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regular meeting of the 0ity <br /> <br />Council~ h~ld May 14th, <br /> <br />19~6,there <br /> <br />were present: <br /> <br />~eslie T. Fox, <br />Sturtevant, Co <br />and Arthur S. <br /> <br />James N. Howard, Frank D. Lawrence, E. Robie <br />E. Warren, E. Earl Weiseman, Pearte J. Wilson <br />Owens, City Manager. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meetiag held April 23rd were read and appro~ed~ <br /> <br />The following report from the Zoning Commission was received: <br /> <br />~Pursuant To the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, notice is <br />hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:3© P.M., <br />on Tuesday, May l~th, 19~6, in the Council Chamber, Municipal <br />Bdilding, Portsmouth, Virginia, for the purpose of altering <br />zones~and reclassifying the following property: <br /> <br />~1) 1224 S. Green St., from Residential Class D to <br /> Commercial Class A. <br />~(2) Southwest corner EDfingham and Randolph Sts., <br /> from Residential Class D To Industrial Class B. <br />J(3) Southwest corner Elm Ave. and London Street, <br /> from Residential Class D to Commercial Class <br /> <br />The Chair asked if there were any present interested in said report. <br />T?£ere being no response, on motion of Mr. Lawrence, Said report was <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />The following communications from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> let "I have been advised by S. A.Kedy of the Chesapeake and Poto- <br />mac Telephone Company, tha~their request for permit to coastruct the new telephone company <br />building at the northwest corner of Effingham and High Sts. has been denied. <br /> Our citizens certainly deserve this service as well as the <br />important need of pgo~iding adequate telep'honic facilities for the~ Navy Yard, It is my recom - <br />~eadation that we assist the Telephone Company in any way possible." <br /> <br />Resolution - <br /> <br />"WHEREAS, the Civilian Production Adm£nistration has ad - <br />vised the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company that it <br />will be necessary to cease construction on its new building <br />at the northwest corner of Effingham and High Streets, <br />which was to be the headquarters of their switchboards and <br />general facilities for dial telephones, and <br />WHEREAS, the statement made by the Civilian Production Admin- <br />istration that the City ofPortsmouth is becoming deserted ap <br />pears not only Lncorrect but ludicrous, as the City is now <br />d~nsely populated and houses caa not be secured for rent nor <br />are there suitable building lots available, and <br /> WHEREAS, Portsmouth is one of the few major cities in the <br />State without -dial teleohone service, which has been promised <br />by the Telephone Compan~ and in a spirit of co-operation, th~s <br />company is~ ready to provide ~his modern facility, and the fail- <br />ure~to have adequate trunk lines as well as necessary telephone <br />facilities might impair the preparation for any type of emer <br />gency which might come, <br />NOW, THEreFORE, Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, that the Civilian Production Administra- <br />tion is hereby .urged to give immediate reconsideration ~o th~ <br />need and that the necessary priority be granted." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to concur in the Manager's request and that the <br />City Manager be authorized to prepare a resolution of prote~.t against the Civilian Production <br />Administration for the statement that '~Portsmouth is becoming a deserted CStI~! and that copies <br />of said protes~ be sent to Senator Byrd, Representative Daughton and to the Civilian Production <br />Administration, was adooted. (Resolution above) <br /> <br /> 2nd - "I am in receipt of copy of "Report of Audit - C!~r~ of Cir- <br />cuit Court of the City of Portsmomth~, w~ich is inclosed for your records.~ <br /> <br />On motion ordered filed. <br /> <br /> 3r~ - ~I am in receipt of the audit of the books financial records <br />etc. of the City of Portsmout~ fo~ the year 19~5, by the F.B. Hill Company.~' <br /> <br />On motion ordered filed. <br /> <br /> 4th - "The Virginia Statewide Safety Conference will meet in Rich - <br />mond at the Jefferson Hot~l, May 23rd - 25th. I have been requeste~ b~ Mr. H. I. Baumes, Exec- <br />utive Secretary of the League of Virginia Municipalities to bring this~to your attention.~ <br /> <br />On motion ordered filed. <br /> <br /> <br />