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May 14th, 1946. <br /> <br />in use at <br /> I would like authority <br />to the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company.,~ <br /> <br /> 5th - ~The Effingham St. Fire Station and the former C~t'y garage are not <br />the present time, due to more modern facilities having been constructed. <br /> to dispose of this property by renting it <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to concur in the Manager's recommendation, was adoptS. <br /> L. Host, Chief, Fire Prevention Bureau, was sent to the Univer- <br /> Indiana, on Aprii 10th, for a specialized course in arson inves- <br /> <br /> 6th - "K~ <br />sity of Purdue at Lafayette, <br />tigation.'~ <br /> <br />On motion ordered filed. <br /> <br />the City <br /> <br /> 7th ~'The following letter has been received~from E.J. Harlow, making <br />an offer for the old South St. Fire Station lot. <br /> It is my recommendation that it be sold at public auction: <br /> <br />'! respectfully make you an offer fo~ the lot on South St. <br />which was the old Fire Department lot, for~250.O0. <br /> I~ have made inquiry about the same and have been informed <br />that $~50.O0 is a fair p~ic~, as the lot is small. Please <br />let me know the earliest date. <br /> Yours respectfully, <br /> <br /> E. J. Harlowe.'" <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard to concur in the Manager's recommendation, was <br /> <br /> 8th - <br />the past thirty five years, <br /> <br />effective June 1st, 19~67 <br /> <br />"William Wood, who has been employed by the City of Portsmouth for <br />has been recommended for retirement by the Examining Board. <br /> I am therefore recommending that he be retired at the usual amount <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. S~urtevant ~o concur in the Manager's recommendation, was <br /> <br /> 'gth - ~Our receipts for 'Revenue fro~ Transportation from the Portsmouth <br />Transit Company' are about seven per cen~ less for the first four months of this year in eom - <br />parison with the last four in 1945.~ <br /> <br /> On motion ordered filed. <br /> <br /> ~ 10th - ~In accordance ~ith Section 20?7 of the Code of Virginia, which <br />requires the City of Portsmouth to pay $1.O0 per day for prisoners assigned to State road <br />camps, I find it necessary to request a special appropriation to take care of this cost. The <br />cost is incurred when prisoners are sent either to the State Farm or State Road Camps, at the <br />direction of the Judge. We have Just recently received.from the State Department of Public <br />Corrections a statement ~r prisoners assigned to the Farm. <br /> Since we have ha~ no experience in what this will cost, I am re - <br />questing a special appropriation of $500.00 for the remainder of the year, hoping thi~ will <br />take care of the cost." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence to place an appropriation of $500.00 for said pur- <br />pose, on its first reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> llth - "We installed two water coolers in the fire station~ which were <br />on order prior to our moving intO the station. The cost of the two coolers was $380.00 and in <br />order to Close out the Fire Department account, this amount will be necessary." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr, Weiseman to place an appropriation of $380.00 for said put <br /> pose, on its-first reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 12th - ~Last December, I wrote R. E. Ha~e of Welton, Duke and Hawks Com- <br /> pany, asking that a survey be made of the insurance on city buildings. <br /> On May 7th, two ~epresentatives arrived in the City and at the <br /> present time are making a survey of public buildings. Their report will be presented to you at! <br /> a later date,~ Notion of Mr. Howard that if~he representatives from the InsUrance Company <br /> who are making a survey on ~ins~r~ on.o~u~ builmings, increase She amoUUt of insurance, the Ci~ <br />ty ~anager be authoriz~ ~o ~ii~rea~ ~he~ i~urance on our buildings in like manne~?as ado~ed~ <br /> 13th - ~You authorized the sale of a trae~ of land on thelSuffolk~Holland <br /> Highway ~ud we have received a bid of $1,000.00 from Messrs. W.E. Cahoon and 0.0. Lancaster. <br /> I am rebommsnding the confirmation of the sale.~ <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence to concur in the Manager:s recommendation, was <br />adopted. <br /> <br /> l~th - "I am in receipt of the attached letter from Greeley and Hansen, <br />the EngineerS, recommending the acceptance of the Drano Corooration combination bid in the <br />~moun~ of $55,832.00. ~ <br /> <br /> The Dravo Corporation is the low bidder and I am recommehding <br />that the attached resolution be adopted awarding the contract to the~Dravo Corporation.~ <br /> <br />Letter - <br /> <br />'~We have examined the bids received April 16th, 1946, covering work and i <br /> <br /> <br />