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January 13, 1925 <br /> <br />of Dog Taxes, bills of J. Shirley Rope, State Game Warden, to amount of $135.00. <br /> (Signed) ' Vernon Brooks~ Chairman. <br /> <br /> Mr. Stewart (R.E.B.) moved that the report be adopted, with exception of the report <br />on Municipal terminal. The motion was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes--Brooks, Hall, Cast, Smi+~h, Stewart (J.R.), Stewart (R.E.B,), White, y. <br /> <br /> Then Mr. Stewarl~ moved that the report on Municipal terminal be reoommitted to the <br />Fiz,~-noe Committee, but' withdrew the motion. <br /> <br /> Nr. ~Hall moved that the report on Municipal terminal be adopted as recommended. <br /> Mr. H~ll~s motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following communications were read from the Oity Manager: <br /> 1st. "Notice that Henry <br />Russell and Harry E. Phelps, Jr., h~ve been appointed special officers for p~oteotion of~ <br />property at the Oity Market. Their activities will be the m~rket ~reaand to <br />the enforcement of the provisions of the Market Ordinance a~d regulations, except in emer~ <br />gencies where prompt action is needed to quell disorder. No extra compensation willbe <br />allowed for this <br /> <br />On motion, the communication was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> 2nd. Notice of appointment of the following clerks to the assessors, at a s&lary of <br />$125. O0 per month, effective J~uuary l, 1925: H. F. Butt, Jr., and Kenneth A. B&in, Jr., <br />the appointments h~ving been m~de on the joint recommendation of Mr. O. N.'M~rkham and <br />W. T. Ol~ud, assessors for the Oity of Portsmouth. <br /> <br />On motion, the notice was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> ~3rd. Notice of the following appointments a~ud the Fire Department, effedtive <br />J~nuary lst: "M~r. E. M. Richardson, from Engineer to Captain, at $162.50 per month;~Mr. W. B. <br />Sykes, from hos~m~n to Er~ineer, at $155.00 per month; Mr. L. N. Jou~nse, original appoint- <br />ment as hosems~ at $4.15 per day, probational period of sixty d~ys; Cs~pt. W. G. H~rtumg, <br />demoted from Captain to Lleutenant~ ~t $155.00 per month; Lieut. W. E. Hoffler, prom~ted to <br />0aptain, vice PL~r~, demoted, at $1~,50 per month. <br /> <br />On motion, the notice was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> ~th. "I am inclosing herewith amended form of ordin~mce providing for retirement cf <br />policemen and firemen of the City of Portsmouth and authorizing pension for them. This ~di- <br />nance has been reviewed with representatives from both departments and is now satisfactory <br />to them. The c~ges made a~re briefly as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 2. Substitute the word ~we!fare for service in the third line. <br />to payment of medical and surgical bills~pension~d. <br /> <br />Out out reference <br /> <br />Section 3- Omit reference to widows and orph~s. <br /> <br /> Section 4. Change to read as follows: <br /> 'Any policemsm or firem~who resigned or wa~ <br />drafted to engage in actiV~m~litary service during the World Wa~, or who, with the assent <br />of the Chief of bls depa~tmsn~, was allowed to leave hie dspartme~t temporarily to engage in <br />othe~ essential ~deral~actmvzties during this war'- rest qf seotzonunchanged. <br /> <br />Section 9. Ohange phrase beginning 'so ~hat,' third line from end, tO r~ad as follows: <br />· So that a full personal history of each member of the Police and Fire Department will <br />be available for the inspection of the Oity Ns~ager, the Chief of the Department or the member <br />concerned at e~uy time~' <br /> <br /> Sentence;in Section 9- 'A monthly report of the 0hief of Police ~ud the 0hief of ~he <br />·ire Department to the Oity M~ager shall include s~ll new entries made on personauel cards <br />during the mont~.' <br /> <br /> The question of inserting a clause covering the possible restoration of men to duty or <br />the employment of retired men on light work was discussed, but it was finally unanimously <br />agresd~that it was best to omit such z clause. <br /> <br /> ~If .special c~ses arise in the future demar~ding special attention each one can Be handled <br />on its me!tits by the Council. <br /> <br />Passage of the ordin~uce as amended, is recommended." <br /> <br /> The following is the ordin~e~ce: <br /> AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR RETIREMENT OF POLICEMEN AND <br />FIREMEN OF THE CITY'OF PORTSMOUTH AND AUTHORIZING A PENSION FOR SUOHRETIRED POLICEI~N AND <br />FIREMEN.. (See Ordin~uce ~ook) ~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Brooks moved that the amendments recomm~ndsd by the Nan~ger be adopted. The motion <br />was adoptled. <br /> samewas ~dopted and <br /> Then Mr. Brooks moved that th~ ordinance be ~dopted, ms ~ended, ~by the followi~ <br />vo~e~ <br /> Ayes-- Broo~, H~tl, Omst, S~th, Stew~t (J.R.), Stewart (RjE.B.), ~ite, <br /> <br /> <br />