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January 12th, 1954. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on January 12th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A. Duke, George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, James N. Howard, Edgar W Lawrence, <br />R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevan~, C. E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, I.G~ Vass, <br />City Manager, and R. C. Barclay, City A~torney <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting of December 22nd, 1953 wore read and approved. <br /> <br /> The following committee report was rea~: <br /> <br /> 54-1. "Your Committee appointed at the meeting Of the City Council on December 22nd, to make a <br />thorough study of the leasing of the Almshouse property, be~l~eves, it will be desirable to establish a new golf <br />course and recommends that a suitable site be acquired as s~o~ as one can be found. <br /> We find that the underbrush on the Cit~:Almshouee and ~St~-~o <br /> ....... ~uu=u ~on~zaerao±e rorne appearance of the propert~;~We believe that this property should be developed <br />into a park where various recreational facilities can be established, particularly if the surrounding territory iS <br />annexed to the City. We recommend that the City Manager shall begin to make plans to this end. We do not believe it <br />will be advisable or feasible to lease the Almshouse proper~y a~ this time. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />R. E Hawks <br />C C Houghton,Jr. <br />F. N. Bilisoly,Jr. <br />E'. R. Sturtevant." <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Smith to suspend the rules to hear'from anyone interested in this matter, was <br /> <br />The following people spoke for the leasing of the property: <br /> <br />Chandler Harper and Frank Minter. <br /> <br />The following people spoke against the leasing of the property: <br /> <br />Dr. Hugo Owens. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes that the matter be laid on the table, was adopted, and by the fotlowzng <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Grimes, Hawks, Sturtevant, Wilson <br /> <br />Nays: Howard, Lawrence, Smith, Warren <br /> <br />The following reports from the City ~nager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-2. "I submit the attached letter from Captain L. A. Broughton, Chairman of a Committee from the <br />American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 442. I approve their request and recommend <br />that the Charter of the City of Portsmouth be amended by adding a new secrion to include the requests of this or- <br />ganization, except that Rule 40 be adopted as printed in rule book." <br /> <br /> Attached - '~t a meeting of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Loca. 442, <br />Portsmouth, Virginia Police Department, on December 17th, 1953, a motion was made and carried unanimously that <br />some protection be afforded any member of the Police Department who should be appointed to the position of Chief. <br />A committee composed of the undersigned was elected to handle this matter. <br /> We of the committee are of the opinion that rule ~0 of the Civil Service Rules be amended as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Rule 40 ro read as follows: 'Any officer who has been selected from the ranks of the <br /> Police Department ~o be Chief thereof shall in event of his removal be <br /> reinstated to his former position in the same department, provided ru~e 36 <br /> has not been violated.' <br /> <br /> The above rule as amended, if possible, to be incorporated into the Cha~ter of the City <br />of Portsmouth. We are soliciting your co-operation in this matter and asking that you submit this to the City <br />6ouncil for their approval,, with your recommendation. <br /> <br /> Respectfully, <br /> <br />L.A. Broughton, Captain - Chairman. <br />B.L. Berry, Lieutenan~ <br />J. A. ~undley, Lieutenant <br />R. L. Morgan, Patrolman <br />G. E. Gardner, Patrolman." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. Lawrence that the City Attorney prepare a Bill ~o amend the City Charter and <br />submit it to the members of the Rouse of Delegates for adoption, to the e£fedt that if a member of the Police or <br />Fire Department ts appointed as Chief of the Department and is afterward removed from such position, he shall be <br />reinstated to his former position in the Department, for which he has qualified, provided he is not subject to <br />dismissal under 1 any of the provisions of Section Si~ of this Act, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-3. "I submit the attached order granting increase zn rates, directing rate study and dismissing <br />case of the Virginia Electric and Power Company's request for increase in rates." <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-4. "I submit the attached letter from L. L. Hasty, and recommend that the sum of $104.76 be re- <br />funded ~o Mr. Hasty, representing the amount of money he ~aid into the Retiremen~ Fund for the City Police and <br />Fire Deparzments." <br /> <br /> <br />