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January 12th, 1954. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that a refund of $104.76 be granted, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-5. "I am submitting a cepy of a letter received from Wi A. Woodward, Jr., Associate <br />Urban Engineer of the Department of Highways, authorizing the City to proceed with the negotiations for the Right <br />of Way necessary for the construction of the Hamilton Avenue By-Pass. <br /> ~ am directing the Department of Public Works and City Attorney to proceed with <br />this work immediately." <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-6 "t am submitting the attached letter from L. Waverly Hudgins, Chairm~n of the Electoral' <br />Board of the City of Portsmouth.'This is for your consideration." <br /> <br /> Attached - "In view of the comparatively short period of time between now and the date of the City <br />Primary Elections on April $, 1954, I respectfully'invite your attention ~o the matter of the division of Washing- <br />ton Ward into'two'precincts, and the revision~of present boundaries of the two precmncts in Wilson Ward, whzch w <br />referred to you b~the Electoral Board in its letter'of August 25, 1953. On August 28, 1953; you acknowledged re-~ <br />ceipt of my letter'~and promptly referred it to,he City Council. I have since noted in the press that the matter <br />was taken up and referred to a committee for recommendation. <br /> As stated in my letter, in which Article 24-~5 of the Election Laws of Virginia was <br />quoted, the division of Washington Ward is required by law and is most desirable in Wilson Ward due to the dispar- <br />ity in the voting population of the two precincts. Should the City Council act upon the recommendation of the <br />Board and authorize a division and revision in these two Wards, considerable work wii1 be necessary on the part of <br />the General Registrar in order to revise his records and provide a suitable list of voters mn time for the April <br />Primary Election. It is considered that at least sixty days notice will be necessary in order to perform~this <br />work in time for any election. <br /> I should like to make it clear thai the Board is not pressing for approval of its recom - <br />mendation, but simply inviting the attention of your office.and through you, the City Council, to the fact that <br />if such approval is given, the Board and the Registrar must have sufficient time for adjustihg the regzstration <br />records. Furthermore, the Boar~ fsels that in submitting ~his matter to the City Council, and inviting attention <br />~o the existing situation, it is simply discharging its obligation and d~ty to the City and to the electorate. No <br />other motives are intended." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-7. "~Ztake p&easure in advising you that I have been notified by the Public Works of the <br />Norfolk Naval Shipyard that the~nitary sewer system of the Shipyard was connected to the City's sewer system <br />on Tuesday, January $th, 19~4. This repert is for your information concerning this matter. <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br />information. " <br /> <br /> Attached - <br /> <br />54-8. <br /> <br />"I submit the attached letter from the Superintendent of the Water Department, for your <br /> <br />"We have a resolution the Board of Supervisors July 21, 1953, authorizing the <br />installation of "six fire hydrants in Deep Creek District, exact location ~o be designat- <br />ed by Supervisor Treakle. This resolution w~s presented in order ~o supply water to a <br />filling station being constructed on Highway No. 13 east of Highway No. 17 and will re- <br />quire 2400' of pipe, the estimated cost being $6500.00. This station is ready for ser- <br />vice and Mr. Butler,. the owner, has requested us to construct the main at the earliest <br />possible date. <br />We have advised 'the supervisors and also the proper~y owners that this construction re - <br />quires one fire hydrant for each 400' of pipe which we feel is not in accord with the <br />present thinking of the two supervisors and is not in accordznce with most of the con~ <br />struction authorized in the past year. We believe the spacing of hydrants along this <br />line, az approximately 800' apart with the developers paying the cost of additional <br />main required, would be in line ~ith the other resolutions of hydrants which ha~e <br />been approved by the Council since October 1 1953; however, if the Council feels we <br />are obligated to carry out the terms of the contract, we are prepared to construct this <br />main and install the hydrants when authorized by the Council. If any additional infor- <br />mation is ~esired, please advise." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Hawks to refer to _the City Attorney, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-9. "I ~m attaching hereto a copy of a letter from L. McCarthy Downs, Chairman of the Compen- <br />sation Board, Richmond, Virginia, wherein the Board has approved the appointment of K. A. Bain,Jr., effective Jan- <br />uary 1, 1954, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mary Rose Hulcher.. It is my understanding that in <br />so doing there will be no additional employees hired for the office and that Mrs. Baker will now receive the same <br />salary that her husband was redeiving prior to his deat.h.. This .arrangement does not increase the total budget; <br />however, the Compensation-Board did increase certain s~t~ries in the office effective January l, 1954 and it is. <br />necessary that if the Council approves the action of the Compensation Board, the sum of $750.00 be transferred <br />from the Contingent Fund to the Salary Fund of the Court of Hustings. I so recommend." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the City Manager be authorized to transferS?50.00 from the <br />Contingent Fund to the appropriation for the Court of Hustings, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-10. "I am reporting that I have been requested by the Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing <br />Authority to render assistance in connection with the clearing of the new Redevelopment and Housing Authority's <br />site on County Street by having a fire c0~pany stand by during the time they are burning-some of the material that <br />can not be salvaged, <br /> [ have had Chief BensQn re confer with the Chief of the Fire Department of Norfolk to de- <br />termine how the matter was handled in the City of Norfolk with their Housing Authority. I have attached, hereto a <br />report and unless some member of the Council objects or knows some reason for us not doing so~ I will-agree to as- <br />sist the Portsmouth Redevelop merit and Housing Authority in a similar manner as that in Norfolk; however, the Au - <br />thority would have to provide a Bond or insurance thai would render the City harmless in any action that we may <br />take in connection with assisting them." <br /> <br /> <br />