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~h,. W. D. Nye presented the following petition signed by Mrs° J. D. Collins and sundry <br />others: ' <br /> eT& the Honorable 0ouncit of the 0ity of Portsmouth: <br /> Gentlemen: Whereas it has come <br />to our attention that your honorable body will consider fixing the License Taxes of the Wagon <br />Hucksters at an ~mount that will m~e it impossible for them to operate mud whereas we believe <br />they rendsr the public a valuable service, we resp. eotl~lly ask your Honorable Body to fix the <br />License Taxes of the:fsaid Hucksters at ~the same fmgure ~hat they previously operated under, so <br />that they can .continue-to serve us as heretofore. ~ <br /> W.. D. Nye, <br /> Messrs./J. W. Allen and C. M. Jones spoke in favor of the petition. <br /> <br /> Then Mr. Brooks moved that the ordinance be amended by making the license tax $26.00 <br />for the period January 1st to April 30, 1925, instead of $201.00. The s~endment was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brooks moved that the ordinance be adopted aS ~m~nded, and s~me~as adopted as <br />amended, by the ~ollowing vote: <br /> Ayes-- Brooks, Hall, Oast, Smith, Stewart <br /> Stewart (R.E.B.), White, <br /> <br /> Reports were rece~edfrom the City Treasure.v, Oity Ootlector, and Oity A~ditor fo: the <br />month of December, 1924, amd same were referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />Bills were received from the Portsmouth ~rar History 0ommittee, as follows: Miss Dorothy <br />Dowdi~ng, SY.O0; Nfs. BeTerly C. Oobb, $20.00; Portsmouth Stationery Co., $2.50. Total $29.50. <br /> On motion, the bmlls were referred to the Finance Oommittee. <br /> <br /> Matter of refunding to W. N. Rensoh $2.00 for permit to operate a motor vehicle was refe~- <br />red to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> An invitation was read from the Oorre.pondmng~ecretary of Portsmouth 0hapter United <br />Daughters of the Confederacy, for th~ members of theGouncll and their families to attend <br />its am~u~l celeb~a~iSn held on General Robert E. Lee~s birthday, ~an~ary 'lgth, at 8 o'clock, <br />in the lecture room of Monumental Ohurcho <br /> On motion of Mr. Stewart (J.R.),'~ invitation was accepted with thanks. <br /> <br /> The following communication was referred to the Oity Attorney: <br /> <br />M~r. L. O. Brinson, Oity Oouncilmm~, <br />515 Henmy Street, <br />Portsmouth, Virginia. <br /> <br />"¥.M. 0.A. Portsmouth, <br />January 12, 1~25. <br /> <br />Virginia. <br /> <br />Dear Sir:-- <br /> i would like to get a ~plicate deed for the one rendered for deed mmde out to <br />Thomas D. GaskLus for lot G-1Gy in the Oak Grove 0emetery. <br /> <br /> The deed we h~d has been lost, and it would be very m~ch appreciated if you would <br />kindly brir~ the matter up before t~e next meeting of the Oity Council. <br /> <br />letter. <br /> <br />! mentioned the matter to Dr. Vernon Brooks and he advised me to write you a <br />Hoping to receive a favorable reply soon, I beg to remain, <br /> <br />Sincerely yours, <br /> <br />LEE O. CASEINS." <br /> <br /> Nm. Hall moved to reconsider action taken on commuuicat½on from the Manager as to the <br />Olty of Portsmouth having a representative present at the hearing before the Stat~ Corporation <br />Commission in Richmond at 9:00 02clock Saturday, January l?th, on pilotage rates. <br /> The motion was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Brooks, H~ll, Smith, Stewart (J.R.), ~hite, 5- <br /> Nays-- Oast, Stewart (R.E.B.), <br /> <br /> Then Mr. Hall movsd that suggestion o~ the Manager aa 2o sending a rep~esentativa be <br />concurred in. The motion was adopted bi ~he following vote~ <br /> <br />Ayes-- Brooks, Hs~l, Smith, Stewart (J.R.), ~hite, 5. <br />Nays-- Oast, S~tewart (R.E.B.), 2. <br /> <br />Whereupon, the President appointe~ H. A. V. Parker as such representative. <br /> <br /> The Ohair announced that the following had beem ~dded t~ Finance commdttee, <br />~ce with the rules recently adopted~ <br />White. <br /> <br /> in accord- <br />Jnc. Howard H~ll, J. R. Stewe~rt, R.E.B. Stewa~t,~ L.G~ <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />