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~ove~?oe9 ~, 19t8 <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City 0ozmoil Eovember 20th there were present: <br /> ~essrs-- ~i. F. Claud, %~. E. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C,-H. P£~rbert, E. H. ~Wright,- <br /> Also ~ City M~ger. <br /> ~e ~nutes of the re~.l~ meeti~ 57over, er 19th,~ special meeting November ~lst and adjo~n- <br />ed special meeti~ November ESnd wer~ read a~ were ap~oved. <br /> ~FORTS O>~ DE~.R~,~ ~S <br /> <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> Ilo report · <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> Public Nelfare <br /> Referred November 19th <br /> Matter of giving ~to John E. Grey~a duplicate deed for half lot No. 15-A, in the. Oak~ .Grove <br />Cemetery. After consultir~ the Cz~y ~t,~ney, the Department of Public Welfare recommends that <br /> duplicate deed~ be given John E. Grey-~for the half. lot ~o. 15-A in .the Oak Grove Cemetery, <br /> (Signed) E.P. Claud, Chairnan. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />~. H. Culpepper, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion, the report .of the Department was adopted. <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Referred Eovember 19th. <br /> <br /> Resorts of Officers for. the month, of October, 1918. , <br /> - Ne report t_hab same have~ been exan~ned and filed. <br /> A reeuest of the Colored P~obatton Officer to be paid ten months of the allowance set aside <br />for the said Officer to -&mount of ~£~.o~, from January Itc October 51, 1918. <br /> it is recommended t~at said amou-~t be paid. <br /> ~ petition of L; P. Slater, A~nistrator and Agent of the W. B. Thomas Estate, to be re- <br />lieved from pa~mem~ of taxes on erroneous assessment of ~00. on lot 9, Block ~, at northeast~ <br />corner of Chestnut & Brig~hton streets, owned by ~.. B. Thoma Estate; and. to be refunded ~1.80, <br />paid in error for soil tax on the %¥. B.. Tho~s Estate~i~.the S~enth ~ard' for 19lT. <br /> ~og~ess ~s to s~rde. <br /> A request of the City~ Collector t~uat ~8.46 be refunded ?eyton Eosser, said smoun% having <br />been p~aid in error to said office. Progress. ~ <br /> <br /> A petition of the Ports~o~th Public Libr~smy Association for the ~re~ent appropriation to <br /> the Library by the- City to be increased from ~50. to ~!50. per month. <br /> We report that tLzs matter will be considered in the Bu~oet for 1919. <br /> A request of the Commissioner o~ the Revere that Jesse T. Eorris be refunded $6V.50, 'paid <br />in orror on assessment of $2~,000. for personal property, ~nereas the assess~ent~ should have <br />been $2,800.00;. tb~t J. F. Walker be r~lieved from payment of $10.00, on account~£ erroneous <br />a~sessment on a~tomobiie; and that ~a W. Mzlzer be refunded ~71.80, paid in error for soil <br />tax for the year 1918 on ~14 Edwards Street. Frogress. <br /> <br /> Bills of Chas. P. Hm~per to amount of $7,600.00, and W. L. Davis to s~uotmt of ~500.00, for <br /> services in connection wzt~ aroztratzon p. roceed~m~s. <br /> We report t~hat this ~tter is ~u the hands of the City Attorney. <br /> ~ A notice from the Superintendent of Ph~blic Schools that there will be needed i~'over,Toer 50th, <br /> $5,000. additional to pay salaries' and $2,000. to pay bills. <br /> It is recomuended that an appropriation of $~,000. be made to pay ~lai~ie~ for Public <br /> Schools, as requested. <br /> An additional appropriation for Officers' Salaries and L~bor for the ren~imder of the year. <br /> It is recomended t~t the following appropriations be allowed for 0.fficers' Salamies <br /> <br />and Labor <br /> <br />for the rem~inder <br /> <br />of the Year: <br /> <br />0ffieers~ Salaries: <br /> <br /> General Goverrnuent: <br /> City ~.~ get ........... <br /> City Clerk & Auditor... <br /> Oity Trea~er., ....... <br /> Convulse!crier of Revenue <br /> Cot~ts ................. <br /> <br /> 400.00 <br /> 115. O0 <br /> 25.00 <br /> 25.00 <br /> ~0. O0 <br /> <br />1,~)45.00 <br /> 400. O0 <br /> <br /> <br />