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R~ C. P. <br /> <br />D~cember 17~ 1918 <br /> <br />of the <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />the <br /> <br />Ave, <br /> <br />Bart <br /> <br />lief <br /> <br /> co~tmttuication from the S~perintendent of Public Schools stating that the financial needs <br /> Schools for the present month is <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation of $1G,500. be allowed for Schools <br />an appropriation of $1,500. for New High School Building. <br /> <br /> A petition of Samuel & Alice V. Lewis to be ref'~uded ~.60, paid in ezTor for soil tax on <br />southeast corner of High street and Fifth avenue, yea~s t917-18. <br /> It is recommended that said amo-~nt be ~efLuuded, out of Sixth Wa~d funds. <br /> <br /> A petition of Arnold Cassell to be refunded $1.80, paid in error for soil tax on 816 Hey <br />, Seventh ~a~d. <br /> It is reqommended that said amo~ut be refttuded, out of Seventh Ward ~muuds. <br /> <br /> A petition of J. Edw. Johnson to be refunded ~4.00, paid in error for taxes on his oropert <br /> & Effir~gham streets, for the yea~s 1915-16-17. P~og~e~s. <br /> <br /> A petition of the Sa!vationA~Ey for an aporopriation towards its Christmas and Winter Re- <br /> Work. Progress, <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $116.80 ~o pay bill of the Clerk of the Supreme Co~t of Appeals, Rich- <br /> send, for work in printing record in annexation proceedings of County of Norfolk vs. the City <br /> of Portsmouth. <br /> It ~is recommended t~ta special appropriation of $116.§0 be allowed for the purpose. <br /> <br /> A petition of Pease Bros. for duplicate checks to be d~awn in thei~ favor, No. 113~ for <br /> $10.$8 and No. 123~ for ~8.25, neither of said checks having been received by the pa~ties. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> (~ith City Attorney) A petition of James M. Clarke that the Cottucil remit the penalty, <br /> interest and advertising charge upon taxes of Joh_U F. Clarke Estate for the yea~ 1882. <br /> it is recommended that the penalty, interest and advertising charges ~n taxes of said <br />'Estate for the yea~ 1882 be o~tted. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $284.67 for travelling ezpenses in connection with City's ~ffairs. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation of $333.71 be allowed for travelling <br />expenses in connec%ion with City's affairs. <br /> <br /> A~n appropriation of $276.50 to pay Inquest bills on hand, for ~hich there is no appropria- <br />tion. <br /> It is recon~nended that a aPecial appropriation of $296. be made to pay Inquest bills <br />chh and. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $1,600. to settle case of Mrs. Lacy ~ainst the City of Portsmouth, <br />by advi~e of the City Attorney and investigation of the Financ~ Depar~nent, and as recommended <br />by the City Nanage~. <br /> I~ is recommer~ed that said amount be paid and that an appropriation of $1,600. be <br />allowed to settle the case. <br /> <br /> (~ith Public Se~¢ioe Department) Matter of replacing pipe tinder South ~treet and construc- <br />tion of pipe along side of W. S. Pa~ker's property, at an estimated cost of $900.00. <br /> P~ogress. <br /> <br /> Matter of bill of Chas, F. Harper for services as ~bitrato~ ~ the wa~e~ arbitration pro- <br />oeedi~s. <br /> It is rec~ended t~t a special appropriation ~f $7,600. be allowed to pay the bill <br />of ~. <br /> <br /> (~?ith City Attorney) C,mmunication from the City Manager asking for an appropriation <br />of $1,000. to begin the repaving of High street,~ west of Chestnut; and commttuication from the <br />City Manager to. F. j. McGee c. oncerning the repavir~. <br /> We w~ll~ repo~.t ~ th~s matter at the Jan~ see,ting, of the Co~-~ci!. <br /> <br /> ~eferred November 19th <br /> A petition of L~. P'. Slater, Administrator an~d Agent Of VJ..~ B. Thoma~ Es~a~, to be~ relieved <br />f~om payment of .taxes on erroneous assessment of $200. on Lot 9, Block 2, at northeas% <br />.o~ ChestnUt% &i B~iEh~t°~n, ~t~t~., 0~d. ~by W, B. T~as Est~a.te; az~d, ito_ be' ~f~nded ~i.80, pazd <br />zn error zor soil tax on ~he ~. B, Thomas Estate in the Seventh ~7a~'~ fo~ 191?. <br /> ~ is ~co~ende~ t~t ~. slater be ~ef~ed $3.18, paid ~ error on over-assessmen% <br />of $200. oh' tot~ and $1.8 , paid ~ e~ro~ fo~ so~l <br /> <br /> A ~equesb of the City Col!ec~r t~t $8.46 be ~ef~ded P~ton Rosse~, said ~o~t ~v~g <br />been paid ~ error to said office. <br /> It is rec~Eended t~t said ~ao~t be re--ed Peyton Rosser, paid in ~rro~. fo~ taxes <br />~ the S~ ~d. <br /> <br /> A request of~ the C~issfoner of the Revenue that Jesse T. Mo~ris be re~ded ~6.80, paid <br />in ~rro~ on assessment of ~28,000. fo~ ~so~l property, whereas the asmes~ent should ~ve <br />been $ ,50D.O0,,~ tha~t~ ~. F. ~al~r ~e, relieved ~om pa~ent of $10.00 on acco~t of er~oneo~ <br />assessment~ on automobils; and t~ ~a ~7. Minter be ref~ded $1.80, paid ~ e~ro~ fo~ soil <br />t~ fo~ the~ ye~ 1~18~ o~ 51_. ~w~ds street. <br /> It is recoEended that the several ~equests of the C~issione~ of the Revenue be <br />~anted. <br /> <br /> It is f~rther recommended that a bill of ~essrs. PILlegar & Tilgt~uan to a~ount of $30.70, <br />as one-half of fee for transcript of evidence in the case of Thomas vs. the Ferries Company, <br />be paid, and that a special approprmatmon to said amottut be allowed for same. <br /> <br />(Signed) C.H. W~Bb~. ~b~'~ <br /> <br /> <br />