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350 <br /> <br /> The reoortha~ing been read, ~r. Cuipepper moved to amend same,'to allow an appropriation <br />!~f $1,000.00,-z~om Sixth ~ard funds, to repave H~gh street, west of Chestnut. ~ne ~uendment by <br />I Mro 0~Ipepper was adopted, and ~hen the report o~ the Department, as ~uended, by the following <br /> vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper~ Deans, ~vey, Herbert, Wright~ <br /> <br /> ~e following communications were read from the City ~anager: <br /> let. Notice of appointment <br /> of James Bishop as a policem~, said appointment to take effect as of December l~th. <br /> Bud. Notice of appointment of Elijah Ricketts as Patrolman or S~ostitute Policeman, said <br /> appointement ~to take effect as of December 17th; and of the resignation of ~. J~me~ Bishop, <br /> after serving as policeman for one night. <br /> Zrd. Notice of resignations of ~. H. Edmonds, -Clerk of Civil & Police Justice, and of <br /> R. A. Herbert and J, B. 0verton as Policemen; said resignations to%ake~ effect as of December <br /> 15th, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~ On motion, t,b~ several notices were ordered to be filed. <br /> 4th. Recuestof the City Manager trot Council recommend and adopt a suitable nsm~e for the <br /> Cemetery on t~e Parker ~ located west of ~ain street and south of V~estern Branch; and for <br /> approval of n~es ~or the roadways, drives and laneS For the Cemetery on the Pa~ker Farm. <br /> On motzon, the requesbs were referred to ~he Departments of P~blie Welfare and Public <br /> Property. <br /> <br /> . 5th. Reco~m~endation of the City ~anager t~t he be authorized to advertise and lease two- <br /> thirds of the land ~o£ the Pa~ker.Parm not used fop cemetery purposes. <br /> On motion, said recommen~ationwksre~erred b,o the Departments of Public ~elfare and <br /> Public Property. <br /> <br />L~i2[IS2~D BUSI~-ESS <br /> <br /> ~he following ordinance was presented .an~ under the rules, ss~e was ordered to lie on the <br />table until the ne~,xt? of the bod~: <br /> An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordaf~ Section <br />502 of the 0~dinances of t~he City of Portsmouth,~Virginia, Increasing the Salary of the Judge <br />of- the Cou~t of Hustings for said City. <br /> <br /> The following ord~anc'~ presented ~o~ R. ~. Grant & CO., which was laid on the table at <br />the regular meeting December 10th, was taken~p and at the request o£ the City Attorney, 'on <br />motion of Mr, ~right, secOnded by Mr. Culpepper, same was laid over until an ~d~oatrned regular <br />meeting to be held on December 20th: <br /> An0~din~nce in Relation to the Issue and Sale of ~ater <br />Bonds Pursuant to the A~thority ~onferredby~n0rdinance Entitled: ~An0rdir~mce to Authorize <br />the Issue oF Two Nillion and Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars of Bonds~to be known as <br />Bonds~ Pursuant to Section. 12?, Cla~e B, of the Const~tutzon o~ V~_rg~ia, s~d an ~ct of the <br />General Assembly of Virglnza, Approved March 16, 19t8,. entitled, ~&u Act to Author zze the Coun- <br />cils of the Several Cities or Tovn~s of the State to Issue Bonds for a Supply of ~ater or Other <br />Specific Underta.luL~gfrom~ich the City or To~ ~ay Derive a Revenue, ~rsuant toSection0~e <br />Twenty-seven B of the Constitution oF Virg~nia~'~ Adopted September !~, 1918,~and App~gved <br />by a Majority of the ~ualified Voters of the City~ of ?ortsmouth, ~,,+~E_iUpon bhe. Ques~z?~. at <br />an Election Held November 5, 1918; Eaking Provision for theForm o~ Said Bonds, the Applzcation <br />of the Proceeds and the Payment Thereof. <br /> <br /> The Budget of Receipts and Appropriations for the Year 1919, ordered to lis on~ the table <br />December 10th until this meetin~ of the body, as follows, was taken up and read: <br /> <br />ESTI~TED RECEIPTS P~0}~ T~ <br /> <br />1919 General T~x ....... ............ ..$206,000. <br />1918 General Tax ...................... ~4,000. <br />191V General Tax ..................... . 12,000, <br />1916 General Tax..... ................. 5,000. <br />Back Tax ............. . ..... . .......... 4,000. <br />Interest...... .... ... ................. ~,000. <br />Advertising ZOO <br />Penalty 4 ~O0 <br />-' V6 000. <br />~lcense..o,.o,..,.............. ..... o. <br />Fines & Costs.. ....................... 8,000.- <br /> $353,800. <br /> <br />CIT~ FOR T~ t~E~zd~ 1919 <br /> <br /> ~ronght Forward.. ................. $353,800, <br /> ~ke ts 2,200 <br /> Gr otu~d R~nt ....................... 3,000. <br /> Dog Tax ........................... 1,300. <br /> Defining Lines & 0penin~ ~treets.. 1,40Q. <br /> Burial Permits ~ ................... 900-. <br /> Ferry ............................. 67,800. <br /> Cemetery..- ........................ 2,400. <br /> Electrical. Fees ................... 300. <br /> State 6apltation ~ .............. 1,800. <br /> To:~al ...... ~434,700. <br /> <br />E STi~C~ATED RECEIPTS <br /> <br /> ~ 22 000 <br />1919 General Tax .................... ~ , · <br /> <br />1918 General Tax ..................... 9,,000. <br />19!V-General Tax.. .................. 1,500. <br />1918 General Tax ..................... V00. <br />Back Tax ............................. 500. <br />Penalty ............................. V00. <br /> $ 34,400. <br /> <br />SI-XTH W,~ FOR T~ YEAR 1919 <br /> <br /> Brought Forward ................... $ 34,400. <br /> I~tere st .......................... ~00. <br /> Advertis lng ........................ 100. <br /> Dog Tax ...... ; ...................... 400. <br /> Soil Tax .......................... 2,500.. <br /> License ...... , ..................... V, 000, <br /> Total ...... $. ,44,800. <br /> <br /> <br />