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1918. <br /> <br />At an adjourned regula~ meetimg of th~ City Council December 13th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- ~. P. Claud, J. T. Hs~vey, C. H. Herbert', <br /> E. H. Nright, 4. <br /> Also the City ManaEer. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the City Manager pre~ented a plan for the .re-r~uting of the street car system <br />in the City. <br /> The~ plan was discussed but no action was taken on same. <br /> <br />On ~otio~, <br /> <br />ad j ou~ned. <br /> <br />December 17, 1918 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Co~uoil December 17th tD~re were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- M. <br /> <br /> Also <br /> <br />Claud, 9. H. Cutpepper, C. D. Deans, <br />Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wright, <br />the City N~uager. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the regular meeting December lOth a~ud adjourned regular meeting December <br />l~th were~read and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS 0F DEPAR~MTS <br /> Law- - ~ <br /> Presented the following ordir~noe:' <br /> Regulations Governing. Traffic in Milk ~ Cream, <br />the ~oduction, Dis~ibution, Sale or 0fferi~ for Sale ~ the City~ of Portsmouth of Mi~ and <br />Cre~ ~ ~ovidins for the In?pection by the Bo~d o~ Health of a%~ PDrsons, .Builds, R~o~, <br />Places/ ~tters, ~s and ~ls ~pl~yed or ~sed ~ the Produc~zon, ~dlmns, Dis~ibu~i~, <br />S~l~ or 0fferim~ for Sale of Milk ~d- Cre~ ~ntended for H~an Cons~ption ~ said City, Autho- <br />rmzing the ~ra of Health to E~ce ~ovisions of the 0rdi~nce and Provmdmno' ' m Penalties for <br />tt~ Violation ~ereof. <br /> <br /> On motion, tl~e ordinance was ~eferr~di%o the Depa~ment of Law and City Attorney, and <br />copies of same ordered to be sent to each member of Cou~cil. <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> No report <br /> <br /> Public Property-- <br /> "In reference to the communication from the Central Labor Union and Citi- <br />zens-i~ss Neetin~ in regard %o the~ezTy, we beg to report that the present lease of the ferry <br /> not terminated and until the lease is terminated there is nothing for the Council to do~ <br /> <br /> We believe the contract with the U, S. Goverrm~ent for the operation of the Ferries is an <br />excellent one and can not in the face of this statement reconnnend its arn~ttlment.~ <br /> <br />(Signed) Earl H. Wrzght, Chairman <br /> <br /> (Signed) <br />On motion, the report of the Department was approved. <br /> <br />C. H. Herbert, Vice-CD~irman. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> ~ rt <br /> · ~o repo <br /> <br />Public ~elfare-- <br /> No report <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Referred December 10th <br /> <br />...... I petztmon of o~e Assist~ut Engineers at the Sewer Power House for their salaries to be <br /> increased to $110. per month, submitted by the City Manager. <br /> Progi~ess ~s to same. <br /> <br />~ ~ f.. An approprmatzon of ~,191.8o to Im~y bm!ts~ outstandzng against the ~zty, for which there <br />~ ~*'~ ~ is ~no appropriation. . . . <br /> ~,~ ~ It is reco~uended t.hat a special appropr~atzon of ~,508.05 be allowed for same. <br /> <br /> <br />