of ~e Clerk to ~ce Civil ~d Police ~us- <br /> rice ~d to ~e ~ief of Police, shall ~.fr0m 8:~0 a. m. to 12:$O o.m. ~d fr~V:SOp.m, to <br /> ll:~O p.m., ~nd that all ~ord~ces ~_ c0~lict with ~e o~di~ce kdopted April 2~th, tglV~ <br /> ~d this ~en~ent b~r~to ~e hereby ~epea!ed. <br /> "'~s ~en~ent ~d ordi~ce to t~e effect ~d be in force from its passage~" <br /> <br />( Si~ued ) <br /> <br />C.~.Dean~, ~ice-Ch~irman. <br /> <br /> On motion, the ordinance was ordered to -lie on the table until the next regala~ meeting <br />the body. <br /> <br /> The ~i~a-Chairmanpresented the following resolution for adoption: <br /> ~Be It Resoived~ Tha~ <br />the~De~tment of P~blic Safety in oonj.u~.ction ~ith the appr?~riate co~itte~ ~fr~m the Ass0cma- <br />tion of Commerce b~-authorized to negotmate.~iththe Va.-Ram±way and Power ~o. for the purpose <br />of ascertaining the best rates for the Cmty of Portsmouth, as suggested in a let~r from the <br />Va. Railway and Power Co., dated ~arch ~, addressed to ~. H. A. V. Parker." <br /> <br />On mo%ion~ the~ matter was referred to the Department of Public Safety. <br /> <br />Public ~elfare-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Referred March 19th <br /> <br /> (~ith Public Safety-Departmen~t)~, ~petit~o~f~Om the Clerk to .the Civil & Police ~ustice <br />tha~ his salary be increased from ~1,000. to $1,200. per <br /> Concurring with the Public Safety Dep~tment, ~e report that we do not favor any in- <br />creas~in the office of Clerk to the Civil & Polmce Justmce. <br /> <br /> Petition of H.~ B. G. Galt,~ attorney for Saml. W. Arm!stead, to be relievedfrom the assess- <br />ment for th~ improvements to th~ two double tenen~ents at the corner of Fifth and Harrison streets <br />for ~the year 191~; and the $~00.. lmD~vements to the single house at s~id location, which was <br />renovated, <br /> Progress as to <br /> <br /> <br />