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MI. C. p, <br /> <br />-341 <br /> <br />Sixth Ward, <br />Seventh <br /> <br /> City E~,ineer <br /> City Ho~e ' .................. ~ 145.00 <br /> ~iar~ets~ - ........... ' ........... ~0.00 <br /> ......................... 25.00 <br /> Cemetery <br /> ......................... llO.oo <br /> <br /> Collector,s Salez~y ............. $ 125.00 <br />Yard, Collector's Salary..... ...... 125.00 <br /> <br />Cleaning Streets.. .............. <br />T~ash & Garbage... ...... .. .... <br />Incinerator ..................... <br />Cem!.etery.. .................. <br /> <br /> 600,00 <br /> 750.00 <br />1,t00o00 <br /> 1VO.'O0 <br /> 260.00 <br /> <br /> $2,880.00. <br /> Sixth Ward, Night Soil .......... $ 60O.00 <br /> Seventh Wa~d, Labor. ........ .... 600.00 <br /> Seventh We~d, Night SOil ......... ~ ~50'0.00 <br /> ?he Budget of~A~$ici ted Rece' <br /> ~ P~ - ~pts & Exp~it~es for ~e Ye~ 1919, as submitted by ~_e <br /> City ~i~ger. ~ogress. . <br /> <br /> Referred Novembe~ 22nd <br /> ~ne ~tter of borrowi~ $150,000. to pay bonds oF ~e Portsmouth, Berkl~ & S~folk Water <br /> Co. bec~i~ due December l, ~918. <br /> It is reCo~nded '~at t~ fol!owi~ resolution be adopted to cover s~e: <br /> ::W~R~S, ~e Tra~fer oF theorists, P~Opertles and [~chises of the F~t~outh, Berkley <br />and S~fo!~ Vfater Compa~ to the City of Fort~outh, Va., ~s not been completed, ~d <br /> <br /> -,~, ~t5~,000.00 worth of bonds of ~e Berkley and South Norfolk Water & Elec~ic <br />Lmgz~t Co~a~, ass~ed by the Portsmouth, Ber~ey and S~Ofolk ~ater Co., wi~ ~all due on Decem- <br />ber 1, 1918, payable at the office of the ~stee, Delew~e Cowry ~ust, Safe Deposit ~d <br />Title I~a~e Co., C~ster, Fa., <br /> <br /> ~BE IT ~SOL'~ ~' ~ COUNCIL 0~' ~E CI~ OF PORTSNOU~, V~, ~t ~e Fiance ~p~tment <br />negotia~ fifteen notes of ~e City of P~t~th, Va. ~' <br /> , ~10,000. each, date ~ovember 28, 1918, <br />payable sixty days after date, b~i~6%~ mn~erest,' ' wi~h option of the City of ~o~ts~outh, <br />to redeem after thirt~ ~a~': ~ tha* *~ ~'-=~ ~-~ -- <br />...... ' _ ~ ~ ~ '~-~.j, ~ ~ ~ ~,~. worth cz bonds paid with the ~roceeds <br />saz~ no,es ce at~cne~ to sama notes am collateral sec~ity. Said notes to be pamd <br />ceeds of ~600,000.00 Wate~ Bonds. <br /> <br /> ~RESOLV~. ~u~H~n%~R, That the T~easttrer and City Clerk & Auditor be authorized to execute <br />said notes in behalf of the City.': <br /> <br /> (Signed) C. H. P~rbert, Chairman. <br /> <br /> 0n motion, the report of the Finance Department was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Cutpepper, Deans, Hauvey, Herbert, Wright, 6. <br /> <br /> The following co~mmmications were received from the City ~anager: <br /> 1st. Notice that he <br />has appointed James R. Howell as Policeman to fill a vacancy, said appointment to take effect <br />as of November 23, 1918; and also notice that he has ca~celled the appointment of Jos. F. Harrell <br /> On motion, said notices were ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> 2nd. "~Requesting the Public Property Departn~nt to make recommendations to the Co,mci! as <br />to ~e feasibility and practicability o£undertaking ~.~h~ establis~ment of a civic center, the <br />cost of same to be derived from ~he City's equity in ex~sting property. <br /> On motion, the comm~icationwas referred to the ~lic Property Departn~ent. <br /> <br /> With regard to the fo!towing ordim~nce ordered to lie on the table by the body ~iovember <br />19th, ~. Hanvey presented a substitute for smme: <br /> An Ordinance to Create the Office of the <br />Superintendent of the Water Department, Defining His Duties and Compensation. <br /> <br /> ~;~hen on me,ion, both the original ordinance and the substitute offered by ~. Hanvey were <br />ordered to lie on the table ~util the next regular meetinE of the body. <br /> <br />i~i BUSI~SS <br /> <br /> The fol!owi~E re~olution was presented from the School.Board: <br /> ~That each white teacher <br />be granted an additional bonus of $150.S0 and each colored teacher an additional bonus of $~5.00, <br />to be paid with their June salaries, provided the necessary appropriation of ~18.,9V5.00 is made <br />by the City Council.~ <br /> 0nmotio~, the privilege of the floor was gran~ted to a committee from the School~B0amd <br />to speak with regard to the resolution. <br /> Then the matter was referred to ~he Finance Department. <br /> <br />vioi~iSy, for a !i~ht to be o!aced <br /> <br />A p~tition From certain property owners in the 700 block of Griffin street an~ adjacent <br /> <br /> <br />