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January 13, 1925 <br /> <br /> 5th. "In ~ccordanoe with your i~stractions, I beg to suggest that_the store owned by the <br />0ity at the corner of Washington and C.ounty Sts., he remodeled and fitted up for the 0ivil <br />Oou~t. The cost.of re~modeling, inc. ludmmg pa~$itions and sanitary arrangements will be $500.00, <br />the cost of fur~i~t~e--$300.O0, m~k~ng the total cost $~00. O0. <br /> <br /> To provide for the Circuit Oou~t, I recommend that.a partitionlbe run alongside <br />'the southern end of the Council Ohsm~ber cutting off space fifteen feet wide. This space <br />then be divided by a cross partition Lnto two rooms, f~nishi~g a proper o~ffice for the City <br />M~nager ~nd for his assists~uts. The partition at She north end_o~f She Oo,mucil Ohamber may then <br />be removed, giving a Oouncil 0hamber of the same size as the p~eeent Ohamber. The office now <br />used by the City ~a~er could then be used as a jury room ~ud the 0ity E~$gineer put in the <br />office now oc~apied b~ the assistants to the City Manager. The cost of this work will be <br />$600°00, provision for which has been m~de in the budget." <br /> <br />On motion, the commu~uication was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> 6th. "In the e~cmtion of the storm drain work in the Eighth Ward, the Oounoil authorized <br />curbing on Douglas Ave. which had not been oomtemplated when the contract for the storm drains <br />was let. The installation of the curbing, of course, did away with the ditches in this vicinity <br />which had to be replaced by d~ains. This extra pipe s~d other minor items found necessary, less <br />deductions from contract, cost $4104.38. In addition, it w~s found necesse~y on account of <br />bad foundations to place oyster shells ~d boards under nearly all of the pipe. The cost-of <br />this extra foundation work amountSd to practically $4,000,00 more, making ~ total, unauticipated <br />cost of some $8,000.00. As a result, the work will cost $3,300.00 in excess of the amount al- <br />lotted to it. <br /> <br /> I am therefore re~mmending that $4,000.00 additional be allotted to this wqrk from <br />Eighth Wa~d funds to cover the items indicated a~d further miner items which will probably <br />arise during the oompleti$~oof the contract." <br /> <br /> On motion, the recommendation was refer~ed to the Finance Oommittee. <br /> ?th. "In accor~noe, with the ~uthorit~ of the Council, the Superintendent of the ~ater <br />Department ~d I were in consultation with representatives of the War Department on Tuesday, <br />January 6th. After an extended and detsiled discussion, the ~ represents, tives agree~ ena valse <br />for the improvements m~de by the Federal Government to ~he Portsmouth water plant an~ also~ <br />as to terms of payment.s~ud rate of interest. <br /> <br /> It is deemed best tS withhold further details of'this conference until the m~tter <br />has been approved by the Secretary of We~. After this approval, I would recommend that the <br />report be made to a conference of the Codicil, as publication of figures at the present time <br />would be unwise and might ~lso emba~ass the Federal Government~ in its negotiations with other <br /> <br /> or-course, if the Oouncil desires a~ irm~ediate report, it c~ be made~ but again, <br />I believe it Shoul~ be made in a conference rather than in a public meeting. <br /> <br /> I ~m~y add that the amount arrived a~, the ter~ms of payment a~ud the rate of interest <br />are r?gs~ded, bo~h by the S~erintendent of the Water Department and myself, as favorable to <br />the Oztyo" <br /> <br />On motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> 8th. "On January 12th, bids were opened by the Purchasing Agent on new Ford~equipment <br />authorized in the budget for 1925. In receiving the bids, it w~s found that the allowange <br />on the old equipment was beiow~ou~ estimmte and in order ~o purchase the new equipment,.mt <br />will be necessary to appropriate~$5~.O0 as follows: ~olmce Dept~ Ford Oar for Chief, $150.00; <br />Ford car for Plumbing Inspector, $125.00; General Repamrs, Tractor, $175.00; I ton truck ~o~ <br />0ity.Stables, $125.00. ! therefore recommend that the necessary appropriation of $5?5.00 <br />for the purchase of the new Ford eTaipment be made." <br /> <br />On motion, the recommendation was referred to the Finance 0ommittee. <br /> <br /> 9th. "I have been infe~aed by the Director of the Norfolk-Portsmouth Freight Traffic <br />Commission that the State Oo~poration 0ommission would held in Richmond at 9:00 o'clock Satur- <br />day, January l7th, a hearing onpilotage rates. The Director suggests that should theOity <br />of Portsmouth desire to be represented at this hearing, it n~me a representative. <br /> <br /> ~ni!e there is but little direct shipping from Portsmouth, it is a matter in which <br />the City is vitally interested s~ud I therefore suggest that a rep~esentative be designated <br />to attend this h~aring. The Director can furnish ou~ representative with covering <br />the ~bject. As i will probably be absent in Connection wit~ the ferry app~amsal business, <br />it will'not be possible for me personally to attend the meeting." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Brooks, the recommendation of the M~er was not oon~arred in. <br /> <br />10th. ,At a meeting of the Council on T~esday, November 18th, 1924, it w~s ~greed as follows:' <br /> <br /> 'That the City would allow the use of the ends of Lincoln, Henry, Raudolph, Harri- <br />son ~ud~he Sts., all or any of them, b~the United States Government for theLighthouse <br />servi~ ~or so long .as they are used for the purpose granted. ~ <br /> <br /> I am now informed by C~otain H. D. King, Supt, of Lighthouses, Fifth District, <br />that a preliminary contract has been made a~d approved by the Department o£ Oommercei covering <br />the purchase by the Lighthouse service of a portion of the property of the Seaboard Wh~f and <br />Warehouse Company, Inc., north of and $~tj~oent to the Lighthouse Depot in Portsmouth, V~., as <br />shown on attached blue print. Oaptain King desires that the Oity have dr~w~up a suitable ' <br />f~rm of grant i~erpetuity of a nLue ~enewable, covering the ~se~~ the Lighthouse <br /> <br /> <br />