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R. C. P. <br /> <br />283 <br /> <br />f <br /> <br /> railroad taxes by the proposed annexation by the City of Portsm. outh~ of the te~ito~n~ed. He <br /> was eibher densely i~or~t or was desi~ed~ see~g ~ ~e adv~ge of tD~s pa~iotic feel~ <br /> ~ of o~ people to ~lue~ce o~ j~ent ~ess ~f~s. If y~ve ~d the ~e~- <br /> tion 0rd~nce y~ will see that, by its te~s, it p~o~des t~t t~ t~es ~ ~e ~ai~oads <br /> ~ti~, o~ ~eed ~ ~ p~o~rty with~ ~e ~$xed termites, c~ot be ~c~eased bey~d <br /> ~ which ~al! be ~pos~b~e Co~ at the t~e of the ~e~tmon ~til ~ter t~ next <br /> g~al ~ses~ent of l~nds, Ei~ wo~d me~ to the ye~ 1921. if we s~ll be so ~ort~te <br /> as to be still ~ga~ed E ~i~ c~lict at t~t t~e. so ~at the Gov~ment ~11 be e~rcisi~ <br /> c~trot over t~ Pam~ea~, we still do not feel or believe t~t the effect of the ~e~ti~ <br /> of this te~i~ will be to increase the t~es of t~ rai~oads or ~ other ~ope~tyT~olders~ <br /> ~t believe Lt will De to ve~ ~terially benefit th~ to be ~ the l~ts of ~e ~ity of <br /> orts~th, ~d Estea~ of ~cre~sm~ ~e t~es ~at the e~eot of the ~e~ti~ll be to <br /> less~ ~e f~cial ~ whi~will ~ ~os~ upon th~ if ~ey ~e left ~ the <br /> ~is, ap~t ~ t~ fact ~at the City of P~t~ou~ c~ ~ will afford Ech~e adeq~ <br /> f~e ~d police ~otectien th~ ~ese corporati~s c~ obtainer a c~ gove~t. ~e <br /> reduction ~ ~F~ce, s~ety of lives ~d~opertyby~ ~is te~ito~ adeq~tely ~ded <br /> ~d c~ed for, ~e act~l reducti~ ~ cost to these corp~ati~s should ~d wo~d re. ye <br /> positiom if ~eir op~o~ were ~con~olled ~ outside ~luences. <br /> <br /> ~ere ~ve been a ~eat m~misrepresentations made as to ~e ~poses ~ effec~ <br />~e a~tion o~i~nce. It was given ~e most caref~ consid~tion by representative ~siness <br />men in the-secti~ proposed to be ~exed, who ~udied its te~s ~d conditions c~e~l~ <br />reg~ to the effect on the~ pro~rty. ~ey ~ached the concl~si~ ~t ~wo~d ~ bene- <br />fited ~ ~e a~e~tion on ~e tees which ~ey ~actieal~ asked ~ which ~e e~odied <br />~e ~rdi~ce. ~ese gentl~en,.who ~e property o~s ~d subject to the $~e ra~ of <br />~cn ~uld b? ~osed on ~e ram~ads, w~d not ~ve asked o~ ad. cared ~s ord~ce if <br />~, t~ ~c~eased b~de~ wo,~c be i~ltcted~on ~ wi~out c~ns~a~ De.fits. <br /> <br /> ~I ~ve ~tten you at leng~ as to these details became I ~ve felt ~t s~e one has <br />desi~edly~e~esented to you conditi~ t~t e~st~ ~d I w~t~ you ~be ac~d ~th <br />the xacts ~ the ~tter ~yo~ o~ st~udpoint. ~t, aside::~-'this, ~e~e ~e wi~ ~e <br />he. ds of the territ~p~opo~ed ~ be a~exed eve~ 12~ ~iotic ~ric~ who ~ve the <br />ri~t to enj~ ~e benefits of the best fo~ of gove~ent t~t is o~ta~ble ~e~ ~ ~yst~ <br />of governS. It sh~d~eed no ~ent to ,convince y~, if you ~e at aH 2~ with <br />the ~Stem .or gov~ent ~ V~g~la, of ~e wholly ~ade~te ~ovisions ~de ~der a co~ty <br />~$~z~ti~ ~o ~k? e~_of a th$c~y.p~lat~ c~ity tO ~derst~d t~ a c~i~ <br /> ms n~oer or peopme needs a ~fcmpa~ ~ver~ent. If t~$ te~tto~ sh~ulc be ~co~orated <br />as a to~, or as a cSt~ ~ich it woBld ~ve the ri~t to do, or be ~d to a~ o~e~ <br />co~at~d cowry, ~ne ~xes which would be ~cess~i~ Lmposed up~ the ~o~holders <br />wi~ its bo~ would be greatly ~ excess of ~y possible taxes ~to be ~posed ~d~ the <br />ne~tion ~ ~e Ci~ of Po~t~outh. ~e City of Po~t~u~, off c~se~ c~ot control ~e <br />tio~ of the ~0p!e ~esid~ ~ t~s te~ito~ if ~ey ~e not ~exed to it, ~ ~owledge <br />of the sent~ts of the people tiv~ wi~ ~e b~ds of this toritO, I feel s~e <br />~ ~at t~re ~$ no doubt ~t ~at the ~tellig~t people of this c~ty ~ve ~d <br /> ~e ?ncl~on~ich ~ey~ve lo~go ~ea~ned t~t it was ~perative ~at ~ey~ve <br />~e Ag~o~ciPal go~ent, ~d if they s~I1 not be ~exedto' the City of Port~u~ <br />th~ wxAm aGop~ one o~ the other of the e~edients ~ich I h~ outl~ed above, ~ch wo~d <br />~ces's~iiy reset ~ ~ ad~ ~den to the ~terests in which y~ ~e ~reste~. <br /> <br /> :~I t~st ~t you ~d ~e respo~ible momars of t~ ~ai~oads, before act~ ~ advi~ <br />of those who i ~t fee!~ve a s~ister motive other ~ ~ mnte~ ~d c~e of ~e <br />c~it~d to the~ h~ds~in ad~si~ ~n opposi%ion to ~is ord~, w~d give it m~e c~e- <br />~ c~siderati~ b~sed on more acetate ~owted~ ~s evidently been ~p~ted .to ~u h~e- <br />tofo~. <br /> ~Ve~ ~ly yo~s~ <br /> <br />~C. H. Herbert, <br /> <br />Chairman of the Annexation C~i~ittee of <br />the City of Portsmouth.'" <br /> <br />On motion, the'letter was endorse by the CounCil. <br /> <br /> ~he following communications~,we~e read f~omthe CityMan~g~r: <br /> First. <br />the rate of $~.00 per day for eight hours be fixed as wages fo~ laborers. <br /> 0~ motion, the matter was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br />Recommending that <br /> <br /> Second. Reporting that he has uncovered the sewer through the Naval H~s~ital Grounds, <br />and finds in the lower portion of the sewer nearest to the Power House ever~ joint of pipe so <br />uncovered b~oke~ and in a very bad condition. Stating also that he has the assurance from the <br />Govermment that sand, gravel, cement and re-inforcement will be furnished at cost to the Oity <br />for their <br /> Whereupon, on motion, the City M~amager was instructed to proceed with the work~ and an <br />appropriation of SIiOOo. for same was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Third. Requesting the following appropriations: $800+ to cover the cost of data in con- <br />nection with the smnexation; SB00. to rebuild the b~idge~ at the .foot of High street~ now used <br />aa a Public Landing; sr.d 9100. for sewer pipe to be used on Londonand Queen streets. <br /> On motion, the appropriation of $100. for ~ewer pipe to be used on London and Queen streets <br />was allowed omt of Sixth ~¥ard appropriation in the Budget for ~Sewerage$~and the other two ap- <br />propriatione were ~efer~ed to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Fourth. He stated verbally that the Government h ad made request for use of the Pest House <br />for a smallp~patient, and stated ~t if the~e was no objection, he would gr~mt~the same. <br /> 0n~otion, the City Manager was authorized to grant the Government the use of the Pest <br />House for the patient. <br /> <br />At this point~ M~. Herbert moved that the Auditor be instructed to p$~ laborers $3.00 <br /> <br /> <br />