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May 24, 1~18 <br /> <br />for membersJaip fee for the yea~ end~ J~ne 30, 1918. <br /> It is recomended that said bill be not allowed. <br /> <br /> A bill of Na~ia Baker, 1512 Col'~mbia street, <br />tax for the years 191~-15-16-17. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />to be refunded $7.20, paid i~ error for soil <br /> <br /> (~ithCityAttorney) A ccmm~u~icatio~from'H. B. <br />for injuries received by his wife. <br /> P~ogress. <br /> <br />Lacy as to h~ claim against the City <br /> <br /> A comzm~cati~ from the Auditor of Public Accounts as to salaries of the Judges of the <br />Circuitand Hustings Courts for the year begi~Febr~ 1, t919. <br /> We will report on this matter at ~!ater meeting. <br /> <br /> Reeomme~datio~ from th~ City Attorr~ey that the suit of L. E. ~i!son vs. the City be compro-- <br />~ised. <br /> It is ~ec~nded t~t the rec~endati~n of the Ci~ At~rney be c~lied wi~ ~d <br />~t ~ a~ropriation o~ ~5.86 be ~de available for s~e. <br /> <br /> A comPlication f rom the Bo-ard of Harbor Commissioners that the thi~dqua~terlypayment <br />on aeeo~ut of appropr~atio~ of $1,500. for the fiscal year is now ioz~ past due. <br /> It is recommended an appropriation of $3V5. be made available to pay this third qu~m- <br />terty assessment. <br /> <br /> A eo~icationfrom F. ~. Ferebee as to pay for City employees ~no have entered the <br />ta~y Service. <br /> ~s there i~ such a la, ge n~m'oer -of soldiers in the Service who were City employees, <br />it is recommended that a~ appropriation be made for $~e. <br /> <br /> A petition of the School Board to have m~de available $6,1V~.50 to cover bills falling due <br />May let on aecount of New High School B~lding. <br /> We report that motes for said smo-~t wit! be m~de. <br /> <br /> A bill of the City Attorney to ~t ef $21.~ f~ incidental expenses paid Dy him in <br />eo~uection with. City work, as per vouchers att~ed tobm!l. <br /> It is reeo~xended that said amount be made available to pay said bill. <br /> <br /> (~ith Public Safety Department) A ~petition of the Chief of the Fi~e Department to h~ve <br />made available an mpprop~iation of ~150~ for msic for the annual f~speetion of fire~n to be <br />held net later than May ~0th. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation mot to exceed $100~ be made for this put-pose. <br /> <br /> (With Public Safety Department) A <br /> Co~ci!r~consid~ a~d rescind the <br />in their pay. <br /> We repo~t that at the proper time <br /> <br />~on from members of the Police Depsrtment that <br />taken at its last meeti~ i~ regard to ~n i~erease <br /> <br />the matter will ~e rescinded. <br /> <br />· A request ef ~e Central Labo~ Union for an appropriation of $300. ~e be used in advertis- <br />the City at the smmuai meeting of tb~ State Federation to be held in t~is City in J~ne. <br /> It is ~ecommended that an appropriation to said amount be made for~the purpose. <br /> <br />(Signed) C.H. Herbert, Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Department was adopted and by the following v~te: <br /> <br /> i $. <br /> ~yes-- Claud~ Culpepper~ ~ve2, Herbert,' Wr ght, <br /> <br /> The Cha~an of the ~maer~tion. Cemmitt~e read the foliowir~ letter which had been sent <br />to Jehn B. Pa~n~e, G?neral Counsel, U. S. Railroad Administration, in s~uswe~ te ~is letter to <br />the Counei! concern~ the proposed annexation of Port ~or~felk and Planers Point to ~he City ef <br />Portsn~outh: <br /> '~May 24, 1918. <br /> ~John Ba~ton Payne, E~q., <br /> General Cc~zusel, U. o. Rs~lroad Administration, <br /> Interstate Commerce Building, <br /> Washington, D. C. <br /> <br /> Tou~.letter.of May 10th addressed to t~ Mayor and City Ce~mciI,of the City <br />Pe~t~outh, Vi~giula, relative to the proposed annexation by the Oityof of c <br />territory in NerfolkOounty, ir~luding Pir~ Point and Port Norfolk~ <br />City Council to me as C~z~irman of the Auue~atme~ C~mm~tttee of th~ Cit~ Counei!~ for reply, <br /> <br /> ~! note from yo~ letter that you give as the reason why ~ou ask the City to defer am~exaL <br />tio~ ~ntil after the War~ that the taxes ef the Southern Railway; the Atlantie.~Coa~t Li~e Raj!- <br />road Compa~ the New ~o~k, PhiladelpHia '& Norfolk Railroad a~d the N?fo!k & PortSmouth Belt <br />Li~e P~il~oad would be greatly ~o~eased, and appealing to ~s as patrmotie people to give the <br />matter due consideration on this grOUnd. <br /> <br /> =I ~ee8 not assure you that an apDeal of this~at~a~e would not fall up.n deaf ears,'~nd <br />that the people of Portsmouth are mcre~wi!ling to[do their share in the great e~nflict <br />in which o~ countr~ is engaged, ~nd feel the deepest interest in all the efforts o~ %he G~vern- <br />merit to p~omote ~t$ success. It i~ because we feel ~ d~ep interest that we ~eeent mos~ <br />d~eply th~s effort to appeal to your patriotism ~nd to c~s to con+~roi actions which in mo way <br />affect this ~esult. <br /> <br />am, of course, ignorant as to who your informant may have been as to the effect on the <br /> <br /> <br />