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January <br /> <br />service of the ends of Henry, Randolph a~d Harrison Sts. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that this communication be referred to the Oity Attorney with <br />request to draw up a pro. pr ~egal instrument. This should contain a clause that the street <br />ends will revert- to the City~~ should their use by the United States Government for Lighthouse <br />services termi~te. A further clause should be inserted for the sewer now ru~uing dow~ <br />Henry St. and to relocate the sewer without expense to the 0ity." <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., Januamy 13, 1925. <br />~he City Manager, <br /> Portsmouth, V~. <br /> <br /> ~onfirming information which you have no doubt received through the press, ! have tO <br />ad~iise tha~ preliminary contract has been m~de and approved by- the Department of 0ommerce, <br />covering the purc~h~se by the Lighthouse Service, of a portion of the property of the ~eaboard <br />W'narf and Wareho~e 0o., Inc., adjoinmng the Lmghtnouse Depot at Portsmouth, Va., I enclose <br />herewith a blue,paint showing the~tract to be purchased, ~nd the plan of development in con- <br />nection with the present site .... <br /> <br /> ReferenCe is m~de to your letter of Nov. 21, 192~, in which you state that at a meet- <br />lng of the Oity Council on ~.Tuesday, November 18th, it was agreed that the City would allow <br /> and Streets, <br />the use of the ends of Lincoln, Henry, Randolph, Ha~rison~ Wythe all or a~y of <br />them, By the United Sta~es Government for the Lighthouse ~ervice for so long as they are · <br />used' for the pu~ose gr~nted. As the plans of the Lighthouse Service have now definitely <br />matuzed, it is requested that you will have drawn a~d executed A s~aitable form of grant,. <br />in nerpetuity or ~9~ year lease, renewable, covering the use by the Lighthouse Service o~ <br />the' e~nds of Her~v~, Rs~d0~ph and H~rison Streets. Th~ ends of Lincoln and Wythe StreetS, <br />~lso mentioned in your letter, will not be required. <br /> <br />Respedtfully, <br /> <br /> H. D. King, <br /> <br />~uperintendent of Lighthouse." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Brooks, the recommendation of the Manager was concurred in. <br /> <br /> llth. "On Jam~a~y ?th, Oo~?~uoilman John Howard HalI and the City Manager attended a <br />conference with bfficials of the Housing Oorporation, at the 'suggestion ~f that 0orporation, <br />with ~ view ~o m~king ~ final effort to adSust the proper~y debt of the ferries without <br />a form~ appraisal. This me~ting w~s also attended by Mr. 0harles Old, 0hair~u of the <br />Board of Supervisors of Norfolk Couuty a~d Mr. Oha~les Duke, Oounty Treasurer. <br /> <br /> The conference w~s productive of no result, as the Housing Oorporation maintains <br />its attitude as to 'going concern value~ mud insists that settlement can be made only on <br />the basis of the fuji remaining property debt shown by the books of the Housin~ Corporation <br />to amount ~ approxtm~tely $7~5,000.00.~ ~ ~ <br /> <br />On motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BUS INE~B <br /> <br /> The following commu~uication from the Manager, Which had bee~ laid on the table by <br />the Council December 23rd until this meeting, was taken up and read: <br /> <br /> "The Michig~ ~ein Lock Oompany has agreed to install automatic coin locks~on the <br />various toilets at the City M~rket without cost to the Oity, with-t~eunderst~nding that <br />the Oom~any shall receive forty per cent of money taken in. The Director of Public Welfare <br />recommends the approval of this proposition and I concur in his recommendation." <br /> <br /> On motion of N~. Hall, the recommendation of the Ma~uager was concurred in, two of the <br />automatic locks~to be installed in each section. <br /> <br /> The following ordinance, which had been placed on first reading December 23rd, <br /> taken up and <br /> AN ORDINANOE AMENDING "AN ORDINANOE WHOSE SHORT TITLE SHALL BE 'THE PARK- <br />ING ORD~NANOE'~EGULATING THE P~WXiNG OF VEHIOLES IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, <br />VA., PHESORIBING PENALTIES ~OR VIOLATION TPIEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANOES OR PARTS OF <br />.ORDiNANOES IN OONFLICT THERe-WITH.# (See Ordinance Baok).~ <br /> Mr. Hall moved that section ~f) be amended to read as follows: #(f) No car~ will be <br /> left parked on any street of the Oi~y after 2:00 A. M., ~xcept in an emergency." <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Smith moved that section (~) be amended ~o read ~On High St. b~tween Water and <br />~ourt~stree~S;~·~ i~stead of "On High St. between Water and Washington Sts." <br /> The amem~lment was adopted~ by the following vote: Ayes~ Brooks, Oast, Smith, S~e~art ~REB) <br />Whtte,SNays-- H~ll~ Stewa~rt (J.R.), <br /> Then Sn motm0n of Mr. Brocks, the ordinance was adopted as '~me~ded, and by the follow- <br /> ingrate: <br /> Ayes-- Brooks, Hall, Cast, Smith, Stewart (J.R.), Stewart (R.E.B.), White, ?. <br /> <br /> The following ordinance, whioh h~dbeen placed on first reading December 23rd, was tmken <br />up and read: <br /> AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING A LICER~SE TAX OF PEDDI~S OF MARKET PRORUOE, ~SH ~ATS <br />OR FISH, AND VENDORS OF FRUITS, ~.S, OONFEOTIONERIES, ICE CREAM, TEA, COFFEE, BOLD ON THE <br />STREETS OR IN OTHER PUBLIO PLAOES~IN THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH. <br /> <br /> <br />