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January 26th, 1954. <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUS I~'ESS <br /> <br /> 54-11 Am appropriation of $27,500.00 to repair the plumbing and cell locks in the City Jail, <br /> placed on first reading ar last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br /> Mo~ion of Mr. Howard to appropriate $27,500.00 for said purpose, was adopted, and by <br /> the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Hawks, Houghton, Howard, Lawrence, Smith, Sturtevant, <br /> ; Warren, Wilson <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br /> NEW BUS INESS - <br /> <br /> 54-34. The following letter from the Secretary of the Supplemental Retirement System was read:I <br /> <br /> ,The Trust es of the Portsmouth Supplemental Retirement S,ystem, at a meeting held on <br /> January 21st, requested me to submit for adoption the attached ordinance, in order that the Trustees may more <br /> efficiently handle the investment of the Pension Fund monies." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to place the following ordinance on first reading, was adopted:I <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ORDAIN .SECTION. 17 OF ARTICLE II OF AN <br /> ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE A SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT <br /> SYSTEM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES' RELATING TO THE CUSTODIAN OF FUNDS" <br /> <br /> 54-35. The following letter from Judge W.H.W. Cassell was read; <br /> <br /> Having been elected by the Council to fill the unexpired term of Justice William <br />H. Cast, deceased, as Justice of the Civil and Police Court and Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court <br />of the City of Portsmouth'; ~ Virginia, and having qualified as such, it is necessary for me to vacate the office <br />of Special Justice for the holding of Commissions, To which I was elected by the Council iri July or August of 1952. <br /> I, therefore, hereby tender my resignation from the said office of Special Justice <br />for the holding of Commissions on persons alleged to be mentally ill or inebriates in the.City of Portsmouth, and <br />request that the same be accepted as of this date. <br /> Until another is elected and qualified as said SpeCial Justice, I will continue ~o <br />hold such commissions as~they arise, as Civil and Police Justice. <br /> As the intention of the General Assembly in the provision for a Special Justice was <br />to have the Substitute Justice qualify as such, when possible, and as John A. ~acKenzie has been appointed by the <br />Court of Hustings of the City of Portsmouth to the position of Substitute Justice of the Civil and Police Court, an <br />has signified his willingness to serve as such Special Justice, I respectfully recommend.To the Council that it <br />elect John A. MacKenzie a Special Justice for holding commissions on ~ersons alleged to be mentally ill or inebria e." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mir. Howard to go into the election of a Special Justice, was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Howard nominated John A. MacKenzie. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the nominations be ctosed, was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. MacKenzie was elected Special Justice, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: D~ke, Bilisoly, Hawks, Houghton, Howard, Lawrenoe, Smith, Sturtevant. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />read: <br /> <br />54-36. <br /> <br />The following letter from Charles B. Cross, representing William I. Webster, was <br /> <br />"Your petitioner, William I. Webster, represents as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. That on the 22nd day of August, 1953, a summons was written for your <br />petitioner charging him with not.having~a Virginia State license nor a City <br />of Portsmouth license on his 1953 Plymouth Sedan; and, <br /> 2. That on the 3rd day of September, 1953, your petitioner was fined <br />$25.00 and costs i~ the Civil and Police Court of the City of Portsmouth; and <br /> 3. Tha~ the fine and costs, amounting to $27.00, were paid by your peti- <br />tioner to theCIe~K of the Civil and Police Court of Portsmouth, as evidenced <br />by Receipt No. 1083 A, attached hereto and marked Enclosure A; and <br /> 4. That the 12th day of October, 1953, this cause was heard on appeal in <br />the Courz of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, ar which time your petitioner <br />was found "not guilty" of said charge, as evidenced by a certificate to that <br />effect attached hereto and marked Enclosure B~ and <br /> 5. That the reason for the dismissal of this cause on appeal was based upon <br />the Soldiers' ~ S~iloys' Civil Relief Act (50 USCA App. 574) inasmuch as your <br />petitioner is a m~ber oI tb~ Armed Services of the United States, to-wit; the <br />United States Navy. <br /> IN CONSIDERATION~EREOF your petitioner hereby prays thai he be refunded <br />the amoun~ of $27.00 which ~as paid by hi, pursuant ~o the erroneous decision of <br />the Civil ahd Police Court .of Portsmouth Virginia." <br /> <br /> 54-37. <br />Police Court of the City of <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Houghton that refund of $27.00 be granted, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following letter from Attorney R.F. McMurran was read: <br /> <br />"On November 12th, 1953, my client, William R. Grimes was convicted in the Civil and <br />Portsmouth of reckless driving and paid a fine and cost of $54.00, the receipt of <br /> <br /> <br />