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January 13, 1925 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the'City Council January 13th therewers present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- Vernon Brooks,~ Jno. Howard Hall, J. Alden Oast, <br /> J. O. Smith, J. R~ Stewart, R.E.B. Stewart, <br /> L. G~ White, ?. <br /> Also the Oity Manager. <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting December 23rd were read and were ~oproved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF 00NMITTEES <br /> Finance-- <br /> Referred December 23rd <br /> <br />~peo?i Reoue~t of the Olty Collector that Bennie 0orbin Wilkins be refunded $6.75 paid in error <br />~RP- ~ on double assessment, p~operty being assessed ih the same n~$ twice. <br />~.75 { .It is recommemded that an approp~_ation of $6.,~5 be allowed to make said refund. <br /> Reports of the Oity Oolleotor, 0ity Treasurer, and City Auditor for the month of November, <br /> "19 4. <br /> ~e have examined said ~eports and it is reoom~ended that they be filed. <br /> <br /> Report of the Uommissioner of the Revenue of omitted values of Real Estate <br />19 l, 192 , 19 3, and <br /> It is recommended that the Auditor be instructed to charge up $147.57 <br />Oollector, as called for in said report. ~ <br /> <br />for the Years <br />to the Oity <br /> <br />Bpec.I Order of 09urt relieving oertainpar~ies from p~yment of taxes erroneously assessed and <br />APP- .... re~uding oar~ain partie~for taxes p~id zu e~ror. ~ ' ~ . ' <br />$~7.~B X~ ms recommended that an ~opropriation of $29?. 1~ b~ allowed to make the following <br /> ~ refundS: -- <br /> <br />Real Estate: Jno. N. Hart ~umber 0o., $270.00. Year 1~23; L.~. Oaplan,~$15.O0, <br /> 1921 and 1~22, Hamby P. Barber, $6.30, Yea~ 192~. Total ~2~1.30. <br /> <br />Personal Property: Julia F. O. Ashburn, $5.88, Year 1924. <br /> <br />Yea~s <br /> <br /> And that the following be relieved from payment of taxes erroneously assessed, to <br />amottut of $6~3.07: <br /> <br />Real Estate: <br /> <br />James V. Parker, $13.65, Year l~l; Mary E. Broo~, $40.95; year~,1922, <br />1~23, an~ 192~ Moses Jacobson, $39.90, Ye~r 192~; Eddie Bewen, $~2.O0, <br />Year 1~2~; Annme ~. Kllne, $6.~0, Y~ar 1~2~; Jno. N~.Hart Lumb~r Co~, , <br />$37~.00, ~ear 192~; Paa!iJ~us Baker, $16.~O~.Year 192~, L.T. Oaplam, $?.50, <br />Year 1923, L. T.. Oaplan, $10.50, Year 19~, T~uxt~.n Home Corporation, <br />$63.00, Year 1924; T~.tun Home Corporation, $3.2~, Year l~2~Grace L. <br />Brown, $5.25, Year 1~2~. Total $627.11. <br /> <br />Personal Property: ~_~ry S. Perry, $2.10~ Year 1925; W..W. Harris, $1.26, Year 1924; <br /> Joh~,.P. Richardson, $~.05~ Year l~; Virg~niA~We~rf~ $3-~, Year <br /> 192~, George Bauser, $7.5~, Ye~r 192~. Total $15.96. <br /> <br />Referred November 25th <br /> <br /> Report from the Msma~er that it will cost approximately $1,000.O0 to lm~t an eighteen <br />fOo~ ~mi~aminous macadam roadway, penetration type, on Fort Lane between North and Holladay <br />Stsc, stating that the work can be done during the coming year by repair forces at odd times, <br />if approved by the Oouncil. <br /> ~t is recommended that this work be done in the manner recommended by the Manager. <br /> <br />Referred August 26th <br /> <br /> Additional communication submitted by the Oity Massager, from Sos. R. Ives &Oompany <br />relative to selling to the Oity for Municipal terminals the Seaboard ?fharf & Warehouse Oompany <br />property and the Oat Hole Wharf property. <br /> In reference to the above commuuicatiom, at the request of the Finance Committee, <br />the City Manager took uD with various ~robable receivers ~nd forw~rders of freight, the use- <br />~ulness to them of ~ City owned and operated terminal. Not sufficient evidence was forthcoming <br />in ~he opinion'o£ this Oommittee to justlf2 at this time the umde~ts~king ef the construction <br />of a~uicipal termin~lo ~e, therefore, reoommend~ersely on the matter for the present.~ <br /> <br />Referred July ~2nd <br /> <br /> Petttzon of A. Snyder, 818 High St., to be refunded $2&.13 due for overp$~u~en% of p~rsona <br />property taxes for the Year 1922, $~50. having.been assessed against himpersonally and $1050. <br />against Snyder& Goldberg, Inc., mn~ there havzng been added to his individual ticket the <br />taxes assessed against the corporation. <br /> It is recommended that this petition be not allowed. <br /> <br />~$11,.~6.~0 ~ And it is fu~the.r recommended that ~u appropriation of $11,9~6.50 be allowed, from <br /> the School Bond ~mud, to pay bills due on the New School Building. - <br /> ~ And it is further recommended that the ~ity At ~orney be zust~cted to draft au ordi- <br /> h~n.c~e authorizi~g~the issue of ~150,000.00 Portsmouth, Va., Sewer Bonds, and $30,'000.00 Ports- <br /> mouth, Va., Incinerator Bonds, ~l/~, serial'~ <br /> <br />And ~ha~ the Treasurer be authorized to pay, out of funds on h~nd from collection <br /> <br /> <br />