August llth, 1953.
<br />
<br />At the regular meeting of the City Council, held on August llth, 1953, thee were present:
<br />
<br />Fred A. D~ke, George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C. Houghton.Jr., James N. Howard,
<br />Edgar W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C.E. Warren, Pearls J. Wilson,
<br />I.G. Vass, City ~ianager, and R.C. Bar~lay, City Attorney.
<br />
<br />Minutes of regular meeting of July 28th, 1953 were read and approved.
<br />
<br /> Motion of Mr. Sturtevant ro suspend the rules b hear from W:T. Parker, representing the Retail
<br />Grocers, was adopted.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Parker spoke requesting the Council to relieve the retail grocers of paying the $5.00 meat
<br />permit charged by the City.
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr. Howard t~ refer ro the City Manager for a report ro the Council, was adopted.
<br />The following reports from the City Manager were read:
<br />
<br /> 1st - "I s~bmit the following ordinance providing for a Supplemental Retirement Plan for the em -
<br />ployees of the City of Portsmouth except those in the Police and Fire Departments and recommend that it be placed
<br />on its first ' ~'
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr. Howard to place said ordinance on its first reading was adopted.
<br />
<br /> 2nd - '~t a former meeting you referred to me the question of an additional taxi-cab for the
<br />City of Portsmouth to be located ar Alexander'sCorner. I have investigated this matter and I find that there is
<br />no City taxi-cab located in this area and there is apparently a need for taxi-cab service in this area.
<br /> I therefore recommend that the Code of the City of Portsmouth be amended to authorize an
<br />additional taxicab in the City to be operated by a white person."
<br />
<br />Motion of Mr. Houghton ro place the following ordinance on its first reading, was adopted:
<br />
<br />
<br />3rd - "I submit the ~o~!gwing information concerning the City Park Bridge:
<br />
<br />Notices were issued by the Office of the Army Engineers that opposition to the proposed
<br />City Park Bridge improvements should be filed at the office of the Army Engineers by not later than July 17,1953.
<br /> Not having been advised the outcome of the report, I telephoned Mr. Clary., Bridge Engi-
<br />neer wi*h the Department of Highways, for information. He advised me that he had not received information from
<br />the Army Engineers coneerning this request for a permit to construct the bridge, but that plans for the bridge
<br />were progressing.
<br /> I then called the office of the Army Engineers and talked with I~r. Prince who advised me
<br />that a peiition signed by J.S. Whitehurst and eighty four other people had been filed ~n opposition ~o the bridge
<br />Forty of the petitioners owned small boats, thirty of which were outboard motor boats and then the Army Engineers
<br />had made a further study of the location and determined that a tidal range of 2.7 feet existed at this location
<br />and ~hat if a fill were made leaving an opening of only seventy-five feet of bridge span, it would cause a tidal
<br />flow of four feet per second which would undoubtedly cause a scouring effect on the bridge fill that would requir~
<br />heavy maintenance and the Army Engineers had recommended that the opening should be 150 feet rather than 75 feet
<br />which would reduce the flow to 1.5 feet per second. Mr. Prince informed me that he would take the matter up im -
<br />mediately with ~he Highway Bridge Engineer and after discussing the matter with him, his report would be sent to
<br />Washington for final consideration."
<br />
<br />On motion filed.
<br />
<br /> 4th - ~t a previous meeting of the Council, the question of the extension of sanitary sewers
<br />in Arcadia Heights and alsoWestern Branch Road west of the A~lantic Coast Line, was referred to me.
<br /> ~ have ascertained from the City Engineer thatLthe present plans provide for the exten-
<br />sion of sewers on Western Branch Road west of the Atlantic Coast Line, but the plans do not provide for the exten-
<br />sion of sewers in Arcadia Heights; however, the City Engineer is e~deavoring to work out a plan whereby the sewers
<br />can be extended in thi~ area. The presently located sewers adjacent to this property are not of sufficient depth
<br />ro extend them to the area without providing some gyps of Pumping station. This we are endeavoring to do."
<br />
<br />On motion filed.
<br />
<br /> 5th - '~t a previous meeting of the City Council a resolution was passed directing the City Man-
<br />ager to take action concerning a damaged building located at 980 Western Branch Road in the City. I am attach-
<br />ing hereto copy of a letter from F.J. Bergeron, City Engineer, which I trust will solve the problem."
<br />
<br /> Attached - "This is to confirm our telephone conversation of Monday evening, August 3, 1953, when you agreed
<br />ro have the fire damaged building owned by you, located at 980 Western Branch Road in the City, repaired and
<br />placed in presentable~ liveable condition.
<br /> The City Manager and members of the City Ceuncil have received many complaints regarding the
<br />unsightly and hazardous condition of this building. At a recent meeting of the City Council, a resolution was
<br />passed instructing theCity Manager to take the necessary procedure to have this building properly repaired or to
<br />have it removed. I reported to the City Manager after our telephone conversation that you had promised me you
<br />would start at once and place it in proper condition. For your information,.you obtained a building permit from
<br />this office on July 27, 1950 to make repairs. It has been so long you should have ihs permit renewed. Thanking
<br />you for your co-operation."
<br />
<br />On motion filed~
<br />
<br /> 6th - "I submit the attached letter from X. D. Murdeu, Superintendenz of the Water Department
<br />and concur in his recommendation concerning the retirement of Madison Hunter."
<br />
<br />
<br />