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May 14th, 19~6. <br /> <br />equipment for the Race Street and Douglas Avenue Pumping Stations and submit herewith our re- <br />port thereon. <br /> Three bids were received on Division DF-A, covering remodeling of the <br />pumping stations and including installation of equipment. These bids were as follows: <br /> <br />Bidder Total Bid <br /> <br />Vanguard Constr. <br />A. G. Pinkston <br />Dravo Corpn. <br /> <br />*Dravo Corporation will not <br /> <br /> Three bids were <br />pumping equipment, as follows: <br /> <br />Bidder <br /> <br />Dravo Oorpn. <br />Fairbanks-Morse Co. <br />Yeomans Bros. Co. <br /> <br /> $ <br /> ~3,9OO~00 <br /> 37,960~00' <br /> <br />accept Diyision DF-A unless awarde~ DF-B <br /> received on Division DF-B, including the furnishing of <br /> <br />Total Bid <br /> <br /> , ~7~-. oo <br />.15,263.oo <br /> <br /> The low co~blnation bid is that of Dravo Corporation and amounts to a <br />total of $55J832.00. The second low combination would be A.G. Pinkston for Division DF-A and <br />Teomans Brothems for Division DF-B, with a total combined bid of $59,163.00. <br /> Although the bids received are higher than the preliminary application <br />estimate, they are not excessive in comparison with other recent contract prices for similar <br />equipment and for remodeling wo~ under present construction conditions. <br /> Equioment proposed by the Dravo Corporation complies with the speci- <br />fied requirements in every ~espect both as To present installation and future alteration of <br />the Douglas Avenue units if and when required. <br /> We recommend that the contract for Division DF-A and DF-B be awarded <br />To Dravo Corporation at the lowest combined bid price of $55,832..O0. <br /> <br /> oruly yours, <br />V~ry ~ ~ <br /> <br />Greeley and Hanson, <br /> By Thomas M. ~iles.~ <br /> <br />Resolut ion - <br /> <br />"WHEREAS, proposals were received'for additions to the Sanitary <br />Sewerage System, Portsmouth, Virginia, covered by Federal Works <br />Agency Project No. VA 42~£1~1 Divisions DF-A ~ud DF-B, remodeling <br /> of the Race Street and Douglas Ave. Pump ~taticns %ncluding fur- <br />nishing~cf equipment and its installation at 12 o'clock noon on <br />April lb, 19D~6, and the proposals weTe tabulated and, <br /> -WHEREAS, the combined proposal submitted by the Dravo Corpora- <br />t%on for $55,832.00 was found to be thw lowest combination bid <br />and complySng with the plans, specifications and contract docu - <br />menus in every resnect, <br /> NOW THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, that the proposal of t he Dravo Corporation <br />be accepted and the contract for said work be awarded the above- <br />mentioned bidder, subjec~ To the approval of the Federal Works <br />Agency of the United States of America and that the City Manager <br />be authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City with <br />the seal of the City affixed, attested by the City Clerk." <br /> <br />attached resolution was adopted, and by the following vo~e: <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard %o approve the bid of Dravo Corporation and the <br /> <br />'Ayes: Fox, Howard, ~awrence, <br /> Welseman,Wilson <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />Sturtovant, Warren, <br /> <br /> 15th - "I am in' receipt of a letter from the Water Superintendent, <br />which I would like to read at this time. <br /> You w~ll observe that the cost of installing this tank is <br />considerably in excess of the last estimate we received and would require an ~dditional ap - <br />propriation as mentioned in Mr. Murden's letter. It is my recommendation that we appropriate <br />~25,0OO.OO from the Water Departmeht Funds and'award the bid ~o the low bidder, the Pitts <br />burgh Des Moines Steel Company.~ <br /> Motibn of Mr. Lawrence-to place an appropriation of ~25~O00.O0 from <br />Water Funds for said purpose on its first r~ading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 16th - O~ motion of Mr. Lawrence, ~he following ordinance was placed <br />on its first reading: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED; ~AN ORDINANCE TO <br /> AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF ONE MILLION SEVEN h~NDRED THOUSanD <br /> DOLLARS OF BONDS, TO BE KNOWN AS SANITATION HONUS, PURSUANT TO <br /> SECTION lE~, CLAUSE B, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, SECTION <br /> 3081 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1919, AN~D SECTION 3081-A OF THE <br /> <br /> <br />