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NoveF?oe~ 26, 1918 <br /> <br /> A petition of the Board of Harbor,G°rmuissi°ners to be paid ~3V5. to cover our t~_ird qt~rt- <br />erly payment tO said Board for the period July I to October 31, 1918, was referred to the Fi- <br />nance Department. <br /> A co~ieation was read from Chas. F. Earpe~.accepti~ the appointment by the 0~ucil <br />as appraiser of ~e fer~ properties ~or the City of p~t~ou~ and pledgi~ his ~st efforts <br />Low, dS said service~ and s~e v;as ~rdered to be filed. <br /> , ~ - r of:.the ~eve~~e~to ~m0~t of ~680.8V, as commission on ~35,58~.59 <br /> ~ bill of the 0o~miss~one <br /> ~es collected, was referred to the Fi~-ce Deponent. <br /> ' d ..... ~Resolved, T~t ti~e City <br /> ~. He~bert presence the followi~ resolutaon, w~ich was adopted: <br /> ...... ~,~¢ +.~a Cit~Sf Portsmouth, .Va..~ to rene[~a note <br /> <br /> And ~ ti~e followi~ vote: A~es-- Cl~ud, qu!pepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, V{ri~ut, 6. <br /> ~e Commissioner of the Hevenu~ submitted a ~eport of.t~ble values of Real Estate, Tan- <br /> gible ~d Int~ible Pe~so~l Property for the dity of ffortsmouth for the Ye~ 1918 , values to <br /> ~t of $16,138,435,83 ~ total t~x c~rged to City Collector, $300,990,~4. <br /> 0n motion~ ~e report was referred to ~he Finance De~r~ent. <br /> At this point, ~. Deans ~ailed attention to the~open violatign <br /> sale of liquor. He stated tha~ he feels t~t eve~thz~ is not bein~ acne wnzc~ ohould be <br /> to suppress the sale of liquor in this City a~ tho~ht ~t the 0ffzcers sho~ be compelled <br /> to o~orce the laws in reg~d to smme. <br /> ~ motion, adjo~ned. <br /> <br /> <br />