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R. O. P. <br /> <br />lay 21,. 1918 <br /> <br /> A regula~ meeting of the City Council should have been held on this date, but no quorum <br />I appes~ing within half an hour after the time set for the meeting, the body stood adjourned. <br /> <br /> Those present were: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- J. T. Harvey, C. ~. Herbert, 2. <br /> <br />May 24, 1918 <br /> <br />At an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council May 24th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messes-- N. P. Claud, W. H. Cutpepper, J.' T. Hanvey, _~.~ <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~h~ight, 5. ~ .... <br /> Also the Clty Manager. <br /> <br />The minutes of the regula~ meeting May 14th were ~ead and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS <br /> Law-- <br /> No <br /> <br /> PuBlic Service-- <br /> Referred May l~th <br /> <br /> u C-; - <br /> (Witk Ci~ A~o~) Recordation of the City M~ag~ ~at the .~y deed to C. ~. Alex- <br />~de~ 20 2t, front ~d e~end~g back between p~allel l~s off of the ~e~ or west end of the <br /> lot adJo~g sai~ ~e~de~ property ~on ~e street) for ~d E exc~ge of the front <br />p~tio~ of ~. Ale~de~'s.'le%. . - <br /> ~ the s~eng~ 0~ ~e City Attorney's verbal oD~i~ it is ~eco~ended ~at t~ ex- <br />c~e be not ~de. <br /> (Si~ed) W.H. Cul~pper, <br /> ~ meti~ ~e~ep~t was adopted. <br /> <br />Public P~operty-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No-repo~t. <br /> <br />Pu~ti¢ Welfare-- <br /> <br />Referred May t4th <br /> <br /> To confer with t_he Health Department Lu reference to Dete~tion Houses for the City of Ports- <br />mouth° <br /> "We report ~.hat the Board of Health appea~ed before this Committee andexplained the <br />u~gent needs of the City for a Hospital to handle venereal situation in this City. <br /> <br /> "~Fhersas, There a~e no accommodations at the City Jail to handle i~,fectious or.contagious <br />cases and no £acilities for the examination and dem~v~, of such cases at the Jail. <br /> <br /> "Whereas~ The law requi~es the City to provide segregation for contagious and t~feeti~s <br />disease~. <br /> <br /> "Whereas, This Committee has the assurance that the building to be furnished by the <br />City will be equipped and maintained at no expense to the City, other th~u the rent, <br /> <br /> "Therefore, Be It Resolved, That'we, the undersigned members of the PublicNelfare <br />Department, respectfully recommend that an approp~iation of $1~000. be made available for the <br />HeatthDepartmentor as much thereof as may be neoessar~ to be used in provid~g a building for <br />the use of a clinie a~d hospital; said $1~000. to be made available in monthly instalments or as <br />~.toh ~e~eof as n~y be necessa~-, <br /> <br /> ~Signed) M.P.Claud, Chairman. <br /> (Signed) W.a. Culepper, Vice-Chairmen. <br /> (Signed) W.B. B~tes, City~ager. <br /> <br /> On motion, the recommended appropriation to p~ovide a building for the use of a cli~Ic <br />and hospital was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> Finance-- <br /> Referred May 14th <br /> <br /> ~ appropriation of ~50. for repairs to the Jailor's residence. <br /> Progl~eSs as to <br /> A bill of the National Association of ComptPoliers & Accounting 02ricers to amount of $10.00. <br /> <br /> <br />