Au~ugt tlth. 1953.
<br />
<br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that Madison Riddick be retired, based on the amount he would receive
<br />under the new pension plan, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 7th - "I submit the attached letter from A.E. Parker, City Collector, and concur in his
<br />recommendation that Mr. Levin be refunded the sum of $21.00 for overpayment for city tags."
<br />
<br /> Attached - "On 3~31/53 Mr. Ben Levin purchased two city tags, ~2381 and #2382. On 6/3/53, Mr. Levin
<br />also purchased two city tags for the same cars, #10216 and #10217. Kr. Levin has returned tags ~10216 and #10217
<br />to me, and requests refund of $21.00. Please have check drawn to Mr. Levin, address 1Surry St., for this amount
<br />
<br />Motion of ~r. Smith that the refund be granted, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 8th - "I submit the attached letter from A.E. Parker, City Ccllect~, and concur in his rec.
<br />ommendation that a refund in the ~um of $41.92 be made for overpayment of taxes.
<br />
<br />Attached- "W.F. Robertson paid thru U.S. Jones, Agent, the following tax bills on July 20th:
<br />
<br />t0 & 12 Blk. 174 N.S. Bart St. 1951-52-~ 1953 4,50
<br />
<br />14 N.S. 3.81
<br />1S N.S. 3.81
<br />18 N.S. 11.44
<br />
<br />17 Blk. 75 S.S. Griffin St. 1953 ~89
<br /> ........ 2.24
<br />23
<br />Jib 7 Blk 174 S.S.South St. 3.12
<br />
<br />9 Blk 174 S.S. South St, 3.81
<br />
<br />11 "' " 3.81
<br />13 "" " 3.91
<br /> ...... 3.81
<br />15
<br /> 45.05
<br />
<br /> It now develops that-this property was sold in 1950 for taxes and belongs to Charles Rey-
<br />nolds. The Commissioner of Revenue missed the deed in 1950 and continued to assess ssmae to Mr. Eobertson. Me has
<br />now.relieved Mr. Robertson and assessed ~lr. Reynolds with this property, except lots 17 and 23 which were not soldl
<br /> Mr. Robertson should be refunded $41.92. Receipts have,ecu returned to me. Mr. Robertson
<br />lives in California, and is a very old man, and while the record shows he accepted service, I presume he forgot
<br />all about property being sold. Please have check drawn to 55r. Rober~son for ~41.92, and send to U.S.Jones,lhis
<br />agent
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr. Warren that the refund be granted, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 9th - "I submit the attached letter from Dr. L.M. Denny, Chairman of the Police and Fire
<br />Retirement Board and recommend that the City Coancil concur in the recommendation of the Board: by retiring P.L.
<br />Host of the Fire Department."
<br />
<br /> Motion of Mr. Warren that P.L. Host be retired effective September 1, 1953, on a pension of
<br />S138.50 per month, was adopted,
<br />
<br /> 10th - "I submit the attached contract between Myron A..Sturgeon Engineers Associates and
<br />the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, for engineering work in accordance ~with bids submitted at a previous meeting and
<br />recommend that the proper city authorities be authorized and directed to execute the contract for and on behalf
<br />of the City of Portsmouth and that the City Clerk he directed to attest the same and affix the City seal thereto
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr. Moward that the proper city o~icials be authorized to sign the ~ontract, was
<br />
<br />adopted.
<br />
<br /> llth - "I am submitting the attached letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Wonycott Etheridge, Presi-
<br />dent of the Portsmouth Day Nursery. This is for your considerations"
<br />
<br />A~tached -
<br />
<br /> "The Portsmouth Day Nursery Board has found the site ideally located at 106 London St., for
<br /> its additional unit to its present operation at Fifth and Lincoln S ts. The purchase price
<br /> is $10,500. and an e~ual amount or more will be necessary to improve the property for use as
<br /> a Child Care Center. Installment of a heating plant, two bathrooms for separate age groups,
<br /> kitchen equipment, adequaze fire escapes and complete redecorating inside and ~t will be
<br /> necessary.
<br /> We have appealed to the Capital Accounts Committee of the Portsmouth Area Community Chest
<br /> for $10,500., and hope that the City will gran~ us similar consideration or in the event
<br /> the Community Chest gran~s us the purchase price that the City will undertake the improve-
<br /> ments. We have an ora~ agreement with T.D. Nathews, Agent for the property, and we must act
<br /> quickly. Thank you for your consideration."
<br />
<br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to refer to the City Manager, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 12th - "t submit the proposed budget estimates presented bythe Superintendent of Social
<br />Service Bureau'for the Biennial ending June 30th, 1956. This is in accordance with Chapter 140 of the 1950 Acts of
<br />the Assemblyand I recommend that the Budget estimates be tentatively adopted and copies forwarded to the Depart-
<br />ment of Welfare and Iastitutions, Richmond, Va.
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr Smith to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 13th - "I submit the following letter from R.T. Trafton, Superintendent of Electrical De -
<br />partment and concur in his recommendation:
<br />
<br />'I would like ~o call your attention to the cost of painting private driveways
<br />since the first of the year, January 1st ~o June 30th. During this time this
<br />Department has painted a total of 114 private driveways at a cos~ to the City
<br />of $917.70.
<br />
<br />
<br />